A12 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2022 RELIGION BRIEFS Anchor Baptist Church The congregation meets at the Asto- ria Christian Church, 1151 Harrison Ave. On Sundays, the service starts at 1 p.m.; Bible study is at 7 p.m. Thurs- days. For information, email anchor- baptistastoria@gmail.com Astoria Christian Church For service information and updates, go to astoriachristian.org or bit.ly/AstoriaChristian, call 503-325- 2591 or email AstoriaChristian@ gmail.com Astoria First Baptist Church First Baptist Church, 349 Sev- enth St., holds a worship service at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. The service is also broadcast at fb.me/astoriafi rstbaptist Sunday school starts at 9:30 a.m. There is no child care, but children are encouraged to join the service. For information, call the church offi ce at 503-325-1761. Astoria First United Methodist Church Open for worship on Sundays at 11:30 a.m., 1076 Franklin Ave. Masks are required. For livestream service information, email the church offi ce at offi ce@unitedmethodistastoria.org or call 503-325-5454. Common Ground Interspiritual Fellowship Common Ground Interspiritual Fel- lowship holds a service from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Sunday, via Zoom, which is open to all belief systems, includ- ing the spiritual but not religious. For information, go to cgifellowship.org. For the Zoom link, email info@cgifel- lowship.org First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday morning services and Sunday school at the Christian Sci- ence Church, 632 11th St., are held at 10 a.m.; enter on 11th Street. Wednesday evening testimony meetings are at 7 p.m. Those wishing to attend by phone can get details by calling 971-320-0294. The Reading Room hours are 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, except holidays; enter on Franklin Avenue. Grace Episcopal Church Grace Episcopal Church, 1545 Frank- lin Ave., holds Sunday services at 8 and 10 a.m. The later service is also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Morning prayer services are daily at 8 a.m., and an evening prayer ser- vice is at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, also live streamed. Masks are required, and air machines are in use. The food pantry is open from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Church offi ce hours are from 10 a.m. to noon Monday through Fri- day. For information, go to graceas- toria.org, call 503-325-5107 or email graceastoria4691@gmail.com Olney Community Church The non-denominational Olney Community Church, 89351 Oregon Highway 202, meets at 9:30 a.m. Sun- day for breakfast. Sunday school is at 10 a.m., and the worship service is at 11 a.m. All are welcome. A Wednes- day prayer meeting is at 3 p.m. For information, call the church at 503- 325-3394, or Ed Hortsch, pastor, at 503-791-4475. Drivers needed for veterans’ van Every weekday at 7 a.m., the Disabled American Veter- ans van departs from the park- ing lot on Marine Drive just west of Burger King with veter- ans who have medical appoint- ments at the Portland Veterans Aff airs Medical Center. Local veterans depend on this transportation for medical treatment they otherwise would not receive. Many are treated for life-threatening conditions, and have no other way to see their physicians. This service is provided by volunteers who deliver the vet- erans to their appointments, then return to Astoria when all the veterans have fi nished their appointments. Additional drivers are needed to continue providing uninterrupted service. Volun- teers drive one or two days a month; for their commitment, they earn a free physical exam- ination and breakfast and lunch in the hospital cafeteria. For information, and to volunteer, call Judy Ronis at 971-704-1965. Diabetes prevention program off ered Columbia Memorial Hospi- tal’s Diabetes Prevention Pro- gram starts Jan. 25, and runs weekly on Tuesday evenings from 5 to 6 p.m. This life- style-change program is off ered in-person at the hospital’s Columbia Center, 2021 Marine Drive, in the Coho Room on the second fl oor. This program, federal Cen- ters for Disease Control and Prevention-recognized and based on research, is focused on healthy eating and physical activity. To be eligible for this pro- gram you: have been diag- nosed with pre-diabetes based on a blood test completed in the last year; are a woman, and have been diagnosed with ges- tational diabetes during preg- nancy; or you have a posi- tive screening for pre-diabetes based on the CDC pre-diabetes screening test. For questions, contact Arna Vanebo Pyle at 503-338-7592. Information can also be found at columbiamemorial.org/dpp — The Astorian Pacifi c Unitarian Universalist The Pacifi c Unitarian Universal- ist Fellowship now meets in person at noon Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church, 1103 Grand Ave. The sanctu- ary entrance is on 11th Street between Grand and Harrison avenues. The ser- vice is also held via Zoom; for infor- mation, go to pacuuf.org Peace First Lutheran Peace First Lutheran Church holds Sunday services at 8:30 and 11 a.m. at 725 33rd St. The 8:30 a.m. service is also streamed live at bit.ly/3rckrMd Wednesday Bible Study is at 10:30 a.m., with noon-time prayers following, at 565 12th St. Church offi ce hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, call 503-325-6252, email offi ce@peacefi rstlutheran.com or go to peacefi rstlutheran.com Pioneer Presbyterian Church WARRENTON — For service information, call the church at 503- 861-2421 or go to pioneerchurchp- cusa.org St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish For information about the St. Vin- cent de Paul Food Pantry hours, and service and livestreaming informa- tion at both the Astoria church and Hammond mission, call 503-325- 3671, email offi ce@stmaryastoria. com or go to stmaryastoria.com or bit. ly/stmaryastoria COMMUNITY NOTES FRIDAY Senior Lunch To Go — Pick up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Drive up to Ave- nue B to pick up at back door. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420. Columbia Senior Diners — Full Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or pickup available at the Astoria Senior Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange St. For information, or meal delivery, call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m. Seaside Bridge Club — Players need proof of vaccina- tion and a partner; for informa- tion, or to request a partner, call 503-325-0029. Better Breathers Club — Ses- sions off er support, ways and techniques to cope with COPD, asthma, pulmonary fi brosis and other respiratory issues. Caregiv- ers also welcome. For informa- tion, call 800-562-8964. MONDAY Senior Lunch To Go — Pick up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Drive up to Ave- nue B to pick up at back door. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420. Columbia Senior Diners — Full Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or pickup available at the Astoria Senior Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange St. For information, or meal delivery, call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m. Warrenton Senior Lunch Program — For information, or to volunteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or Thursday. Pinochle Group — Looking for players. For information, call 503-869-2390. Astoria Rotary Club — For information, go to AstoriaRotary. org Columbia Northwestern Model Railroading Club — Group runs trains on HO-scale layout. For information, call Don Carter at 503-325-0757. Astoria Toastmasters — For information, go to 775.toast- mastersclubs.org or call Christa Svensson at 206-790-2869. TUESDAY Stewardship Quilting Group — Donations of mate- rial always appreciated. For information, call Janet Kemp at 503-325-4268. Do Nothing Club — Men’s group. For information, call Jack McBride at 360-665-2721. Senior Lunch To Go — Pick up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Drive up to Ave- nue B to pick up at back door. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420. Columbia Senior Diners — Full Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or pickup available at the Astoria Senior Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange St. For information, or meal delivery, call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m. Astoria-Warrenton Bridge Club — Players need proof of vaccination and a partner; for information, or to request a part- ner, call 503-325-0029. Astoria Lions Club — Pro- spective members welcome. For information, contact Charlene Larsen at 503-325-0590. Astoria Kiwanis Club — For information, call Frank Spence at 503-325-2365 or Susan Brooks at 503-791-3026. Ci t y Lumber Voted “We’re more than a lumber yard” $ COMMUNITY BRIEFS BE S T Founded 1904 Home Im p Store in rovement 2020 Your Project Headquarters 46 99 Best Comfort Oil-Filled Radiator Heater 7-fin oil-filled radiator heater. Adjustable thermostat maintains desired temperature. 3 heat settings for energy efficient options. External cord storage. Safety features include: Solid heavy gauge steel, durable rust-free enamel finish, machine welded for leak-free operation, power indicator light, accidental overheat shut-off, front and rear carrying handles. SKU #435470 Best Comfort Milkhouse Heater Don’t have room to store a ton of pellets? 40-LB. BA $ 5 $ 39 24 99 Sturdy, large utility heater with integrated fan system and shroud for a powerful, concentrated heat output. Comfort control thermostat automatically maintains desired temperature level. Carry grip on top handle for portability. Front protective bars. All-metal housing and tough construction. Total safety system, including protective front guards and tip-over protection. 100 Sq. Ft. (square foot) heating area. Convenient front controls. 2 heat settings: 1300W (watt) or 1500W. SKU #428256 COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE IN STOCK COME IN TODAY to and see the wide assortment of Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day products and accessories that we have in stock. Detergent, hand soap and lotions, dryer sheets, dish washing liquid etc. IN BOTH LARGE AND SMALL QUANTITIES. YOU WILL LOVE WHAT YOU FIND! G $249.50/ ton Picked up PREPAID PELLET PROGRAM We’ll store your pellets for you. You pick them up when you need them! YOU NEED IT WE HAVE IT OVER fast/free delivery 6 7 ,000 ITEMS IN STOCK! TO OUR STORE Three convenient ways TO T O SHOP! 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