BUSINESS NEWS 8 • MARCH 2022 COAST RIVER BUSINESS JOURNAL Family-owned businesses adapt amid pandemic Some have reevaluated and expanded By ABBEY McDONALD Coast River Business Journal It has been two years since the û rst c oronavirus case was identiû ed in Oregon, and since then fami- ly-owned businesses on the North Coast have weath- ered pandemic surges alongside their communities. Some businesses that stayed aû oat during the pandemic did so by reevaluating their approach 4 and in some cases 4 expanded . ‘We’re pretty optimistic and easygoing’ Danny and Yvonne Lee, a couple who own Hobo Junction in Long Beach, pivoted to focus on online sales for the û rst time, and were surprised with how much demand there was. Their salvage store near Paciû c Avenue sticks out, surrounded by sculptures and piles of û shing equipment. On the right side of the house sits a pile of û oats, bought from local û shermen , nearly as tall as one of several life-sized decorative skeletons on the property. The secondhand equipment became one of their bestsellers during the pandemic, according to Danny Lee.