Putting down roots Plant shop opens in Astoria BY LISSA BREWER Pacific Northwest design is about bringing the outdoors in, and at Variegata Exotic Plants, the North Coast’s newest green- ery haven, you’re invited to do just that. Whether you’re look- ing for low-maintenance cacti or unique aroid varieties, you’re sure to enjoy a visit to the space. Opened in November by co-owners Andrew and Marina Frink, the shop was a passion project. “We got really into plants a couple years ago and just kind of had them taking over our house,” Andrew said. Choosing Astoria was an effort to put down roots of their own. The couple made a cross-country move from Con- way, South Carolina, near Myr- tle Beach, where they met while Andrew was a graduate stu- dent. “I’m a big fan of the Ore- gon Coast. My grandma lived in Newport, so I used to come out here growing up all the time.” Andrew said. “Marina was born in Tacoma, so we wanted to move back to this area with our daughter and raise her here.” The Uniontown shop, which once housed a historic steam bath, now carries a wide vari- ety of indoor plants, from more common varieties like aloe and pothos to those aimed at collec- tors. One of Marina’s favorites in stock is the colorful Pink Prin- cess Philodendron. “That plant is really what drove me to pur- sue opening the plant store,” she said. “It was my dream plant. When I finally bought it, it was thriving and I was able to propa- gate it and grow more, I thought, ‘This is something that I really enjoy doing and could continue doing!’” If you’re not sure where to begin, the couple is happy to give advice. Whether you have five minutes each week to mist or are looking for a plant to spend a lot of time with, Variegata can help you make the right choice. “We can make personal recom- mendations depending on light See Page 5 Variegata Exotic Plants 285 W. Marine Drive, Astoria Visit www.variegataexoticplants.com or call 503-468-0150 for hours. Lissa Brewer LEFT: Owners Andrew and Marina Frink with their daughter and cat. RIGHT: Interior of Variegata Exotic Plants in Astoria. 4 // COASTWEEKEND.COM