2 • THE ASTORIAN SPRING ACTIVITIES GUIDE SATuRdAy, MARcH 19, 2022 Let’s Roll! Mountain Biking Trails Open Now Welcome to the new Klootchy Creek Mountain Bike Trail System, the first official trails on the North Oregon Coast. Built mostly by volunteers in partnership with the North Coast Trail Alliance, the trail system is located primarily on Lewis & Clark Timberlands. Trail use is free with a recreational permit (also free). PERMITS AND INFO: ENTRANCE: OPEN: permits.greenwoodresources.com Klootchy Creek County Park, two miles east of the Highway 26/Highway 101 Junction Daylight hours, year round (Except under extreme fire danger. Permit holders will be notified.) permits.greenwoodresources.com Lewis & Clark Timberlands, managed by GreenWood Resources, is pleased to invite community members and visitors into the forest to enjoy its natural beauty and family-oriented recreation. We hope to see you here on two wheels soon!