B8 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2022 814 Jewelry Buying Gold, Silver, Estate Jewelry, Coins, Diamonds, Old-Watches. Downtown Astoria Wed-Sun 332 12th St Jonathon’s, LTD. (503)325-7600 101 Legal Notices AB8599 OFFICIAL NOTICE OREGON ALBACORE COMMISSION PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The OREGON ALBACORE COMMISSION (OAC) will hold a Budget Hearing virtu- al meeting pursuant to ORS 576.416, on Monday, April 18, 2022 at 10:00am upon a proposed budget for opera- tion of the Oregon Albacore Commission during FY July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. A public meeting will begin at 9:00am. At this meeting, any Albacore harvester in Oregon selling Albacore through a first pur- chaser or directly to the public and any first purchaser buying Albacore in Oregon has the right to be heard with respect to the proposed budget. Cop- ies are available for inspec- tion, under reasonable cir- cumstances, at the Albacore Commission office in Lincoln City. For further information or if you wish to participate, please contact: OAC, P.O. Box 983, Lincoln City, OR 97367-0983. Phone/fax: 541-994-2647; nancy@oregonsalmon.org. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to the OAC office at 541-994- 2647. Published: March 29, 2022. Reach the entire North Oregon and Southwest Washington coasts with our classified package options! Call 503-325-3211 for more information. 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices AB8588 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP In the Matter of the Estate of Jeffrey L. Harrod, Deceased. Case No. 22PB02208 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS AB8594 Estate of Christopher Brad Moore AB8584 CLATSOP COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Clatsop County Hearings Officer will conduct a public hearing beginning at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, via Zoom electronic meeting, instructions below, to consider the following: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that the undersigned has been appointed personal rep- resentative. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal repre- sentative at PO Box 145, As- toria, OR 97103, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may  obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal rep- resentative, or the lawyers for the personal representative, Heather Reynolds. Dated and first published on March 15, 2022. Case Number: 22PB00470 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun- ty of Clatsop, in the matter of the Estate of Christopher Brad Moore, deceased. Notice is hereby given that JoAnn Dimick, has been appointed as personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against that estateare required to present them to the personal repre- sentative in the case of the undersigned attorney at: 552 Commercial Street, Astoria, OR 97103, within four months from the date of first publica- tion of this notice, as stated below, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional infor- mation from the records of the Court, the personal represen- tative, or the attorney for the personal representative. 101 Legal Notices PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Lori A. Harrod 4735 NE 23rd Ave Portland, OR 97211 ATTORNEY FOR PERSON- AL REPRESENTATIVE: Heather Reynolds, OSB #813487 Haglund Kelley LLP PO Box 145, Astoria, OR 97103 503.325.8449 Heather@ReynoldsAttorney. com Published: March 15, 22 & 29, 2022. Have you seen our FEATURED ADS? Only viewable on our website, www.dailyastorian.com. Call 503-325-3211 for more information! www.DailyAstorian.com 101 Legal Notices BRUNDAGE VARIANCE (#22-000134): Kenneth and Tena Brundage, applicants and owners, 1310 River Road #5, Longview, WA, 98632, have submitted an application for the following: 1. 40-foot variance to the required 50-foot rear yard setback, identified in 4.2540(6)(C), LAWDUC, to allow a proposed 2,232-square-foot dwelling with an attached 528-square-foot garage. The property, is identified as T8N, R06W, Section 25CD, Tax Lot 00100, and is north of Highway 30, approximately 0.68 miles west of the boundary between Clatsop and Columbia counties. The property consists of approximately 0.52 acres and is zoned Residential-Agriculture-1. A copy of all documents pertaining to this matter may be reviewed in the Clatsop County Communi- ty Development office, 800 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, OR during regular business hours (7:30AM-4:00PM) at no cost. Copies may be obtained at reasonable cost seven (7) days prior to the hearing. Parties are invited to express their opinions for or against these matters during the public hearing or by letter addressed to the Clatsop County Hearings Officer, 800 Exchange Street, Suite 100, Astoria, OR, 97103; or via email to comdev@co.clatsop.or.us. Letters may also be faxed to (503) 338-3606. The County must receive written comments by 4:00 PM on Monday, April 4, 2022, in order for staff to present those comments at the hearing. To participate: Join the hearing from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://co-clatsop-orus.zoom.us/j/94993397998?pwd=TFU1bHUxSkJhZk55cno0UStxdVZuQT09 To dial in using your phone: San Jose: +1 699 900 6833 Tacoma: +1 253 215 8782 Passcode: 419594 Published: Tuesday, March 29, 2022. Weekend Break Date of First Publication: March 22, 2022. Lori A. Harrod Personal Representative 101 Legal Notices PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: JoAnn Dimick 14260 NE County Road. 3170A. Kerens, Texas 75144 Cell Phone: 903-229-2028 Home Phone: 903-396-7884   jdimick3@yahoo.com Now available in your Saturday edition of LAWYER FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: John G. Crawford OBS #730678 552 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon 97103 Phone: (503) 224-9265 Fax: (503) 224-9841 john@businessdisputearbitra- tion.com Published: March 22, 29 & April 5, 2022. Want to place a classified ad but unsure how? Call 503-325-3211 and let us help you! Ad pt a Pet Clatsop County Here’s how your donations help the animals: Animal Shelter • • THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR SPONSORS & VOLUNTEERS! • Please visit the shelter at • 1315 SE 19th, Warrenton • • For more information call us at 503-861-7387 or at www.dogsncats.org You can send checks to: Clatsop Animal Assistance PO Box 622 • Warrenton, OR 97146 • • • or pay online through PayPal at either our website www.dogsncats.org/donations or our Facebook page Your employer may match your donation! Have you asked? • • • $ 5 pays for treats • $10 pays for cat toys 15 pays for a wellness check for one kitten $ 20 pays for Kong toys for the dogs $ 25 pays for one cat neuter $ 30 pays for one cat spay $ 40 pays for one dog neuter $ 45 pays for one dog spay $ 50 pays for one month’s supply of cat litter $ 75 pays for one ad promoting adoption $ 100 pays for one week of dog training $ 500 pays for two surgeries & medications for injured animals $ 1,000 pays for one week of veterinary care $ These six pets are available for adoption. Please call to make an appointment to meet them! Lyle’s Pet & Garden Bogh Electric 725 Avenue J • Seaside 503-738-5752 SPONSOR SNICKERDOODLE SPONSOR BARNABUS 503-325-5000 CCB#188326 A-Town Coffee 632 W Marine Drive Astoria BAILEY SPONSOR Del’s OK Tire 35359 Business 101 Astoria DANIEL SPONSOR Hammond Kennels 1050 Pacific Dr. • Hammond 503-861-1601 CHIP SPONSOR SPONSOR SPARKY Jamey’s Lawn Service 503-791-6057 WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPONSOR ADOPT A PET? PLEASE CALL 503-325-3211