Continued from Page 4 drawn to Hull’s seascapes that reflect beach life in all its moods. Rocky outcroppings fading into morning fog. A single wave of a turbulent ocean. Orange and yellow sunset reflections on the sand. Hull, a Portland kid who visited Cannon Beach, fell in love with surfing and never left. He pulls inspiration from his surround- ings. “I try really hard to just pay attention to what’s going on around me,” Hull said. “When you make your living as a painter, your job is to paint. On the heels of that is to be inspired. There’s just such variety here.” Hull believes people connect with his paintings because he paints what’s here. “People don’t come here to buy art, they come here because they love the coast,” he said. As a teenager, Hull first wanted to pur- sue a career as a potter but realized there was too much competition. He also was skilled in watercolor paint- ing, which is more difficult to achieve, and fewer people are accomplished watercol- orists. After visiting artist-run galleries, the idea of operating his own gallery began to form early on. Hull graduated from Ecola Bible College and worked at a local gallery in Cannon Beach for six years. His friend- ships with fellow painters who owned gal- leries in the area persuaded him that he could earn a living through his artwork. “My work has always sold, and it has never been wasted on me that it’s very rare for artists to be able to sell well,” Hull said. There are three steps to being a successful artist according to Hull. First, do the cre- ative work you like, then seek acknowledg- ment from people who enjoy the work, and finally, sell it. Hull also credits the former Sandpiper Gallery, a place that many local artists have cited as a starting point, for convincing him to open his own shop. Owned by Cannon Beach entrepreneur Maurie Clark, the Sandpiper was avail- able at no cost to artists who wanted to dis- play their work. “Here was an opportunity to have a show in a gallery you were com- pletely responsible for. You were respon- sible to show up, open the doors, to have a reception or not, to represent yourself,” Hull said. “I thought ‘why couldn’t we do this all the time?’ Why would this have to be a weeklong show once every year or two when your turn came around again?” While operating a gallery solely depen- dent on your own creativity and inspiration can be challenging, there’s also a business side to it. According to Hull, it’s no differ- ent than operating a fishing boat. “You have to have somebody who needs what you have to offer, you have to be competent at what you do to be able to help them, you have to pay your bills so you can get what you need,” he said. After 35 years, is he ready to retire? Not yet. “Artists don’t really retire,” Hull said, “Maybe they get to do more of what they love to do, or they don’t have quite the need to produce as much. But if it’s what you love to do, why would you stop?” ABOVE: Interior of the Jeffrey Hull Gallery at Sandpiper Square in Cannon Beach. LEFT: Artist Jeffrey Hull, inspired by North Coast landscapes, seen painting outdoors in Cannon Beach. ‘ARTISTS DON’T REALLY RETIRE. MAYBE THEY GET TO DO MORE OF WHAT THEY LOVE TO DO, OR THEY DON’T HAVE QUITE THE NEED TO PRODUCE AS MUCH. BUT IF IT’S WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO, WHY WOULD YOU STOP?’ Jeffrey Hull, artist THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2022 // 5