A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 2022 Energy groups eye clean energy strategy for Western states By KEITH RIDLER Associated Press BOISE, Idaho — Two electric utilities and a fed- eral energy agency with mil- lions of customers in eight Western states have reached a tentative agreement cen- tered on a new energy trans- mission line connecting their power grids. Idaho Power, Pacifi Corp and the Bonneville Power Administration announced the complex proposal Wednesday ahead of the expected 2026 completion of a 500-kilovolt, 290-mile transmission line from East- ern Oregon to southwestern Idaho. The entities said the Boardman to Heming- way transmission line will help them meet increasing demand and support their clean-energy goals while increasing the reliability and safety of the region’s trans- mission system. Energy will move in both directions on the line. The agreement still needs to be fi nalized and approved by regulators. “This arrangement paves the way toward a promising and economic solution for serving all of the participants and supports eff orts to meet the region’s clean energy goals,” said Kim Thompson, Bonneville Power Admin- istration’s vice president of Northwest Requirements Marketing. The Portland headquar- tered Bonneville Power Administration is a U.S. Department of Energy agency that markets electric- ity generated at 31 hydro- electric facilities operated by the U.S. Bureau of Rec- lamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Columbia River and its tributaries. It also markets power from the Columbia Generating Station, a com- mercial nuclear facility north of Richland, Washington. The Bonneville Power Administration markets the S. John Collins/EO Media Group The proposed Boardman-to-Hemingway power line would follow the route of an existing line that crosses Highway 86 between Baker City and the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. energy to public utility dis- tricts, municipal electric utilities and rural electric cooperatives in eight states. Boise, Idaho-based Idaho Power is a public utility that operates as a state-regu- lated monopoly. It has about 600,000 customers in East- ern Oregon and southern Idaho. Most of its energy is produced from its 17 hydro- electric facilities on the Snake River and its tributar- ies. The company plans to phase out coal-fi red power by 2028 and provide only clean energy by 2045. The new transmission line is a key part of that strategy. Pacifi Corp is a regu- lated public utility with two operating divisions, Pacifi c Power and Rocky Mountain Power, that combined have about two million custom- ers in Oregon, Washington, California, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Pacifi Corp would bene- fi t with the deal by improv- ing its ability to move power into its central Oregon ser- vice area. It will also acquire Idaho Power transmission assets across southern Idaho that will increase the compa- ny’s ability to transfer power between the eastern and western parts of its service area. The company’s long- range planning includes signifi cantly expanding its wind and solar energy, and Est. 1987 ANNUAL JANUARY SALE Jan 22 % 25 % 30 off OFF Jan 24-29 ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT ON CLEARANCE ITEMS 35 %off Jan 31st 1116 Commercial, Astoria, OR (503)325-5720 Open Mon-Sat, closed Sundays Follow us on Facebook & Instagram EXCLUDES FOOD, CONSIGNMENTS, LAYAWAY, BOOKS AND CARDS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND battery storage. The com- pany is looking to eventu- ally move away from coal energy in the 2040s. Bonneville Power Administration is guided through statutes created by Congress. Idaho Power and Pacifi Corp are both regu- lated by state utility com- missions in the states they operate as well as by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Notably, the transmis- sion line connects deeply conservative Idaho with the more liberal Oregon. Idaho Republican Gov. Brad Lit- tle, a rancher, has publicly recognized climate change, and his recently released proposed budget includes money to deal with those realities on state-owned land. Gov. Kate Brown, a Dem- ocrat and member of the Western Governors’ Associ- ation, has pushed to improve the region’s electric-vehicle charging infrastructure. Under the proposal between the three energy entities, Pacifi Corp will own 55% of the new transmis- sion line and Idaho Power 45%. Bonneville Power Administration is transfer- ring its ownership interest in the line to Idaho Power and will not participate in its construction. The power administration will acquire transmission service over Idaho Power’s transmission system, including the Board- man-to-Hemingway line. The proposal also includes the transfer of some assets between Idaho Power and Pacifi Corp that each entity said will strengthen their systems and provide access to key energy markets to meet growing demand. “This agreement solidi- fi es and simplifi es a path for- ward for a project that will help us continue our centu- ry-long tradition of reliable, aff ordable, clean energy,” said Mitch Colburn, Idaho Power’s vice president of planning, engineering and construction.