A3 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2022 ‘You lose a language, you lose a culture’ Kalapuyans mentioned in Lewis and Clark’s journals Linguists and family work to preserve Indigenous language By MYERS REECE Underscore News On a drizzly January morning, Esther Stutzman’s dining room table is covered with sticky notes, worksheets, notepads and sev- eral bulky Kalapuya dictionaries. Seated next to Stutzman are her two daughters and grand- daughter, all Kalapuyan descendants and enrolled members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Their jovial banter belies the gravity of their mission: to revive the lost lan- guage of their ancestors. The scattered docu- ments form a paper trail to their heritage. “This is probably the biggest group of Kalapuya speakers in the world,” Stutzman said during a semi-regular language study that she launched at her Yoncalla home in western Oregon after the dictionaries were published in December. “And we speak the language at a preschool level.” The dictionaries are the product of a decadelong passion project by the late Paul Stephen McCartney Sr., whose fascination with Kalapuya compelled him to devote his post-high school teaching years to compil- ing and organizing it, and to reach out to the Stutzman family for their assistance. McCart- ney, who passed away last year at 81, wasn’t a trained linguist but loved language and thought Kalapuya was beautiful, according to Aiyanna Brown, Stutzman’s granddaugh- ter. He poured an enormous amount of energy into the dictionary project. “He wanted to keep the language alive,” Brown said. ‘Language is a thing of heritage’ McCartney had access to a trove of writ- ten materials and a few audio recordings from ethnographic interviews with John Hud- son, a Santiam Kalapuyan who died in 1954. Hudson has often been called the last “L1″ Kalapuya speaker, meaning he grew up in a household where the language was spoken fi rst. But linguist Henry Zenk, who holds a doctorate in anthropology and is a foremost authority on Oregon Indigenous languages, says at least one other L1 speaker lived longer than Hudson: Stutzman’s great-aunt, Laura Blacketer Albertson, née Fearn. According to Stutzman, who is also descended from west- ern’s Oregon’s Coos people, Albertson passed away in 1971. “She was very likely, as far as we know, the last speaker who had grown up with the language from childhood,” Zenk said. The audio fi les of Hudson from the 1930s into the 1950s are the lone historical sources of spoken Kalapuya, except for recordings of Kalapuya songs from 1914 to 1915, accord- ing to Zenk and fellow linguist Jedd Schrock, both of whose published works were among the diverse array of essential sources for McCartney’s dictionaries. Additional audio recordings may be housed in the Library of Congress, although researchers haven’t yet located them. Zenk and Schrock, who have previ- ously collaborated on Kalapuya research, are both linguistic consultants for the Confed- erated Tribes of Grand Ronde, where many Kalapuyan descendants are enrolled citizens. The two scholars note that McCartney’s dictionaries aren’t rooted in foundational lin- guistic practices, which renders them largely unviable as academic resources. But they say the extensive glossary-like wordlists serve as an accessible gateway into the language for non-academics. That assessment is echoed by David Lewis, a professor in Oregon State University’s anthropology and ethnic studies department who advised McCartney early in his eff orts. The publications’ usefulness outside of scholarly circles is evident in the informal lan- guage sessions at Stutzman’s house. Schrock points out there’s no single way to measure a language or perceive its meaning. “Diff erent people think about language in diff erent ways,” he said. “To me, language is more behavior than math. We have this enor- mous mountain of data, but that’s not what language is. It’s not really about all those rules. It’s about what people do together. Pictured: The Rosebriar Mansion Leah Nash/Underscore News From left, Melissa Tuttle, Aiyanna Brown, Shannin Stutzman, Heather Moore and Esther Stutzman convene a Kalapuya language study in January in Yoncalla. That’s what makes it a language. The peo- ple who can bring back Kalapuya are the Kalapuyan people. So it’s great that Esther and her family are doing this.” “Language is a thing of heritage,” he added. “If it hasn’t been spoken in a long time, it takes a lot of cour- age to try to speak it again.” According to Lewis, who has a doctorate in anthropology, the Kalapuya people have lived in western Oregon for close to 15,000 years, once occupying more than a million acres in the Willamette and Umpqua valleys. Zenk said Kalapuyans were mentioned in Lewis and Clark’s journals, although the Corps of Dis- covery never crossed paths with them. The fi rst documented Euroamerican contact came by way of fur traders in 1811, according to Zenk. Lewis, who is the great-great grandson of Hudson, says about 20,000 Kalapuyans histor- ically lived in as many as 19 tribes and bands divided linguistically by regions of the Willa- mette Valley: northern, central and southern. By 1850, that number had dwindled to about 1,000, a catastrophic decline fueled by white settlers introducing new diseases. Kalapuyans were among several western Oregon tribes to sign treaties with the U.S. government between 1848 to 1855. Zenk and Lewis both contribute essays to oregonencyclopedia.org that serve as authori- tative and accessible resources about the histo- ries and cultures of Indigenous peoples in Ore- gon, including Kalapuya. Lewis also writes essays on his own website. Over the years, Lewis said people have occasionally expressed surprise that Kalapuy- ans are still around and that modern Native Americans exist at all. “I say, ‘Well, I’m here,’” Lewis said. “I feel like for the longest time Kalapuyans were ignored. We were written out of history books. It’s almost as if history began with settlers, white people in the area. But we’re starting to see more interest. The dictionary is a stepping stone to help bring more interest and attention to the language itself and the culture.” Stutzman hopes more participants will join the language studies, either through Zoom or in person if COVID allows. More broadly, she would like to see the eff orts seep into everyday life, especially among kids. It could be as sim- ple as using a few words to describe common objects, with more terms added incrementally over time. Even if no verbs or grammar are involved, tiptoeing into immersion establishes pathways to cultural connection. “We’re really wanting to get this thing roll- ing and get a lot more people involved,” Stutz- man said. Zenk says it would be an “uphill struggle to bring Kalapuya back as a living language,” but it has been done before, notably with Hebrew. Schrock is more optimistic about the chances of revival, or at least a version of restoration that tips the scale a bit further toward living than dead. “You lose a language, you lose a culture,” Schrock said. “A culture and a language are really the same thing. Language represents how a group of people at a given time con- ceptualize the world. We’re all sort of stuck in our concepts of the world because we speak English. A language comes about because of a group of people’s experience. When you lose a language, you lose all of that human experi- ence. That way of seeing the world goes away and we’re stuck with only the Eurocentric way of thinking about the world.” Komemma Cultural Protection Association. Among the recipients are the University of Oregon, Oregon State University and Port- land State University. The family ordered a second run of 50 sets, funded by an additional $3,000 raised through GoFundMe, the suggested donations and contribu- THE KALAPUYA tions from organizations Sharing the language such as Zelle, which also PEOPLE Schrock is creating a dig- partnered with BuzzFeed ital archive of Kalapuya lan- on a video about the Stutz- HAVE LIVED guage materials for the Con- mans’ eff orts. As long as IN WESTERN federated Tribes of Grand there is demand and fund- Ronde’s cultural preser- ing, Brown says the print- OREGON vation department. The ings will continue. archive project is a massive FOR CLOSE The Stutzmans empha- undertaking that refl ects an size that oral storytelling is TO 15,000 unusual characteristic of the integral to Kalapuyan cul- language: dead in spoken ture. Stutzman , 79, is a YEARS, ONCE form but kept alive through respected storyteller and OCCUPYING a huge compendium of hopes to acquire enough recorded information, stem- language skills to convey MORE THAN ming from work conducted those tales, or at least por- by anthropologists and lin- tions, in Kalapuya. Brown, A MILLION guists in the late 19th and 22, is proud to help facili- ACRES IN THE early 20th centuries and fur- tate a deeper cultural under- ther advanced by modern standing among her gen- WILLAMETTE scholars such as Zenk and eration and for future Schrock. generations, including her AND UMPQUA “North American lan- own kids someday. She VALLEYS. guages are dying and dis- called her role in the project appearing tremendously,” empowering. Schrock said. “A lot of them are already gone “Our main hope for the dictionaries is to and we don’t have much of a record for them. share our language,” Brown said. “As long Kalpauyan is a rare instance where there are as we’re getting our language and culture out no speakers but we have this enormous cor- there and getting more people to see it and pus of existing Kalapuyan records.” understand it, it has less of a chance to die When McCartney dug into that corpus off .” for his project, he approached Stutzman and “Language connects people back to their Lewis, the Oregon State anthropologist and heritage,” she continued, “and this is another ethnohistorian, for guidance. While Lewis’ way for us to connect back to our homelands involvement faded, Stutzman remained active and to our ancestors. I know it sounds hoity throughout the process and enlisted her grand- toity, but I really do feel this is a way to con- daughter, Brown, who launched a GoFundMe nect and communicate with our ancestors and page last year to raise money for printing the keep those traditions that are so rich alive.” dictionaries, just as McCartney’s health was failing. “When Paul contacted us and asked if we wanted our language back, of course we said yes,” Brown said. “We didn’t even know that was possible.” On his deathbed and unable to speak, McCartney conveyed a message to Stutzman inquiring about the prospects of publication. Stutzman assured him that the dictionaries would be printed. McCartney died two days later. Thanks to $10,000 raised through GoFundMe, the fi rst run of 100 dictionaries was printed in December. Each four-volume set contains more than 3,000 pages and weighs 20 pounds, with two books of English-Ka- lapuya translations and two of Kalapuya-En- glish. Stutzman’s house has served as distri- bution headquarters for the 400 heavy tomes. As of late February, all of the dictionar- ies had either been delivered or commit- ted to individuals and institutions, includ- At Providence Seaside, your ing K-12 schools and universities, at no cost but with the suggestion of a $150 donation That’s why we have a dedicated to the Stutzman family’s nonprofi t called the team of specialists to care for you and your family. 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