A11 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 651 Help Wanted 814 Jewelry Buying Gold, Silver, Estate Jewelry, Coins, Diamonds, Old-Watches. Downtown Astoria Wed-Sun 332 12th St Jonathon’s, LTD. (503)325-7600 Pacific County Department of Community Development is accepting applications for a full time ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST. The position is based out of the South Bend office. Typ- ical duties include interpret- ing and enforcing regulations relating to: On-Site Sewage Program, Food Program, Sol- id Waste Program, and other areas related to Environmen- tal Health. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: conducting and documenting field inspections; investigating complaints; and public educa- tion programs. For a complete job description, employment application, and application instructions, please visit http://co.pacific.wa.us/ employment/index.htm. Position open until filled. Pacific County is an equal opportunity employer and provider. 652 Work Wanted Brushing Lot clearing Blackberry and stump removal Lot Cleanup and Storm Cleanup Excavation and tractor service Dump truck service 828 Misc for Sale MASSIVE FABRIC SALE Peninsula Senior Activity Center 21603 O Lane, Ocean Park, WA Friday – Sunday, Jan 21 – Jan 23 9:00 – 3:00 Friday – Sunday, Feb 4 – Feb 6 9:00 – 3:00 Thousands of yards of excellent quality cotton fabric @ $5/yard Prints, Batiks, Solids, Orientals, etc. Quilters – DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!! It is well worth the drive!! ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. MCR Enterprizes MCRENE*812MU To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211. (360)751-3135 101 Legal Notices AB8538 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS: In the Court of the State or Oregon for the County of Clatsop In the Matter of the Fay Katherine Kelley, Deceased. AB8545 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP Probate Department Case No. 22PB00454 If you see an error, The Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. Have a job needs done? Please call. 101 Legal Notices DUST off the old pool table and sell it with a classified ad. Notice is herby given that Marjorie A. Gensman has been appointed personal rep- resentative of the above enti- tled estate. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned personal representative in care of the undersigned at: 42095 Mar- ty Lane, Astoria, OR 97103 within four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose right may be affected by the proceed- ings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative or the attorney for the personal rep- resentative. Dated and first published January 27, 2022. Marjorie A. Gensman, Personal Representative 42095 Marty Lane, Astoria, OR 97103 Attorney for Personal Representative: Kelly M. Stearns, Attorney at Law, OSB 086717 1139 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 503 468 0160 kmstearns@gmail.com Published: January 27, February 3 & 10, 2022. Reach the entire North Oregon and Southwest Washington coasts with our classified package options! Call 503-325-3211 for more information. BUSIN ESS D IRE CTORY Y OU R GU ID E TO LOCAL PROF E SSIONAL S In the Matter of the Estate of JEFFERY TAUBE, Deceased Case No. 22PB00772 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WAYNE E. GESSFORD has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the es- tate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at: c/o Guyer Law, Attorneys; 5895 Jean Road; Lake Oswe- go, Oregon 97035 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may obtain additional in- formation from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorneys for the personal representative, Guyer Law, Attorneys; 5895 Jean Road, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035. Dated and first published: February 10, 2022. Jamey’s Lawn Service Mowing,trimming, brush clearing, bark mulch and more. 503-791-6057 Let your pockets “jingle” with extra cash from The Astorian classifieds. CCB#158562 Lawn & Garden Have you seen our FEATURED ADS? Only viewable on our website, www.dailyastorian.com. Call 503-325-3211 for more information! ARBOR CARE TREE SPECIALISTS ISA Certified Arborists ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Comprehensive Service, Pruning/Removal, Stump Grinding/Hazard Evaluations (503)791-0853 www.arborcarenw.com CCB#171855 WA#ARBORCI909RW Care for Your Trees Construction Design Jack Coffey Construction •New•Repair•Remodel •Drywall•Concrete•Decks •Licensed•Bonded•Insured (503)325-7406 * CCB#55284 Alejo’s Landscape Maintenance LLC One time clean ups! Monthly maintenance! Fences, Walkways, Patios, Mulch, Mowing, Trimming, Pruning, Gutters, Pressure washing, Roof cleaning, and many other services. CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE (503)791-0190 Licensed, Bonded & Insured LCB # 100116 Bellos Construction, remodeling, framing, drywall, flooring, kitchen, showers, tile, roofing, siding, concrete work, pavers, driveway, retaining walls, pressure washing, painting, renovation. Free Estimates Call (503)741-1582 CCB# 228782 *Bello*825CP OR & WA Licensed, Bonded & Insured Painting & Repairs Saybrook Painting 20 years experience. Interior exterior painting. All types of staining. Dry wall repair and texture matching. Kitchen cabinet painting and restoring. Power washing. Call Dave for free estimate. CCB236277 (970) 275-5535 BALLOT TITLE CAPTION:   City of Gearhart General Obligation Bonds New Fire/ Police Station QUESTION: Shall Gearhart issue up to $14.5 million in general obligation bonds for a new fire/police station? SUMMARY: Approval of this measure would finance costs to construct, equip, and furnish a new fire/police station. The City’s current station is an un-reinforced concrete block building. Built in 1958 at an elevation of 27 feet, it lacks separate restrooms for men and women. This legal notice is to be published by the City Elections Of- ficer in the City of Gearhart, Gearhart, Oregon and in a news- paper of general distribution within the City. Chad Sweet, City Administrator and Elections Officer Published: Thursday, February 3, 2022. Go. GARAGE SALES Do. coastweekend.com CASH buyers are reading your classified ad. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Gearhart City Council has submitted the following ballot title for the proposal: The City estimates the bonds would cost property owners $1.213 per $1,000 assessed value per year. Any series of Bonds would mature over a period not to exceed 20 years from the date of is- suance. Ellis Tree & Lawn Service One-time clean-up or year-round lawn care. Brush clearing, tree service, stump grinding, pressure washing & many other services. Call Rick (503)791-1837 bigbystreeservice.com NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any voter of the City of Gear- hart who believes the proposed measure contains more than one subject or who believes the ballot title is insufficient, not concise, or unfair may file a petition for judicial review under ORS 250.296 with the Clatsop County Circuit Court no later than 5:00 pm, Feb- ruary 11, 2022, which is seven business days after the Council approved the ballot title. Notification must also be given to the City Elections Officer (City Administrator) the same day of filing with the Circuit Court. ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER: Theodore R. Naemura, OSB 953649 Guyer Law, Attorneys 5895 Jean Road Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 (503) 697-1035 phone (503) 697-1045 fax ted@guyer.law Published: February 3, 10, 17, 2022. WADSWORTH ELECTRIC ccb#2404 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a ballot title for a measure re- ferred by the City of Gearhart City Council to seek voter approval to borrow funds for a new fire/police station on May 17, 2022.  A complete copy of the ballot title which includes caption, question, and summary; as well as the text of the measure, is available at the Gearhart City Hall. The new building is anticipated to include but not limited to: Restrooms, showers, and dressing rooms for women and men; Sleeping areas to maintain around the clock on duty staffing; An area to decontaminate breathing apparatus and equipment from hazardous materials; Police department office and storage space. Affordable Rates BIGBY’S TREE SERVICE (503)791-0767 NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BALLOT TITLE REFERRAL BY THE CITY OF GEARHART CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Wayne E. Gessford 16513 NW Argyle Way Portland, Oregon 97229 (503) 804-9641 phone Lawn & Garden 503-325-5501 AB8544 EXHIBIT 2 The proposed new station would be built on land donated to the City at an elevation of 65 feet. Dr. Jonathan Allen of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) has pro- vided estimates that the site would likely survive a Small through Extra Large Tsunami. Electricians Electrical Services 101 Legal Notices THEODORE R. NAEMURA, OSB NO. 953649 Of Attorneys for Personal Representative Arborist ISA CERTIFIED ARBORISTS •Pruning •Removal •Stump Grinding •Excavator/Brush Rake •Vegetation Management 101 Legal Notices w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m dining • the arts • music shopping • museums • classes • movies gardening • news • blogs • more Warrenton Community Flea Market February 4th, 5th & 6th 10am-4pm daily Lots of treasures! Pacific Grange 90475 Highway 101, Warrenton SPECIALTY SERVICES W E URGE YOU TO PATRONIZE THE LOCAL PROFESSIONALS ADVERTISING IN T HE A STORIAN S PECIALTY S ERVICES . T O PLACE YOUR S PECIALTY S ERVICES AD , CALL 325-3211. If you’re a print subscriber Professional Services LAND USE CONSULTING Will Caplinger, AICP Certified Planner #022106 Conditional Use Permits Land Divisions Lot Line Adjustments Site Plans Variances & Appeals Land Research & Analysis caplingerwill@gmail.com www.williamjcaplinger.com (503) 468-1015 TM Bookkeeping Service •Payables •Receivables •Payroll •Quarterly Reporting Terry (503)298-0750 Dionne (503)791-1928 Weekend Break Now available in your Saturday edition of you get digital access FREE Call 1.800.781.3214 and we can help you get access to all of The Astorian content on your computer, tablet or phone