A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 2022 Nathan Howard/AP Photo The lake bed of the Wickiup Reservoir near La Pine in September. Drought to worsen in Oregon this year By GILLIAN FLACCUS Associated Press PORTLAND — Climate scientists in the Pacifi c Northwest warned Thursday that much of Oregon and parts of Idaho can expect even tougher drought condi- tions this summer than in the previous two years, which already featured dwindling res- ervoirs, explosive wildfi res and deep cuts to agricultural irrigation. At a news conference hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- istration, water and climate experts from Oregon, Washington and Idaho said parts of the region should prepare now for severe drought, wildfi res and record-low stream fl ows that will hurt salmon and other frag- ile species. Drought covers 74% of the Pacifi c North- west and nearly 20% is in extreme or excep- tional drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. An unusual ridge of high pressure off the West Coast scuttled storms in Janu- ary and February that the region normally counts on to replenish water levels and build up a snowpack that feeds streams and rivers in later months, the experts said. “This year we’re doing quite a bit worse than we were last year at this time, so one of the points is to make everyone aware that we’re going into some tough times in Ore- gon this summer,” said Larry O’Neill, Ore- gon’s state climatologist. “Right now, we’re very worried about this region, about the adversity of impacts we’re going to experi- ence this year.” The predictions are in line with dire warn- ings about climate change-induced drought and extreme heat across the American West. A 22-year megadrought deepened so much last year that the broader region is now in the driest spell in at least 1,200 years — a worst-case climate change scenario playing out in real time, a study found last month. The study calculated that 42% of this mega- drought can be attributed to human-caused climate change. In the Pacifi c Northwest, the worst impacts from the drought this summer will be felt in Oregon, which missed out on critical winter storms that would normally moisten central and southern Oregon and southern Idaho. Scientists are debating the cause of the shift in the weather pattern and some believe a warming northern Pacifi c Ocean could be part of the cause, said O’Neill. “Climate change may be changing this storm track, but there is yet no consensus on how it is aff ecting the Pacifi c Northwest,” he said. The National Interagency Fire Cen- ter recently designated all of central Ore- gon as “above normal” for fi re danger start- ing in May — one of the earliest starts of fi re season in the state ever. Most of cen- tral and Eastern Oregon is in exceptional or extreme drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, and parts of eastern Wash- ington and western and southern Idaho are in severe drought. Seven counties in central Oregon are experiencing the driest two-year period since the start of record-keeping 127 years ago. Overall, Oregon is experiencing its third-driest two-year period since 1895, the experts said. Most reservoirs in Oregon are 10% to 30% lower than where they were at this time last year and some are at historic lows, sig- naling serious problems for irrigators who rely on them to water their crops. Southern Idaho is also experiencing severe drought and a major reservoir in the Boise Basin has below average water supply, said David Hoekema of the Idaho Depart- ment of Water Resources. “It takes more than just an average year to recover and it doesn’t appear that we’re going to have an average year,” he said. “At this point, we expect southern Idaho to con- tinue in drought … and we could also see drought intensify.” Some of Oregon’s driest areas are already running into trouble. After a water crisis last summer that left dozens of homes with no water, more domestic wells in southern Oregon’s Klam- ath Basin are running dry. State water mon- itors have measured a troubling drop in the DiscoverOurCoast.com Our Coast Magazine is looking for volunteers Are you passionate about volunteering and want others to join you? Our Coast magazine is featuring a list of places for locals and visitors to volunteer up and down the coast from Manzanita to the Long Beach Peninsula. Share some of your favorite organizations with us. Are you a leader of a nonprofit or group in need of volunteers? Send us your information too. Please email the name of the organization and contact information to: jwilliams@dailyastorian.com by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9. underground aquifer that wasn’t replenished by winter precipitation, said Ivan Gall, fi eld services division administrator for the Ore- gon Water Resources Department. His agency has received complaints of 16 domestic wells that have run dry since Jan. 1 and is scrambling to fi gure out how many more wells might go dry this summer in a cascading crisis, he said. Farming season in the agricultural powerhouse began Tuesday. Last summer, farmers and ranchers in the basin didn’t receive any water from a massive federally owned irrigation project because of drought conditions and irrigators instead pumped much more water than usual from the underground aquifer to stay afl oat, Gall said. The tension over water gained national attention when, for a brief period, anti-gov- ernment activists camped out at the irriga- tion canal and threatened to open the water valves in violation of federal law. “We’re going to start this year’s pumping season 10 feet lower than we did last sea- son, which is a problem,” said Gall, who is already fi elding calls from worried water users. “I think it’s going to be another rough water year in the Klamath Basin.” HERITAGE SQUARE HOUSING OPEN HOUSE CASA ABIERTA VIVIENDA DE HERITAGE SQUARE Please join us for an informative and engaging discussion about the current state of the Heritage Square redevelopment project. We look forward to hearing your feedback and questions. Astoria Armory 1636 Exchange Street, Astoria Open House 1: March 14, 2022, 4:30 - 7:30PM Open House 2: March 24, 2022, 4:30 - 7:30PM Únase a nosotros para una discusión informativa y atractiva sobre el estado actual del proyecto de reurbanización de Heritage Square. Esperamos escuchar sus comentarios y preguntas. Astoria Armory 1636 Exchange Street, Astoria Casa Abierta 1: 14 de marzo de 2022, 4:30 - 7:30PM Casa Abierta 2: 24 de marzo de 2022, 4:30 - 7:30PM Hosted by the City of Astoria and the Edlen & Co. team Organizado por la ciudad de Astoria y el equipo Edlen & Co.