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Free Estimates Call (503)741-1582 CCB# 228782 *Bello*825CP OR & WA Licensed, Bonded & Insured CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today! Electrical Services 503-325-5501 ccb#2404 Ellis Tree & Lawn Service One-time clean-up or year-round lawn care. Brush clearing, tree service, stump grinding, pressure washing & many other services. Call Rick (503)791-1837 Special Includes: • 2 Weeks in Print & Online • Logo Included • Facebook Boost • Featured Advertising ys for 3 da Call 800.781.3214 to advertise today! at Call 503-325-3211 or email: classifieds@dailyastorian.com classifieds@dailyastorian.com Y OU R GU ID E TO LOCAL PROF E SSIONAL S Handyman Services PLACE YOUR JOB POSTING HERE $ 25 BUSIN ESS D IRE CTORY Arborist Searching for Employees? 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Professional Services LAND USE CONSULTING Will Caplinger, AICP Certified Planner #022106 Conditional Use Permits Land Divisions Lot Line Adjustments Site Plans Variances & Appeals Land Research & Analysis caplingerwill@gmail.com www.williamjcaplinger.com (503) 468-1015 TM Bookkeeping Service •Payables •Receivables •Payroll •Quarterly Reporting Terry (503)298-0750 Dionne (503)791-1928 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Fulltime Position ABS/GED/ESOL/Spanish Compensation: D.O.E. and Education Excellent Benefits Full Employer Paid PERS Contact Briar Smith (503) 842-8222, ext.1022 briarsmith@tillamookbaycc. edu Details and application packet available at: https://tillamookbaycc.edu/ about-tbcc/human-resources/ TBCC is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Pacific County Department of Community Development is accepting applications for a full time ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST. The position is based out of the South Bend office. Typ- ical duties include interpret- ing and enforcing regulations relating to: On-Site Sewage Program, Food Program, Sol- id Waste Program, and other areas related to Environmen- tal Health. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: conducting and documenting field inspections; investigating complaints; and public educa- tion programs. Science (Biology) For a complete job description, employment application, and application instructions, please visit http://co.pacific.wa.us/ employment/index.htm. Position open until filled. Compensation: Pacific County is an equal opportunity employer and provider. Excellent Benefits Full Employer Paid PERS If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach DIAL Fulltime Position D.O.E. and Education Contact Briar Smith (503) 842-8222, ext.1022 briarsmith@tillamookbaycc. edu 503-325-3211 Details and application packet available at: https://tillamookbaycc.edu/ about-tbcc/human-resources/ F OR A The Astorian Classified Ad TBCC is an equal opportunity educator and employer. www.DailyAstorian.com 651 Help Wanted Part-Time Employment Hiring Special Ed Paras to serve Ocean Beach and Naselle School Districts. Positions vary 20 - 35 hrs/ wk, and work a school year schedule. Health Benefits and Retirement. $16.19/hr. www.esd112.org/takeroot Full-Time Employment Heavy Equipment Operator & Truck Driver We are offering a chance to join a long-standing business in providing excellent excavation services to the north coast. We do require a Valid Driver’s License*, pre-employment drug test, & a willingness to learn. *Class A – CDL preferred but not required Benefits include paid medical, dental, vacation, sick time & Simple IRA match. Hourly pay dependent on experience, weekly overtime available. Part time position also available. Interested? Send us an Email at mmcewan3569@ gmail.com or Give us a call at 503.738.3569, Seaside, OR. Go. GARAGE SALES Do. w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m Ocean Park MOVING SALE Classified Ads work hard for you! coastweekend.com dining • the arts • music shopping • museums • classes • movies gardening • news • blogs • more 22931 Birch Place Ocean Park, Wa. 01/28, 01/29/22 9am to 4pm Hand tools and power tools. 2 dining room sets, dressers, book cases, lift reclining chair, stereo components, kitchen items, single beds, more furniture and lots of great things. State mandated covid restrictions in place. Sign up sheet available onsite at 8am. Strange Estate Sales Journeyman & Apprentice Electricians Wanted: CAREER OPPORTUNITY!!! Ford Electric (Pacific County Electrical Contractor Since 1944) is looking for Hard Working, Honest & POSITIVE candidates. Must be problem solver, good with tools, willing to learn and follow directions. High Wages based on experience & performance. This is a full-time position w/training. Benefits include: medical, dental, paid time off & 401K match. Applicants email ford.electric.inc@gmail.com or call 360-244-1374 with inquiries. Don’t forget... 2022 will be our best year YET!! Have you seen our FEATURED ADS? Only viewable on our website, www.dailyastorian.com. Call 503-325-3211 for more information! If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach DIAL 503-325-3211 F OR A The Astorian Classified Ad ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. If you see an error, The Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211.