RAINYRAMBLES The ecological value of public lands BY REBECCA LEXA Public lands make up nearly 40% of the United States, managed at the federal, state and county levels. Ide- ally, these reserves are created to ben- efit local residents and wildlife. In practice, however, private interests such as logging and mining often put pressure on governmental enti- ties to allow extractive activities that can have detrimental effects on local ecosystems. Many public lands were taken vio- lently from Indigenous people, who often remain prohibited from exer- cising ancestral fishing, hunting, and other activities at these places. Because of this history, conversa- tions around these sites can be com- plex, but these places are invaluable for their ecological preservation . While not all public lands are wil- derness areas, most limit the amount of development allowed within their boundaries. National wildlife ref- uges, for example, are managed specif- ically for the benefit of wildlife. Other national parks also feature wildlife and other natural wonders as a large part of their attraction. However, many national and state forests, as well as Bureau of Land Management lands, are multiple use lands that allow for extractive activ- ities like mining and logging, yet are large enough that they do still offer some ecological value. Habitat loss is the number one cause of species endangerment and extinction. Every acre of land that is developed into homes and lawns, busi- nesses, industrial buildings or conven- tional agricultural fields, is one less acre of land suitable for most animals, plants and fungi. While some birds or insects may be spotted in suburbs or crossing farms and fields, these spe- cies are a tiny minority of the whole, undamaged ecosystem that used to be there. And the fewer species an eco- system has, the fewer complex interre- lationships it has. That makes the eco- system much more vulnerable to the possibility of collapsing entirely. Public lands, especially those man- aged primarily as wilderness and nat- 8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ural areas, are oases for many species. Many animals are intolerant of humans and need to have a lot of space, while others need large territories. A lot of native plants are reliant on healthy ecosystems with interrelationships, and can’t survive in isolation amid a sea of manicured, chemical sprayed lawns. But on large areas of these lands they can thrive, and often these are the only places they can do so. Some park areas even boast few remaining remnants of old-growth for- ests and other intact, ancient ecosys- tems. They allow us a glimpse of what once was, what we’ve lost in all the places torn apart and changed. For those involved in habitat restoration, these are irreplaceable records of what we’re trying to recreate, however imperfectly. They also offer popula- tions of species with unique genes that often differ from the genetic makeup of the same species in a different loca- tion, and if those two populations are still able to find each other they can enhance their overall species through the blending of genetic diversity. But even public lands are becom- ing increasingly fragmented. Some pieces of land are auctioned off to private bidders, who will often har- vest its natural resources or strip it down to create housing. Sometimes land remains in public hands, but eco- systems are degraded or destroyed through clear cutting, strip mining and other harmful activities. And so less of these oases remain, threatening the biodiversity that hasn’t already been exterminated. One way to help preserve public land ecosystems is through contact- ing federal, state and local officials. Push for protection of these valuable places. Numerous nonprofits exist to help amplify the voices of people in this regard. As I dive back into my col- umn series on native and invasive spe- cies, I’ll touch on some ways to fill in ecological gaps in the areas between public lands. Rebecca Lexa is an Oregon Master Naturalist, nature educator, tour guide, and writer living on the Long Beach Peninsula. More about her work may be found at RebeccaLexa.com. Photos by Lissa Brewer TOP: Lewis and Clark National Historical Park is home to many wetland and marsh ecosystems. ABOVE: Wetland grasses sprout from the river’s edge at Netul Landing. RIGHT: A sign lets visitors know that vegetative restoration is in progress near Fort Clatsop.