Continued from Page 8 Beneath the canopy of an old growth forest, the swells of Pacific waves can be heard in the distance while exploring along the 6.8 mile North Head Trail. Crisp, salty ocean breezes compliment the near sounds of waves. With dew still on the grass, the aroma of a morning forest floor lingers as the tide advances in. On the North Head Lighthouse Loop Trail, explore stories of those who have lived and explored this park through the centuries. Venture out on the 1.9 mile Cape Disappointment Trail to visit the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. The interpre- tive center, located atop a 200 foot cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, lets visitors dive a bit deeper into the area’s rich history. In the center, find stories of the coast’s Indigenous tribes and chronicles of the intense journeys of early European explorers. Learn, too, about the park’s curi- ous name. English Capt. John Meares, also the namesake of Ore- gon’s Cape Meares, named the loca- tion after his own disappointment in 1788. Meares unsuccessfully crossed the Columbia River Bar entrance, and as a result, the headland became known as Cape Disappointment. The Columbia River soon gained its name from Capt. Robert Gray, who suc- cessfully crossed the cape in 1792. Gray then named the Columbia River after his own ship, the Columbia Rediviva. In 1805, the famed Lewis and Clark Expedition arrived at Cape Disappointment, establishing a his- toric site of colonial expedition. The park’s headland, perched along the maritime intersection of the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean, led it to feature two light- houses. Cape Disappointment Light- house, completed in 1856, is the oldest operating lighthouse in the Pacific Northwest. Constructed to warn ships of the dangerous Colum- bia River Bar that was the source of Meares’ disappointment, the light- house helped ships to avoid the pit- falls of the so called Graveyard of the Pacific, known for thousands of shipwrecks. While the first light served its pur- pose, its visibility was limited. Ships approaching from the north often didn’t catch sight of the light until a close approach. To supplement this issue, North Head Lighthouse was completed in 1898. Other historic remnants, such as Photos by Lissa Brewer ABOVE: Headland view from the North Head Lighthouse Loop Trail. LEFT: The North Head Lighthouse. CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT IS THE PERFECT NORTH COAST PARK TO EXPLORE BY TRAIL, TENT OR SHORE. wartime bunkers and military instal- lations can be seen and explored throughout the park, from shelters that once held smoothbore cannons to protect the mouth of the Columbia to gun batteries and other structures used during World War II. But above the park’s intriguing historical sites, Cape Disappoint- ment’s coastal beauty is on full dis- play. Misty blue ocean hues can be seen between tall strands of beach grass on the Beards Hollow Trail, where branches of small trees gently sway in the wind. Hiking boots trudge through the mud after a squall, as the Cape Disappointment trail collects the light tracks of hikers and pets. Cape Disappointment is the per- fect North Coast park to explore by trail, tent or shore. From hiking along beautiful overlooks to a relaxing walk along the park’s sandy beach, bringing a picnic lunch or setting up camp, this expansive state park has something for everyone. It’s the per- fect local getaway for those looking to relax between tall trees and the ocean. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2022 // 9