B4 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022 Lodge, campground OK’d at Mount St. Helens By TOM BANSE Northwest News Network The U.S. Forest Service has OK’d a plan to develop what would be the fi rst overnight tourist facilities within the Mount St. Hel- ens National Volcanic Mon- ument, including camping, cabins and a lodge. The lodge complex and outdoor school are the vision of the Mount St. Helens Institute, a Clark County, Washington-based educational nonprofi t. Insti- tute executive director Ray Yurkewycz said the idea for overnight lodging — and the demand — has been around for a long time. “If you look at any other similar public land site throughout the Pacifi c Northwest, there are opportunities to stay longer and engage. And that’s an important thing,” Yurkewycz said. “You know, it’s one thing to come for a few hours and go to the visitor center, do a hike and go home. It’s another thing to stay over- night — for kids espe- cially, but all visitors,” he continued. The Forest Service in late April signed off on a phased 30-year permit for the Mount St. Helens Insti- tute to remodel the exist- ing Coldwater Ridge Vis- itor Center and add a trio of 10-room lodge build- ings, a cluster of cabins and a 40-space campground. These would be arrayed on and around Coldwater’s vast, nearly empty parking lot. The renovated visitor center would include a new cafe and bookstore, along with meeting and classroom spaces. “The infrastructure is already there,” Yurkewycz said. “This is not new disturbance.” Once detailed design and engineering is completed, the Forest Service plans to do further environmental analysis. A Giff ord Pinchot National Forest spokesper- son said the public will have a chance to provide input Hennebery Eddy Architects Artist rendering of the planned Mount St. Helens Institute lodge and outdoor school campus on the site of the former Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center. during that process. The Coldwater Ridge center is in the blast zone about 7 miles as the crow fl ies from the crater of Mount St. Helens. Yurkewycz said the esti- mated $35 million construc- tion cost still needs to be raised from public and pri- vate sources. That means the grand opening is proba- bly around fi ve years away. “Partnerships such as this strengthen our conser- vation education program- ming while benefi ting local communities,” Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Ranger Rebecca Hoff man said in a pre- pared statement. “The For- est’s decision to issue these 30-year operating permits to Mount St. Helens Insti- tute is a result of our con- fi dence in the i nstitute’s vision and due diligence.” T here are lots of RV camping and lodging options available in gate- way communities such as Castle Rock, Kelso, the Cowlitz River Valley and Cougar, Washington. But from those places, volcano visitors generally need to drive an hour to the prime viewpoints and trailheads inside the national monu- ment. Backcountry camp- ing is possible seasonally on the fringes of the national monument. In late March, the Cowlitz County Board of Commissioners signed a letter of support for the lodge complex. “Since its 1980 eruption, public access to Mount St. Helens has been steadily decreasing; yet fewer than 40 miles away, visits to Mt. Rainier are increas- ing steadily,” the commis- sioners’ letter stated. “We believe that MSHI’s Lodge & Education Center will provide expanded access to the m onument, thus tapping into a growing market for overnight accommodations and amenities in places of interest. We believe that outdoor recreation tour- ism is an important driver of economic diversifi cation which will enable Cowlitz County to grow long-term as demand for outdoor recreation opportunities surges.” The existing Coldwa- ter Ridge Visitor Center was built in 1993 and later closed by the Forest Service in 2007 due to high mainte- nance costs and staffi ng lim- itations. Nowadays, most visitors head straight to the Johnston Ridge Observa- tory, a day-use visitor cen- ter located a short drive away at the end of the Spirit Lake Memorial Highway. However, Johnston Ridge is closed approximately half of each year due to snow. Coldwater Ridge is accessi- ble nearly year-round. The Mount St. Hel- ens Institute reopened the Coldwater visitor cen- ter in 2012 under a renew- able lease to run science and outdoor education pro- grams for youth — mainly day programs, but with limited overnight school usage, too. Forest Service rangers sometimes staff the facility on weekends to answer visitor questions. Yurkewycz said he antic- ipated shared, alternating occupancy of the future lodge complex by school groups and the general pub- lic during the spring and fall school fi eld trip seasons. “We envision the facil- ity being dedicated just to (outdoor school) Mon- day nights through Thurs- day nights in those months and then weekends could be available to other visitors,” Yurkewycz said. Summertime could be a mix of youth camps, school and general public reserva- tions. Wintertime might be chiefl y open to tourists and recreationists, he said. Classifieds SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! GARAGE SALE If it Drives or Floats... SEASON IS HERE! ONLY $ 49.95 ADVERTISE TODAY 800.781.3214 classifieds@dailyastorian.com If it doesn’t sell in two weeks We will give you two weeks for FREE! Searching for Employees? 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