Community college seeks magazine submissions ASTORIA — Clatsop Community College is seeking community submis- sions of original work for the 52nd edi- tion of Rain Magazine. Due to COVID-19 constraints, Rain 52’s theme section will continue to focus on the idea of “healing,” after having to suspend publication last spring. Contributors are encouraged to explore the subject however they inter- pret it. General submissions of art, fi c- tion, poetry and nonfi ction will be also considered. Those interested in submitting work are asked to submit no more than three items total, including poems, photo- graphs, high-quality (at least 300 dpi) digital images of original artwork and prose less than 5,000 words in length. Rain Magazine is produced annu- ally by the Writing 270: Literary Pub- lications class at Clatsop Community College, which includes instruction in editing techniques and Adobe InDesign, the industry standard for book design. The class will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. during winter quarter at the Star of the Sea, the pub- Cultural Coalition grants nearly $12,000 to North Coast projects lic is encouraged to register for the class and join the staff . Email work to rainmagazine@ Include your full The cover of the 51st edition of Rain name and con- tact information Magazine. along with genres and titles of sub- missions in the subject line of your email message. Submissions without proper contact information will not be consid- ered. Email submissions are greatly pre- ferred. RTF or Docx is the preferred format for written work. TIFF or JPG fi les (at least 300 dpi) are preferred for artwork. You can also mail submissions to Rain Magazine, Clatsop Community Col- lege, 1651 Lexington Ave., Astoria, OR., 97103. For more information on the read- ing or call for submissions, contact fac- ulty advisor Ryan Hume at rhume@clat- ASTORIA — The Clatsop County Cul- tural Coalition will distribute a total of $11,950 in grants to 10 local organizations for projects and events scheduled to take place across the county during the 2022 cal- endar year. A list of this year’s recipients, the amounts rewarded and their intended use: • Friends of Suomi Hall, $2,000: Suomi Summer School • Sunset Empire Recreation Founda- tion, $2,000: Sound booth for the Sunset Recreation Center • Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Association, $1,400: Traditional dance workshops • Coaster Theatre, $1,250: Dimmer cir- cuits for the playhouse • Partners for the PAC, $1,200: Char- lene Larsen Center for the Performing Arts sign renovation • Tenor Guitar Foundation, $1,100: Video production of annual gathering in 2022 • Astoria Visual Arts, $750: Creation of an Astoria art guide • Hanthorn Cannery Foundation, $750: The winners of the Clatsop County Cultural Coalition Awards were recognized at a ceremony Dec. 7 in Cannon Beach. Fire sprinkler and warning system • North Coast Chorale, $750: “Diver- sity Through Music” production • Ten Fifteen Productions, $750: Increased publicity at The Ten Fifteen The- ater in Astoria The events and infrastructure projects will take place between Jan. 1, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2022. The vision of the Clatsop County Cultural Coalition is to “support, promote, preserve and protect diverse cul- tural programs that defi ne who we are as a community, support our connectedness to others and strengthen our sense of place in the world around us.” Coastal Living LOWE COLUM R BI BOWL A NOW OPEN 826 Marine Dr. Astoria 503-325-3321 LOWER COLUM BIA BOWL SAFE, SANITIZED, READY TO ROLL Bowling is Back! $1 OFF WEDNESDAYS • • • • 12 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Take $1 off: Shoe rental Every Game Fountain Sodas Adult Beverages ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Call us at 503-325-3211 to learn more