A4 THE ASTORIAN • TuESdAy, MARcH 22, 2022 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher DERRICK DePLEDGE Editor Founded in 1873 SHANNON ARLINT circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager GUEST COLUMN Seeking compromisers who care about ‘The Oregon Way’ ‘C ompromise, compromise, compromise. Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate.” These are the qualities that Brian Clem seeks in legislative candidates this spring – “compromisers who care about ‘The Oregon Way.’” Clem speaks from experience. He served in the state House for nearly 15 years until last fall, was a legislative aide, ran campaigns and worked for U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden. “The country defi- nitely has gotten more divided and Oregon has gotten more divided,” Clem said, yet “there are people who believe you should try really, DICK really hard to get a HUGHES consensus.” He and five former Democratic colleagues in the Legisla- ture want to support such candidates. Last week they launched a new polit- ical action committee — Oregonians Are Ready, or OAR PAC. They are Democrats, after all, so the initial goal is to back Democratic legislative can- didates in the May primary who will be more centrist, more willing to compro- mise than their opponents. I find this development relevant not for any ideological position but for what it says about our state, includ- ing the need for hearing rural voices in Salem. Three of the founders have links to Coos Bay, including Clem, who grew up there. They have watched as decisions made in Salem and Wash- ington, D.C., helped turn a thriving community into an impoverished one – and have stymied local attempts to rebound. Clem, a Salem businessman, seeded the PAC with $500,000. The other founders are former state senator Arnie Roblan, of Coos Bay, and former rep- Anna Reed/Statesman Journal Brian Clem, a former state lawmaker who represented Salem, is among several moderate Democrats behind a new political action committee. resenatives Jeff Barker, of Aloha; Deb- orah Boone, of Cannon Beach; Betty Komp, of Gates; and Caddy McKeown, of Coos Bay. They don’t necessarily align on every issue. But, Clem said, “I think we’re all united on that Oregon has lost its way.” All six were considered moderate Democrats. In 2016, they began to hold Tuesday night dinners with colleagues in search of middle-ground solutions on complex topics such as raising the minimum wage. However, as the Democrats expanded their House and Senate majorities in recent years, there was less need for consensus with moder- ates, or with Republicans at all. Meanwhile, primary elections draw the most partisan of voters. That is why Democrats often go to the left and Republicans to the right instead of campaigning as moderates. Too often, legislators also lean away from the center to avoid drawing primary chal- lengers from their Democratic left or Republic right. The new PAC aims to support com- promise-willing Democrats who face such opponents. “I don’t believe compromise is a bad word,” McKeown said. “The fringes push ideas. But when you listen to everybody and you work with every- body, I think you come up with good legislation.” That was a lesson McKeown honed growing up in a small town and later representing a purple district in the Legislature: Learn to work together with everyone. You must give a little to get a little. You can’t afford to burn bridges. Clem put it another way: Stay at the table until everyone gets what they need. Help them save face instead of rolling over them. Clem said that in his dozen or so years chairing a legislative commit- tee, there never was a party-line vote on a bill. He led such issues as pro- tecting the Metolius River headwaters, resolving a Washington County land use battle, limiting class sizes in public schools, and helping residents recover from the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. As another example of collabora- tion, he cited Rep. Janelle Bynum, D-Happy Valley, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee. She could have rolled over Republican Rep. Ron Noble, a former police chief in McMin- nville. Instead, they worked together on law enforcement reforms. The 2011 Legislature, with the House evenly split between Republi- cans and Democrats, underscored for Clem the immense power of compro- mise and collaboration. That legisla- tive session — in which Roblan and Rep. Bruce Hanna, R-Roseburg, served as co-House speakers — is regarded among Oregon’s must successful. Though discussions often were dif- ficult, lawmakers reached bipartisan agreements on such contentious issues as redistricting, education reform and the state budget. In this year’s legislative session, Clem said, farmworker overtime seemed to offer an opportunity for a similar bipartisan victory, though with significant give-and-take. That didn’t happen. House Bill 4002 passed on a party-line vote, with exception of retir- ing Democratic Sen. Lee Beyer, of Springfield, who voted “no.” dick Hughes has been covering the Oregon political scene since 1976. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Heritage fountain T hink of the cities and towns you have visited; don’t most of them have a central plaza? I grew up in Europe, where throughout history they have been import- ant spaces for community life, and taken for granted. How much such a place would benefit Astoria has been contem- plated often during my almost 30 years here. And now we have a chance to make it happen on Heritage Square, the ideal and only possible location in our unique his- toric city. Yet the need for more work- force, low-income housing is undeniable, too. Our City Council’s decision to sign a development agreement means that hous- ing rather than a public plaza could be sited there. Both needs are indisputable; the loca- tion is debatable. Alternatives for hous- ing locations do exist, and have been suggested. Maybe we can find room for compromise if we open our minds? Picture an inviting space large enough for public events and celebrations with room along the periphery for coffee shops, eating places, little shops and the Garden of Surging Waves. The downtown busi- ness community would surely be in favor. And how about an eye-catching foun- tain in its midst? I think it would be wel- comed with enthusiasm, and inspire real community life, inclusive and not elitist social interaction in person. Maybe there is someone with enough pocket change to make a Heritage fountain a reality? We would happily toss in some coins in honor, appreciation and love for our forever Astoria! It’s just a thought. But maybe not just wishful thinking? MUSCHI MAYFLOWER Astoria Best use I ’ve been reading all the news about Heritage Square with interest. We will still have the Garden of Surging Waves, but that will be all that remains of the orig- inal designs. I support workforce and affordable housing. I support a project downtown that allows people to walk and bike to work or easily catch public transportation. Employers need housing for their employ- ees, and people need a place to live. I also believe the Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare proposal has merit. However, these micro units are not a good fit. They will limit the number of units available to others, whether confined to one floor or intermingled with the apartments. I also do not trust CBH to have staff available 24/7 for their clients. They had said there would be lock-down units for people in crisis when they opened their respite center in Warrenton years ago. We have yet to see that happen. They said there would be counselors available to assist police officers with peo- ple attempting suicide, or in other types of crisis 24/7, and we have yet to see this consistently. I believe a commercial build- ing or large home on a bus route would be more appropriate for supportive housing. New housing projects are in the pro- cess, and I’m glad to see them, especially the construction near Safeway. The dream of a public square is gone. Astoria has very limited buildable land, and we must accept this need for change. But we need to make the best use of this property. MARCIA FENSKE Astoria Think about it G earhart is not as divisive as you might think. Most of us who live in Gear- hart agree that our volunteer firefighters are an amazing asset to our community. We also agree that our current fire station is old, inadequate and literally crumbling down, and that we need a new station. We all agree that if the fire station bond passes, our taxes will go up. Well, yes they will. So there, most of us agree on some- thing. So, this is good. The issue that causes a division among us is the construction of a new fire sta- tion and the cost of such a structure. Our mayor, Paulina Cockrum, recently asked the question, “If not now, when?” If we wait another year, five years or more, the price of a new station will only go up, and our taxes will only increase. Meanwhile, our firefighters will still be in an inadequate, cramped facility that is lit- erally disintegrating around them. So, this is not good. As an aside, I know that a new station is being called a “resiliency station,” as it would also house our police department, but, hey, I live in Gearhart and, to me, it will always be a fire station. Maybe I will change my mind. Maybe not. Our community needs a new station, whatever it’s called. I encourage the pass- ing of our bond, for the good of Gearhart. If not now, when? Think about it. This is good. REITA FACKERELL Gearhart It’s just the pits T he squabble over proper usage of the hole in downtown Astoria is a sim- ple matter. Names matter. Heritage is what you’ve received that’s come down to you from the past, and not confusing that with what the departed leave behind them for others. So if you’re talking about heritage, and thinking about legacy, you’re thinking about who it used to belong to, and heri- tage focuses, instead, on the people who are inheriting it now. It’s clear to me that this is the quarrel at its root. Comprende? Initially dedicated to celebrate our col- lective legacy, the dialogue has gone to pot. Astoria’s newest extractive industry, tourism, wants the hole transformed into another visitor amenity. Or better, subsi- dized housing for tourism workers. A more scrupulous segment of soci- ety thinks it an ideal location for services to the needy. You know, those leftist radi- cals who want to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable. Regardless, the number of abandoned shopping carts are growing exponen- tially, and the comfortable fear that creat- ing a hub for social services in the heart of Astoria will attract undesirable elements from Coos Bay to Aberdeen, Washington, and all points between. Our local economy is based upon fish, “forests” and fantasy. Tourism is built upon a dreamscape. Mental illness and homelessness are our collective reality. We own that, too. And the hole? I’m putting my money on tourism. For as our national history will confirm, the owners will always decide who among the needy are truly deserving. GARY DURHEIM Seaside