BOOKMONGER Cat Show to take place in Seaside SEASIDE – Cats aren’t known for a love of water, but you’ll fi nd plenty at the CFA Allured Cat Show and Household Pet Com- petition, held at the Seaside Civic & Convention Center on Saturday and Sunday. Sponsored by the Emer- ald Cat Club of Vancouver, Washington, a member of the Cat Fanciers’ Associa- tion, the show will feature both pedigreed cats and household pets, subject to diff erent judging criteria. Find out more at https:// Suspense novel takes some detours Take a scenic Oregon coastal town, add the infi rmities and melancholia of two old retirees, and stir in a contemporary menace that is shattering the calm of their community. Those are the ingredients that Astoria author William Dean incorporates into his latest sus- pense novel, “The Ghosts We Know.” The principal character, Harry Bolden, has been retired from the local police force for several years. He’s waging a losing fi ght with Parkinson’s disease but still has the get-up- and-go to grab his battered old chess set and head across the street to the local park to wel- come all comers to a friendly game. That’s where he meets Fred Von Stiller, an elderly, pipe-smoking gent with a formal bear- ing and a German accent. Both are widowers, and coming to the park to watch the kids play helps to distract them from their loneliness and the regrets that accompany old age. But any sense of equilibrium shatters with the suicide of the 14-year-old who had grown up next door to Harry. He knew that the teen had been struggling recently, but when he’d reached out to see if he could help, the boy had rebuff ed his eff orts. When another young teen vanishes with- out a trace, and that kid’s mother describes seeing similar indications of distress in her son, the entire community soon becomes gripped by the fear that someone is preying on their children. Now parents don’t let their kids go to the park to play anymore. Harry grows impatient that his former colleagues down at the police station don’t seem to be coming up with any answers, so he begins his own inquiries, talking to every- one in the town he can think of, from the local postman to the vet with PTSD who lives down the street, to fi nd out if any- body has noticed anything unusual in the neighborhood. He enlists Fred, a fellow aging veteran, to join him in his escapades, but when some of their undercover sleuthing crosses the line, the two old fellows are unceremoniously hauled in by the cops and scolded for inter- fering in an ongoing investigation. Unbeknownst to all, Harry’s blundering eff orts have actually exposed some concerns and attracted the interest of a more sinister element. “The Ghosts We Know” has all the of the elements required in a suspense novel of this CrosswordAnswers D R A B This week’s book ‘The Ghosts We Know’ by William Dean Lonely Whale Press – 316 pp — $12.99 type, and the friendship between Harry and Fred is a solid plus. So far, so good. But the author takes things further. He adds complex backstories for both Harry and Fred. The two are both veterans of World War II, although they fought on opposite sides. The story includes scenes from their wartime experiences. It includes dream sequences with their dead wives. It includes scenes from the point of view of the antago- nists. And there’s a signifi cant subplot about Fred’s estrangement from his birth family, which leads to some story detours before get- ting loosely woven into a fi nal and improb- able pursuit of the villain. These embellish- ments sometimes overwhelm the story. One more draft might have fi nessed some of these connections. The Bookmonger is Barbara Lloyd McMi- chael, who writes this weekly column focus- ing on the books, authors and publishers of the Pacifi c Northwest. Contact her at E M I R B O N K A F R A M E T R A D E D N O N E T A K E N B R O T H E R S O F B A N D A E X G E O D T O W I N I D E A C O R N P H O O P I E S N S N E I N U E O C M A A L T Y T P R A T A C I C T T S S T A B A R A C S O F C H T S H I I P E N O R O F T I O N S L I D F O O T O O N A E D A F N E I L N O F R I O L P E T I L E N T Y S F A A O U T R A B S E N O V E R S K I D S T H E F A M U N S T R A P F F R I O E G O G O H O O F A C H E N E O N B I I D T S S J A U I D S F F T O E R L E E D L Y A S E X T S R B O G O H O R S O D F E O F L E L D O S C A D S T A I R W A Y T A N M A G L A O T O N S R T E A A G P E C O M M A N D O F C H A I N L C O D P S E B A L D E A G L E A M O R W A I V E D O I L E R S O D E S S E A T THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 // 19