PHOTOGRAPHING THE ‘Great River of the West’ A JOURNEY ALONG THE COLUMBIA Photography exhibit from Robbie McClaran. TOP: A view of the border checkpoint at the Columbia River’s U.S.-Canada border crossing. RIGHT: A triptych print of the Grand Coulee Dam. Photos by Robbie McClaran BY LISSA BREWER Robbie McClaran’s journey along the banks of the Columbia River began quietly near his home in the St. Johns neighborhood of Portland. From Kelley Point Park, overlooking the point where the Columbia and Willamette riv- ers meet, the photographer set up an Eastman Kodak 2D folding camera and prepared a large sheet of black and white fi lm. For eight years, McClaran continued to follow the river and its people, setting out whenever time allowed. “It wasn’t a singu- lar journey, it was done in bits and pieces,” McClaran said. “I broke the project up into sections. In some cases, it would be a day trip, for example driving out from here to the lower Columbia region, and others were much longer.” See Page 10 THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2022 // 9