A Seaside romance DESTINY & PHIL DERAS’ WEDDING Story by Rebecca Lexa • Photos by Don Frank & Melissa Babasin D estiny Deras moved to Seaside eight years ago this summer. Intending only to work for a few months before moving to France, after six years in the Willamette Valley wine industry she was ready for something different — one chance meeting, however, would change her direction forever. One September afternoon while visiting the Seaside Cove, she was irked to see a silver pickup truck taking up three parking spots. She took action, blocking it in by parking behind. The driver, 6 • Our Coast Weddings 2022 Phil Deras, soon appeared asking her to let him out of the space. That day, neither Phil or Destiny realized they had each just met their future spouse. But soon, interest bloomed. After a year of dating, they began to discuss marriage, but it would take more than five more years (and four rings) before a formal engagement in January 2021. “He and I are big fans of rockhounding… and both love sunstones,” Destiny said, “and so it was important to him to have this sunstone component in my ring.” Phil enlisted Astoria jeweler Holly McHone to create a custom ring with Oregon sunstone and diamonds before proposing to Destiny at Painted Rock Beach. T hat day, neither Phil or Destiny realized they had each just met t heir future spouse. DiscoverOurCoast.com