A3 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2022 Project could address housing woes in southern Oregon By JULIET GRABLE Jeff erson Public Radio In the fall of 2020, just after the Almeda fi re had devastated the Rogue Valley, Tom Cody traveled through the burn zone. Driving along Highway 99, he witnessed block after block of destruc- tion — homes, businesses, apartments and RV parks reduced to ash and rubble. Cody, founder and managing partner at Project^, a Port- land-based real estate devel- opment fi rm, felt compelled to help rebuild. If all goes according to plan, his new apartment development will break ground in Medford this sum- mer. But MOSAIC is no ordinary construction proj- ect; instead, the 148 units will be built in a modular factory, then trucked to the site. The project is being funded in part by a state ini- tiative aimed at helping com- munities recover from the Labor Day fi res of 2020. It’s also an experiment aimed at tackling multiple issues at once: rising material costs, a severe shortage of construc- tion labor and an urgent need for housing for working fam- ilies and fi re victims. The devastating fi res that torched off in September 2020 destroyed over 4,000 homes in at least nine Ore- gon counties. Between the Almeda and South Oben- chain fi res, Jackson County suff ered the worst impacts. More than 2,300 dwellings were lost, many of them manufactured homes and RVs. “The fi res burned through where our most vulnera- ble populations live: retir- ees, older people, Latinx, and working people,” says state Rep. Pam Marsh, an Ashland Democrat who represents southern Jack- son County. “Where we are now is an example of climate injustice.” The fi res exacerbated what was already a dearth of aff ordable and workforce housing in the Rogue Valley. Housing for the ‘missing middle’ Through the governor’s offi ce, Cody learned about the state’s push to fi nd inno- vative ways to deliver new projects quickly, includ- ing modular prefabrication. He was already developing a modular apartment proj- ect for Bend — a fi rst for his company — so he decided to apply the same concept to a new wildfi re relief project in the Rogue Valley. “My attitude is, it’s always easier to talk about something if you have a case study,” Cody said. He started looking for land for the development, initially focusing on those in the burn zone. Soon Cody learned about an unde- veloped 7.5-acre property owned by Ivanko Gardens Apartments. Last spring, Project^ purchased the prop- erty, a long, narrow parcel tucked between a residential neighborhood and an apart- ment complex in northeast Medford. In June, the state Legis- lature approved a $600 mil- lion dollar package which included $150 million for wildfi re recovery hous- ing supply and land acqui- sition. As part of that fund- ing, then-Rep. Brian Clem, a Salem Democrat and chair of the House Special Com- mittee on Wildfi re Recov- ery, championed an initiative called Oregonians Rebuild- ing Oregon. “The original idea was to provide temporary shelters for fi re victims that could be repurposed, possibly for those experiencing home- lessness,” Clem said. The initiative would also cre- ate economic activity in the state by requiring the units to be built by Oregon compa- nies and labor, and, possibly, use lumber salvaged from burned roadways. Marsh, who also served on the House committee, thought the MOSAIC proj- ect was a “perfect fi t.” “It’s really hard to develop workforce housing in the Rogue Valley,” Marsh Tom Cody A rendering of the MOSAIC modular prefabricated housing complex planned for Medford by Project^. THE DEVASTATING FIRES THAT TORCHED OFF IN SEPTEMBER 2020 DESTROYED OVER 4,000 HOMES IN AT LEAST NINE OREGON COUNTIES. BETWEEN THE ALMEDA AND SOUTH OBENCHAIN FIRES, JACKSON COUNTY SUFFERED THE WORST IMPACTS. MORE THAN 2,300 DWELLINGS WERE LOST, MANY OF THEM MANUFACTURED HOMES AND RVS. said. Subsidies and incen- tives are not available for projects in the “missing mid- dle” between aff ordable and market-rate housing. From a developer’s standpoint, it’s hard to make them pen- cil out. Project^ negotiated with Oregon Housing and Com- munity Services on the terms of a $10 million loan, which was off ered at 0% for the fi rst 24 months and 1% thereaf- ter. In exchange, 100% of MOSAIC’s apartments must be marketed as workforce housing. The units will be available to those who earn at or below 120% of area median income, and rates will be set so households don’t pay more than 30% of their income on rent. “We wouldn’t be doing MOSAIC in Medford were it not for OHCS,” Cody said. Another stipulation is that the units must be built in Oregon. Cody is negotiat- ing with a company in Klam- ath Falls called InteliFab to produce the structures. If all goes according to plan, Cody said, MOSAIC will cost 30% less and will be built 40% faster than a conven- tional multifamily project. Prefabricated modular construction, or “prefab,” can save both time and mate- rials, said John Mick, owner of InteliFab. The modules can be framed while the sites are being excavated and con- crete foundations poured, and work can carry on with- out weather delays. Exten- sive preplanning can also help managers catch errors before construction begins. MOSAIC will consist of nine three-story build- ings and will include one, two and three-bedroom fl oor plans. Amenities, such as kids’ play areas, will be tai- lored for working families. The project will be built to Earth Advantage Platinum, a green building standard that addresses fi ve “pillars” of sustainability: energy, health, land, materials and water. Modules are built using conventional light-wood construction methods, and while machines supple- ment human labor, the pro- cess in not so diff erent from site-built construction, Mick said. “The biggest diff erence an employee sees is that they are less impacted by weather, and their job is always in the same place.” Modular methods also reduce the carbon footprint of construction, Cody said, in part because building material deliveries to the site are drastically reduced. Going modular can also potentially speed up the per- mitting process. While proj- ects must seek land use approvals and permits for site improvements from the local jurisdiction, most of the building permitting happens in the factory, at the state level. Oregon also off ers a “master permit” for prefabri- cated construction. “If you get permit- ted for a particular build- ing, you can use it on mul- tiple sites,” explains Cody. Project^ intends to use mod- ule plans approved for the Bend project in Medford. Modular construction also off ers fl exibility, Cody said. Once cranes swing the fac- tory-built modules into place on site, siding and roofi ng will be installed, selected to best fi t the character of the neighborhood. The need to innovate There is great demand for housing across the state, especially aff ordable and workforce housing, said Greg Wolf, executive direc- tor at Oregon iSector, a non- profi t that supports pub- lic-private partnerships that are addressing various com- munity challenges. “We really have a seri- ous problem here in Ore- gon,” Wolf said. “We’re tied for last in having (the) worst housing defi cit in the country.” According to Wolf, Ore- gon underbuilt 150,000 homes between 2000 and 2015, and the state must build at least 29,000 units a year just to keep up with demand. A severe labor shortage, gaps in the supply chain, and growing homeless population are worsening the crisis. In some regions, the housing shortage is directly impacting economies, Wolf said. On the coast, for exam- ple, while vacation rentals proliferate, people in ser- vice industries like teaching and fi refi ghting can’t aff ord to work and live in their communities. To tackle these issues, the Oregon iSector’s board of directors is spearheading an eff ort called the Hous- ing Innovation Partnership, which launched late last year. Composed of represen- tatives from public, private and civic organizations from across the state, its main objective is to identify inno- vative approaches that help build housing more quickly and aff ordably. Marsh and Megan Loeb, senior pro- gram offi cer at the Oregon Community Foundation, are co-convening the eff ort. Working groups have formed to tackle diff erent issues — fi nancing mod- els and modular housing, for example. Cody is part of a group studying incen- tives that could help make workforce housing proj- ects viable. Ultimately, the partnership will develop an “innovation agenda” they can present to the Oregon Legislature in 2023. Several promising ideas are already cropping up. The Port of Portland, for exam- ple, is exploring the possi- bility of building a modular housing manufacturing facil- ity that utilizes cross-lami- nated timber panels. These strong but lightweight pan- els are composed of layers of solid wood that are glued together. They can be made from small-diameter trees, including those thinned to improve the health of Ore- gon forests. In Eastern Oregon, the towns of Lakeview, Burns, and John Day are partnering in a new intergovernmen- tal agency aimed at spurring new housing, in part by uti- lizing 3D-printing technol- ogy to build foundations and walls. A lack of quality hous- ing stifl es economic devel- opment in these towns, but they lack the labor to build enough new housing quickly. By teaming up, they hope to garner enough resources to build 100 houses in each community over the next fi ve years. Back in Medford, MOSAIC will be a test case to see if alternative construc- tion methods can get units on the ground more quickly. Cody hopes the project can break ground this summer, but it will depend on scaling up a manufacturer like Inteli- Fab to build the boxes. “There’s currently no modular builder or factory in Oregon that is capable of building the modules, yet we have this state requirement (to build them in Oregon),” Cody said. “That is our big- gest challenge right now.” InteliFab is in the pro- cess of shifting its operations from panelized construction to modular prefabrication. To that end, the company has enrolled four current and two new employees in a 12-week basic construction skills course at Klamath Commu- nity College. WorkSource Oregon will reimburse InteliFab for half of the cost of tuition. Employees will see a wage increase once they complete the course. “We have to start doing something diff erent on the housing front,” said Marsh, who wrote a letter urging the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission to provide grant funding for the college’s training program. “If we keep just swinging hammers we’ll never get ahead.” Get to The Point. Expert Service. Guaranteed. Trust your vehicle safety to the professionals at DEL’S O.K. TIRE Spring Tire Sale VALID NOW through APRIL 23 RD , 2022 DOUGLAS GRAHAM PASSED AWAY ON JANUARY 16, 2022 His family invites you to a celebration of life at the Big Creek Lodge in Knappa on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 1:00-5:00 pm. Because of flooding, there will be limited parking at the lodge, but there will be buses running between the lodge and the parking lot at Teevin Bros. Land and Timber every 15 minutes. We will need to leave room at the lodge for handicapped parking as well to let the shuttle drop off and pick people up. 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