Oregon Ghost Conference returns to Seaside Full weekend event, new ‘investigations’ planned BY ZOE BUCHLI Oregon Ghost Conference Paranormal activity fans on the North Coast can once again look forward to a weekend filled with ghost tales and haunted encounters at the return of the Northwest’s largest paranormal convention. The Oregon Ghost Conference will return to Seaside this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Seaside Civic and Conven- tion Center. After a two year hiatus, confer- ence director Rocky Smith is optimistic that turnout will be strong and that the confer- ence will give coast residents a chance to learn more about Seaside’s haunted past. “We’re just excited to be back,” Smith said. Attendees of this year’s event can look forward to tours of paranormal hotspots such as the Bridge Tender Tavern. The tavern is one of Seaside’s most notable sites for haunted tales, especially those of ghostly singing children. Conference locations also include the Starry Night Inn and the Times The- atre. The conference’s late night tour of the Times Theatre will follow a movie pre- miere of “Parasense.” Four other tours of the Starry Night Inn are planned for the weekend. “We have more opportunities for people to do things outside of the convention cen- ter (this year), so it feels like the conference is expanding within Seaside itself,” Smith said. The conference will also feature an array of speakers on paranormal claims, includ- ing authors and psychic mediums, such as Ankhasha Amenti, Vivien Powell and Wil- liam Becker, who will lead attendees on a tour of a Victorian home. Also slated to speak are Ross Allison, Karen Frazier and Genvièv St. Clair, who will cover topics ranging from historical accounts of haunted prisons and theories of “sound healing” and “forensic hypnosis regression.” In 2019, the conference seemed to be headed for growth in the region, but that came to a halt when the pandemic hit. 2021 8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Friday, Saturday and Sunday Seaside Civic and Convention Center, 415 1st Ave., Seaside oregonghostconference.com “In 2020, I had spent the whole year planning the event,” Smith said. “That really was tough because you spend a whole year planning something and tick- ets are being sold, then it all goes away,” he added. If this year’s conference goes well, Smith hopes to grow the event for paranormal activity lovers on the coast. “It’s really about making sure the event continues,” Smith said. This year’s conference will also mark the event’s 10 year anniversary. For Smith, who grew up in Oregon City, it’s a passion. Working at museums and learn- ing about the history of the town’s build- ings sparked a keen interest for Smith in accounts of paranormal activity. “It’s always been a passion of mine to try to understand what’s happening through the history of the place,” Smith said. Smith began researching paranormal activity in Oregon City in 1995 and has since documented nearly 100 places in the city which are rumored to be haunted. Combining interests in history and para- normal tales, he founded Northwest Ghost Tours in 2006. Six years later, tours in Smith’s home- town evolved into the first Oregon Ghost Conference. Smith cites Seaside’s intriguing history as the driver of the conference, with ghost tales as an avenue to tell the stories of the city’s past. “(The) Ghost conference is fun for a lot of people, but it’s always been backed by history,” Smith added. For more infor- mation on tours, speakers and to buy tickets, visit oregonghostconference. com. THANK YOU to our members, donors and community for all your support and voting us #1 BEST MUSEUM TOP: Oregon Ghost Conference attendees watch the premiere of ‘All Around Us’ at the Times Theatre in 2019. ABOVE: Oregon Ghost Conference director Rocky Smith, center, gives a tour featuring regional history as well as ghost tales. OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 5:00 • 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria 503.325.2323 • www.crmm.org