No public nuisance here Band of police offi cers to play New Year’s Eve show BY NIKKI DAVIDSON Illuminated by red and blue lights in a full taproom at Fort George Brewery, a band of fi ve men grabbed guitars, drum- sticks and microphones and cranked out a setlist of crowd-pleasing cover songs. The gig was quite diff erent from what they do under fl ashing lights of the same colors at their day jobs. Each of them works in law enforcement in Astoria. Lead vocalist Jason Hoover works at the Clatsop County Sheriff ’s O ffi ce, while Kevin Berry, Chris McNeary and Andrew Randall work for the Astoria Police Department and bass guitarist Keith War- ren works as a Port of Astoria security offi cer. Getting together to play music is an escape from the stress of their jobs. “You don’t think about police work when you’re up playing the guitar and singing and listening for the drums,” said McNeary, guitarist and vocalist. “It’s defi - nitely putting you out of that zone where you’re doing police work, which, as many people know, is pretty stressful right now.” The men formed the unlikely band on a whim. Berry had played guitar since col- lege and was asked to perform at the Clat- sop County Fair in 2019 after posting a few cover songs on YouTube . He agreed under the condition he could perform with some law enforcement friends who were also musically inclined. The group formed plans to put on a one-time show under the ironic band name Public Nuisance. The county fair performance was a fundraiser for the Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation, which supports families of offi cers killed in the line of duty. The guys noticed the group’s work in action in 2016 when Seaside Police Sgt. Jason Goodding Photos by Nikki Davidson ABOVE: The Yard Dogs band is made up of people who work in law enforcement. LEFT: The Yard Dogs perform in a concert at Fort George Brewery in December. New Year’s Eve concert Yard Dogs 10 p.m. Friday at the Worker’s Tavern 281 W. Marine Drive, Astoria See Page 9 PLAN TO VISIT IN 2022 Return of the Lightship Columbia • Opening of Newest Exhibit: Shipwrecks! Celebrate our 60th Anniversary 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon • 503.325.2323 • 8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM