BUSINESS NEWS COAST RIVER BUSINESS JOURNAL Meet the Merchant In the past two years, Ben Wiscombe’s busi- ness has pivoted from û ghting viruses to battling spores. He began AXION Clean Mold Remediation in e astern Idaho and spent the early months of the pandemic decontaminating medical facilities and businesses. Wiscombe9s family, and the business, moved to Astoria soon after. He said that as communi- ties lived with the coronavirus longer, demand for professional cleaning declined. He realized that he needed to shift AXION9s focus and already had the air purifying tools to do it. Now, the company works almost exclusively in mold remediation, with locations in Astoria and Hillsboro. Coast River Business Journal asked Wiscombe for some insight on his work and tips for prevent- ing mold at home. His responses have been edited for brevity and clarity. Q: How does the coastal climate impact mold growth? A: It’s just more humid down on the coast and also just generally speaking 4 because of how close we are to the ocean 4 we get a lot more rot and decay. It just seems to happen at a faster rate because the moisture just seems to kind of come from all directions. And as a result, I feel like mold is a bigger issue probably on the coast than it is further away from the coast. Q: What are some common issues you see in homes and what can people do about it? A: Mold is fairly simple, as far as the ingre- dients that are needed to make mold growth. And out where we live, there9s a lot of things that are very simple that can be done to minimize the impact of mold or prevent it from growing: Mold needs organic material, which is inevitably everywhere. Organic material is dirt, it9s grime, it9s dead skin cells. Anything that is derived from the E arth is considered organic. So it9s wood, it9s even the stuû that S heetrock9s made out of is organic material so it is a very good incubator for mold. So you can9t avoid that aspect of it, organic material is everywhere. It also needs moisture. And again, in the Paciû c Northwest, particularly on the coast, there9s a lot of moisture just even in the air we live in. So that one is also a little bit more chal- lenging to address. But mold also needs basically stagnation or stagnant air, meaning very low air- û ow, so if you can allow airû ow in a space, that dramatically reduces the ability of mold to grow. For tenants that are concerned about mold issues, or whether it9s just a home that is having a mold issue that keeps recurring, I always give this recommendation: I call it < û ush, = and it basically means in the mornings, you open windows on a couple sides of your home and you allow air to passively û ow through the home for 10 to 15 min- utes and close it up and then do the same thing at Interview by Abbey McDonald MARCH 2022 • 11 AXION CLEAN MOLD REMEDIATION 1981 SE 1st St., Astoria Ben Wiscombe, owner 503-998-3626 nitely have a professional come out and take a look. Q: Anything else you want to add? A: A lot of times I9m happy to do a phone consultation with people. I understand that peo- ple aren9t made of money, and not everyone has the money to have mold remediation done in their home. A lot of times there9s simple things that can be addressed if people have concerns. I hon- estly probably help 10 to 15 people a week where I helped them avoid having a mold person come out when they were planning on it. Family owned & operated since 1966 We are a full-service propane company where you will find... • Rent and install propane tanks • Tanks from 25 - 1,000 gallons • Gas Appliance System Check • Fireplaces • Propane Heaters (space or whole house) • Gas appliance installations 1318 Pacific Hwy North Ben Wiscombe is the owner of AXION Clean Mold Remediation. nighttime before you go to bed. Sometimes it can be concerning with winter time and cold weather, but you9re trading really good clean, fresh air for a slightly higher power bill. It9s a small price to pay for signiû cantly increased beneû ts. Air- û ow makes a big diû erence to reduce mold spore spread in a home and just make your air quality improve signiû cantly. Homes that have HVAC do signiû cantly bet- ter. That9s not something everyone has, especially in the Paciû c Northwest, and because of that it9s very easy for stagnation to allow for mold growth in places like closets and and just old nooks and corners that air doesn9t move very well. Fans are a simple thing, like if you have a closet or you9re seeing some mold growth if you just put a fan there for a couple of days that9s going to help move that airû ow. Another thing is a dehumidiû er. The general rule is that if your home9s indoor humidity is above 60%, then you9re kind of in an environment where mold can start growing. Q: At what point in their mold infestation should people call you? A: I9m not a medical personnel, but a lot of times people call me when they start having what they feel might be health-related issues in regards to mold. It9s usually not the point you want to get to. So the time to address mold is when you see it visibly growing on things. When you need a professional is oftentimes when it9s reoccurring. In other words, you’ve made numerous attempts, like if you see a little bit of mold in your closet on a wall, and it9s real light and it9s kind of grow- ing maybe on a cardboard box, you can proba- bly address that yourself and it9s not a big issue. When you9ve got a really dark black mold and it9s growing right underneath the faucet of your sink, that9s when you need to call a professional. There9s diû erent types of mold, and obviously no mold is good in high quantities, but there9s some molds that even in very low quantities can have the potential to cause a more severe reaction. I think the simplest answer would be if you9re experiencing some health issues and you see visi- ble mold growing in your home, you should deû - Visit our website or call us toll free at 888-895-5509  Propane • RV Parts • Dump Station Your local janitorial and paper supply... ...and much more! 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