A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATuRdAy, ApRIl 16, 2022 Report shows barriers to outdoors for Black Washingtonians By COURTNEY FLATT Northwest News Network Trina Baker didn’t grow up hiking, camping or adven- turing in the snow. How- ever, as soon as she began walking outdoors with Girl- Trek, a program designed to get Black women outdoors, Baker said she fell in love with nature. “Hiking has been my spir- itual place,” Baker said at a Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission work session on Wednesday in Ilwaco, Washington, near Cape Disappointment State Park. Now, Baker has made part of her mission to get other Black Washingtonians to head outdoors. A recent survey by the Black Washingtonians Workgroup on Outdoor Rec- reation found fewer than 1.5% of state parks visitors are Black. Some barriers included safety concerns, a lack of access to transportation, and access to outdoor equipment, which can be expensive. The 12-member work- group surveyed Black Wash- ingtonians about these bar- riers to participating in outdoor recreation. In addi- tion, the group presented potential solutions to lower those barriers. Reco Bembry, the work- group’s facilitator, said learn- ing more about these barri- ers is a critical conversation. However, he said, this dis- cussion should be only the beginning. “It’s a very critical con- versation to have about ways to create greater humanity for our citizens, and I think outdoor recreation serves to do that a lot,” Bembry said. The workgroup reviewed at least 76 scholarly articles, he said. Talking to Black com- munity members, the group found at least 57 barriers to getting outdoors. The big- gest concern, Bembry said, is safety, especially for par- Flickr Creative Commons Cape Disappointment State Park in Ilwaco. ents taking children outside. “Outdoor recreating while Black, in Washington, is a modern-day safety haz- ard,” Bembry said. To help with potential hazards, a Black couple, Anthony and Marlie Love, created a travel show that rates how safe and comfort- able they feel while travel- ing around the Pacific North- west, similar to the green book that guided travelers across the country. The Black community has faced more than 100 years of barriers to recreate in state parks, which were created through systematic racism and white supremacy, he said. “Parks were set up specif- ically for people that don’t look like me,” Bembry said. “When parks and recre- ation as a whole was set up, it was a place for white citi- zens to go to get away from this diversity in the urban settings.” In addition, he said, laws and norms have led to the oppression of Black, Indige- nous and people of color in the outdoors. Now, parks have changed, Bembry said, which is some- thing he’s noticed after spending around six decades outside. “I also can still feel the ‘yOu’RE EFFECTIVEly ASKING FOR FREE lABOR FROM pEOplE WHO HAVE BEEN dENIEd THE ABIlITy TO BuIld GENERATIONAl WEAlTH.’ Sophia Danenberg | the only Black member of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission barriers that exist,” he said. However, Bembry said the racist system that set up parks is changing slowly. “It’s like turning a cruise ship. It takes time,” he said. In addition, adequate transportation can become a major barrier to getting peo- ple outside, as well as discre- tionary money for entrance fees, gas and outdoor cloth- ing, Bembry said. To help with some of those struggles, Bembry and Baker recently held two out- door events for Black Wash- ingtonians, with transporta- tion, food and entrance fees covered by Black Washingto- nian groups and businesses. Meeting up at a specific location to travel together can reduce transportation issues, Bembry said. In addi- tion, communicating plans in-depth beforehand helps people understand what to expect, he said. Good advertising, for example, attracted 68 peo- ple to a snow tubing trip in March — it was designed for 30 people. “That’s a good problem to have,” Baker said. Bembry said Black peo- ple tend to trust community members who are planning and leading events, such as Black People Who Hike or Outdoor Afro. These groups can help people learn how to get outdoors, a signifi- cant barrier when first start- ing out, Bembry said. People seem to be more comfortable initially going outdoors in large groups with 10 or more people, he said. “You’d be surprised about how many people in multi- ple communities around this country don’t know how to set up a tent,” Bembry said. “These are simple learning lessons that a lot of people are uncomfortable with and just need to learn.” A little bit of help from more experienced people can go a long way, he said. Experienced community members can also help Black people overcome generations of what Bembry called his- torical trauma, which leads to a fear of nature, Bembry said. He said he still remem- bers his grandmother telling him not to go into the woods at night. “A lot of folks are over- coming that fear,” he said. “It takes one, two or three trips for folks to really get over that completely. The risk and reward function kicks in about the second or third trip.” In addition, equipment costs can create a hardship for people first looking to head outdoors, Bembry said. For example, he said, hik- ing boots can cost $200 to $300. For her part, Commis- sioner Sophia Danenberg, the only Black member of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commis- sion, said it’s also hard to know where to buy equip- ment when first heading outdoors. She purchased her first outdoor equipment from Goodwill, including an external-framed backpack formerly used by the Boy Scouts. Moreover, Washing- ton State Parks needs more inclusivity in its own hiring, volunteer development, and vendor partnerships, said Chevon Powell, a member of the workgroup who owns the outdoor event company Golden Brick Events. Earlier in the meeting, Valerie Roberts, the state parks volunteer program manager, said the volunteer program is building relation- ships with new volunteers from many communities in Washington. Danenberg said state parks isn’t diverse in its employment or volunteers. At an event in Goldendale last week, she said she saw one other person of color. “I’ve got to say, I saw one Black woman, and just as I was about to be like, ‘Hey Girl!’ when I realized that she was part of Gov. Inslee’s security detail,” Danenberg said. To increase diversity, equity and inclusion when dealing with the public, she suggested increasing diver- sity training and the diversity of camp hosts at state parks. To make camp hosting easier, Commissioner Mike Latimer said state parks could look at creating camp host positions in places with yurts or cabins so that hosts don’t have to buy their own RVs. However, Danenberg said, it’s difficult to bring in more diverse volunteers. “You’re effectively ask- ing for free labor from peo- ple who have been denied the ability to build genera- tional wealth,” Danenberg said. Next, Bembry said, the state needs to study more deeply how Black Washing- tonians recreate outdoors, including focus groups and a more extensive survey of people who don’t already visit state parks. “Reconnecting with nature is an inalienable right,” Bembry said.