149TH YEAR, NO. 121 WEEKEND EDITION // SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2022 $1.50 A recent study used eDNA to measure populations of Pacifi c hake, or whiting. Bumble Art Studio GENETIC TRACES PAINT A PICTURE FOR FISHERIES Bumble Art Studio is one of two providers interested in partnering with the city on child care. Child care options emerge Two providers step forward By NICOLE BALES The Astorian With Sprouts Learning Center expected to close by summer, two preschool providers have approached the city with proposals to partner on child care. The city announced plans to close Sprouts — one of the larger child care facilities in Clatsop County — in February after reaching a critical staffi ng shortage and operating at an unsustain- able loss. The city made an attempt to make opera- tions more sustainable by requesting proposals from parties interested in forming a public-pri- vate partnership. But after no luck, city coun- cilors unanimously supported transitioning out of providing the service by the end of the fi scal year in June . Sprouts Learning Center provides care for 21 children up to 5 years old. Since announcing the decision to close, Bumble Art Studio and Astoria Head Start have approached the city with proposals. City c oun- cilors will review the details during a work ses- sion next Friday and decide whether to move forward with one. Jonah Dart-McLean, the city’s parks direc- tor, said that after the city announced plans to close Sprouts , staff redoubled eff orts to fi nd a potential partner. “(We) reached out to some of our commu- nity partners, like the members of the child care advisory group that I’m part of, to reempha- size that there was this interest in trying to fi nd a provider that may be interested in using the space,” he said. Looking to expand Amy Atkinson, the co-owner of Bumble Art Studio, said she and her business partner looked over the city’s request for public-private part- nerships last fall, but determined it wasn’t the Dropping a bucket into the ocean By KATIE FRANKOWICZ KMUN s fi sh swim around in the ocean, they leave pieces of themselves behind. “At sort of the least technical level: It’s slime. It’s skin. It’s poop,” said Andrew “Ole” Shelton, a researcher with the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle. “It’s, you know, all the things you don’t really want to think about being in the water.” These fragments of genetic material — environmental DNA, or eDNA — col- lected in bucketfuls of ocean water and analyzed in a lab, cast a sort of shadow about what was in the area hours before. It’s enough to give researchers information about the abundance and distribution of a species without needing the fi sh to actually be present at the time a sample is collected. Shelton is the lead author of a recent study by a team that hopes to use eDNA on a large scale for fi sheries management and conservation work. They covered a large area off the West Coast, sampling at various points, and used eDNA to measure populations of Pacifi c hake, or whiting. Pacifi c hake is a major commercial fi shery, one of the West Coast’s largest in terms of pounds landed and money gen- erated. Population and distribution assess- ments are key when it comes to running and working in the fi shery. Until the research done by Shelton and his team, eDNA had mostly been used on a smaller scale — to assess the presence of certain species in lakes, rivers and coastal waters, for instance. Last year, scientists used eDNA to show a beluga whale that made an appearance in Puget Sound was likely from a population of beluga whales in Arctic waters. Traditional fi shery survey methods use trawl nets or sonar. Researchers catch or see what they can at a particular time in a particular place. For eDNA, the fi sh could A have been there and gone several hours ago. The water samples collected can be stored and studied again and again. Researchers can even look for the pres- ence of diff erent species using the same water samples. The archive of water samples needs to grow and data collected must accumulate over time before eDNA surveys of spe- cies like hake will be as useful to fi shery managers as the more traditional surveys. Hake trawl surveys have a long time series attached to them with information that can be compared over years of surveying. Environmental DNA does not have this history — not yet. There are also limits to what eDNA can reveal. It can’t tell researchers about the age, sex or size of the individual fi sh. But after the success at surveying for hake, Shelton sees opportunities to put the eDNA approach to work. It can be a more cost-eff ective way to sample, he noted, saving researchers expensive ship time. At it’s most basic, you’re dropping a bucket into the ocean and pulling it up fi lled with water. Collection of eDNA could also prove especially useful for tracking the distri- bution and populations of fi sh and marine mammal species that are diffi cult to fi nd or diffi cult to survey. For example, on the West Coast, there are rockfi sh species that were historically overfi shed. Environmental DNA could be a way to help fi shermen avoid them. “That’s a big question,” Shelton said. “How do you mitigate bycatch of these species that you’re concerned about? And how do you better target your fi sheries management to deal with these species that it’s just hard to fi gure out where they are?” This is a gap — a bucket, if you will — that Shelton believes eDNA could fi ll. This story is part of a collaboration between The Astorian and Coast Commu- nity Radio. PACIFIC HAKE IS A MAJOR COMMERCIAL FISHERY, ONE OF THE WEST COAST’S LARGEST IN TERMS OF POUNDS LANDED AND MONEY GENERATED. POPULATION AND DISTRIBUTION ASSESSMENTS ARE KEY WHEN IT COMES TO RUNNING AND WORKING IN THE FISHERY. See Child care, Page A6 GEARHART Bike ban on Ridge Path loses tread City Council instead looks to add signs By R.J. MARX The Astorian GEARHART — In March , the City C ouncil voted 4 to 1 to consider a ban on bicycles on the Ridge Path. But on Wednesday , the coun- cil took a step back, indicating that rather than a ban, the city could add warning signs and pedestrian crossings. “Where I personally would choose not to ride bikes on the Ridge Path and have not actually myself, I understand the need for parents to have their kids be able to ride safely to town,” Mayor Paulina Cockrum said. “I also understand that there can be some safety haz- ards for walkers if the bicycles don’t take care in passing. I hope that we can fi nd a solution that will balance these key issues — perhaps without an ordinance.” The former Native American trail runs between privately owned residential properties within the blocks between Cottage Avenue and Neacoxie Creek, extending from F Street on the south to 10th Street on the north. The fi rst 11 blocks were established by the original plat of Gearhart Park, as laid out and recorded by M.J. Kinney in 1890. See Bike ban, Page A6 The Ridge Path in Gearhart.