B7 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2021 Classifieds SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! GARAGE SALE If it Drives or Floats... SEASON IS HERE! ONLY Call 800.781.3214 to advertise today! classifieds@dailyastorian.com Travel trailers & RV spaces for rent long-term. 503-861-1760 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted JEWELL SCHOOL VACANCY NOTICE 1.0 FTE PK-12 SCHOOL COUNSELOR Please check the Jewell School Website www.jewell. k12.or.us for details and application requirements. For any questions and application submissions please email: allycec@jewellk12.org Clatsop Community College is recruting for the following position: www.dailyastorian.com FIND IT, TELL IT, SELL IT! CLASSIFIED ADS! 503-325-3211 Clatsop Community College is recruting for the following positions: View job descriptions/ qualifications and apply on-line at www.clatsopcc. edu. Applications must be completed by January 3, 2022. Contact the Office of Human Resources at (503) 338-2406 or hr@clatsopcc. edu if application assistance is needed. AA/EOE SHOP LOCAL! Check the Business Directory daily to utilize the local professionals advertising in The Astorian. To place an ad in our Business Directory, call 503-325-3211. EVERYTHING is coming up results when you use a classified ad! Custodial/Maintenance Assistant Two full-time positions open. View job description/ qualifications and apply on-line at our web site www. clatsopcc.edu. Applications must be completed by January 7, 2022. Contact the Office of Human Resources at (503) 338-2406 or hr@clatsopcc. edu if application assistance is needed. AA/EOE SOCIAL ANXIETY? Send an email to: classifieds@dailyastorian.com to place a classified ad without picking up a phone! • the arts • music • shopping • museums • classes • movies • gardening • news • blogs • more Arborist Electricians Lawn & Garden Affordable Rates BIGBY’S TREE SERVICE WADSWORTH ELECTRIC Bellos Construction, remodeling, framing, drywall, flooring, kitchen, showers, tile, roofing, siding, concrete work, pavers, driveway, retaining walls, pressure washing, painting, renovation. 503-325-5501 (503)791-0767 ccb#2404 bigbystreeservice.com Handyman Services CCB#158562 ARBOR CARE TREE SPECIALISTS ISA Certified Arborists ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Comprehensive Service, Pruning/Removal, Stump Grinding/Hazard Evaluations (503)791-0853 www.arborcarenw.com CCB#171855 WA#ARBORCI909RW Care for Your Trees Construction Design RM Construction Home Repair & Remodel New window and door installation. Siding, decks, rot repair. Interior remodeling, sheetrock and painting. Lic#73487 (503) 738-6495 cell: (503) 739-1105 Jack Coffey Construction •New•Repair•Remodel •Drywall•Concrete•Decks •Licensed•Bonded•Insured (503)325-7406 * CCB#55284 North Coast Handyman & Woodworking, LLC (503) 440-5758 Facebook: northcoasthw Interior remodeling, siding, windows, decks, rot specialist. Licensed, bonded, & insured. CCB#215908 Lawn & Garden Alejo’s Landscape Maintenance LLC One time clean ups! Monthly maintenance! Fences, Walkways, Patios, Mulch, Mowing, Trimming, Pruning, Gutters, Pressure washing, Roof cleaning, and many other services. CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE (503)791-0190 Licensed, Bonded & Insured LCB # 100116 Ellis Tree & Lawn Service One-time clean-up or year-round lawn care. Brush clearing, tree service, stump grinding, pressure washing & many other services. Call Rick (503)791-1837 Free Estimates Call (503)741-1582 CCB# 228782 *Bello*825CP OR & WA Licensed, Bonded & Insured •JIM’S LAWN CARE• •Brush Clearing•Lawns•Shrubs •Hauling•Gutter & Storm-Cleanup (503)325-2445 Free Estimates Jamey’s Lawn Service Mowing,trimming, brush clearing, bark mulch and more. 503-791-6057 UPGRADING? Sell your used equipment fast, by listing it in The Astorian classified section. Call 503-325-3211. Professional Services LAND USE CONSULTING Will Caplinger, AICP Certified Planner #022106 Conditional Use Permits Land Divisions Lot Line Adjustments Site Plans Variances & Appeals Land Research & Analysis caplingerwill@gmail.com www.williamjcaplinger.com (503) 468-1015 TM Bookkeeping Service •Payables •Receivables •Payroll •Quarterly Reporting Terry (503)298-0750 Dionne (503)791-1928 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Pups N Suds Grooming Looking for experienced groomer. Apply in person at 346 S Main Ave, Warrenton, OR SEASIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking candidates for: MECHANIC/BUS DRIVER This is a full time/12-month position with excellent benefits! Visit our employment page for a complete list and to apply: www.seaside.k12. or.us/employment or (503 )738-5591 The District is an EOE Full-Time Employment Hiring a Mental Health Therapist for the Wahkiakum SD. Full-time, 240 days per year. MA in counseling or social work required. Apply online: www.esd112.org/takeroot Cathlamet, wa. (360)750-7503 hr.dept@esd112.org Details and application packet available at: https://tillamookbaycc.edu/ about-tbcc/human-resources/ TBCC is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Fulltime Position Dean of General Education and Transfer $59,442-$66,903 annual ($29.84-$33.58 per hour) (Full employer paid PERS) Contact Briar Smith (503) 842-8222, ext.1022 briarsmith@tillamookbaycc. edu Warrenton-Hammond School District Y OU R GU ID E TO LOCAL PROF E SSIONAL S Electrical Services $59,442-$66,903/annual ($29.84-$33.58 per hour) (Full employer paid PERS) DUST off the old pool table and sell it with a classified ad. BUSIN ESS D IRE CTORY ISA CERTIFIED ARBORISTS •Pruning •Removal •Stump Grinding •Excavator/Brush Rake •Vegetation Management Director of Human Resources TBCC is an equal opportunity educator and employer. coastweekend.com at Call 503-325-3211 or email: classifieds@dailyastorian.com Fulltime Position Details and application packet available at: https://tillamookbaycc.edu/ about-tbcc/human-resources/ G o . D o . dining 651 Help Wanted Contact Pat Ryan (503) 842-8222, ext.1022 patryan@tillamookbaycc.edu Enrollment Assistant Full-time position. One of the Pacific Northwest’s great small newspapers • 2 Weeks in Print & Online • Logo Included • Facebook Boost • Featured Advertising ys 637 RV/Trailer/Mobile Home Space-Rental A small town newspaper with a global outlook Special Includes: for 3 da ADVERTISE TODAY 800.781.3214 classifieds@dailyastorian.com If it doesn’t sell in two weeks We will give you two weeks for FREE! 2006 3/4 ton long bed extended cab 4x4 Lariat with 153K miles on bullet proofed 6 liter diesel. Good shape. $13,500 Call 503-338-8587 for details. PLACE YOUR JOB POSTING HERE $ 25 $ 49.95 210 Trucks Searching for Employees? Warrenton-Hammond School District is seeking an Assistant Custodian/ Grounds. This is a full-time, year-round position with paid holidays, sick leave, personal leave, vacation and full health benefits. Job information and application are available online at www.warrentonschools.com Warrenton Prep Preschool is seeking a Preschool Classroom Manager. Position is 6.5 hours per day, five days per week (8-3) and follows the school district calendar. Paid sick leave, paid personal leave, six paid holidays and benefits. Additional workdays over winter, spring and summer breaks may be available. Job information and application are available online at www.warrentonschools.com Journeyman & Apprentice Electricians Wanted: CAREER OPPORTUNITY!!! Ford Electric (Pacific County Electrical Contractor Since 1944) is looking for Hard Working, Honest & POSITIVE candidates. Must be problem solver, good with tools, willing to learn and follow directions. High Wages based on experience & performance. This is a full-time position w/training. Benefits include: medical, dental, paid time off & 401K match. Applicants email ford.electric.inc@gmail.com or call 360-244-1374 with inquiries. Don’t forget... 2022 will be our best year YET!! SPECIALTY SERVICES W E URGE YOU TO PATRONIZE THE LOCAL PROFESSIONALS ADVERTISING IN T HE A STORIAN S PECIALTY S ERVICES . T O PLACE YOUR S PECIALTY S ERVICES AD , CALL 325-3211. 814 Jewelry Buying Gold, Silver, Estate Jewelry, Coins, Diamonds, Old-Watches. Downtown Astoria Wed-Sun 332 12th St Jonathon’s, LTD. (503)325-7600 Public Works Office Assistant Use our classified ads to get results fast! Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! Salary Range 16: $3,179.07 – 3,864.18 monthly. 101 Legal Notices OFFICE ASSISTANT MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or equivalent. Minimum two years’ general office/ clerical experience; or any satisfactory combination of experience and training which demonstrates the knowledge, skill, and abilities to perform the duties of the position. POSITION: Provides clerical and secretarial support to the Public Works Department: prepares correspondence reports and agenda from rough drafts, files written materials, prepares invoices for services rendered; coordinates documents for purchasing of supplies, reports time sheets, records vehicle maintenance data. Other duties of a similar complexity may be included or assigned to this position. Resume and application are required. Full Application packets are available online at https:// www.ci.warrenton.or.us/ jobs or at Warrenton Public Works 45, SW 2nd Street, Warrenton Or, 97146. Open until filled: First review January 7th 2022 “EOE” AB8493 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP In the Matter of Estate of CONNIE JEAN VAN ESS, Deceased. Case No. 20PB10026 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Karen Kain has been ap- pointed and has qualified as the personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are here- by required to present them, with vouchers attached, to Karen Kain, personal repre- sentative at P. O. Box 1030, Astoria, Oregon 97103, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal rep- resentative or the attorney for the personal representative, Blair J. Henningsgaard, P. O. Box 1030, Astoria, Oregon 97103. Dated and first published December 7, 2021. /s/ Blair J. Henningsgaard, OSB#78240 Published: December 7, 14, & 21, 2021. Classified Ads work hard for you! BUDGE T AD $ P lace yo u r ad to d ay | w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m Oak firewood 16” length $350/cord. Call for details. (503)318-4804 55 gallon steel drums with removable lids, $25 each. 971-704-1727