BUSINESS COMMENT 2 Coast River Business Journal Editor’s Notebook Jonathan Williams • March 2022 Amid the pandemic, what has your business learned? It’s hard to believe this month marks two years the Columbia-Paciû c, like the rest of world, has felt the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses 4 and their owners and employ- ees 4 have been stretched thin. As endless and exhausting as this period of time has felt, people have been resilient. Inno- vative. Bold. In April9s issue of Coast River Business Journal, we9ll feature your responses on how you overcame challenges at your business during the pandemic. How did your business change to meet the moment? Were there things you did dif- ferently, expanded on or stopped doing? Are their employees or others who went above and beyond to help your business? We want to hear about it. To be included in the feature, email your comment of no more than 250 words to with your name, title and the name of your business. HAILEY HOFFMAN/THE ASTORIAN Downtown Astoria is seen in the early days of the pandemic in March 2020. Precision Heating customers in Washington EARNED over $2,000 on average for their orst year. Did you know?... u