B4 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2021 A scientist in search of tiny insects while he worked at the sta- tion during the summers. Jensen has a doctorate in aphid systematics. He hoped to pursue aphid studies pro- fessionally, but couldn’t fi nd a job at a university, state agency or the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture . “Aphids became a hobby at that point,” he said. While working for Reed, Jensen noticed that aphids on the plants cascara and bracken fern, thought to be separate species, looked quite similar. “A little concerted eff ort showed they were the same,” Jensen said. “I was hooked on problem-solving aphids.” When Reed died in 2015, Jensen named an aphid spe- cies, Macrosiphum garyreed, after him. Jensen is on the hunt for aphids By MATTHEW WEAVER Capital Press Andy Jensen just might be the only person in North America with his particular hobby. By day, Jensen is the go-between for farmers and researchers as manager of the Northwest Potato Research Consortium, funded by the Idaho, Oregon and Washing- ton potato commissions. After work, Jensen devotes about 10 hours a week to aphids, the insects best known to farmers as pests. He searches for them through mountains, valleys and farm fi elds. Jensen estimates he’s traveled 120,000 miles, including two trips to Europe and 8,000 driving miles each year for the past 12 years, in pursuit of his passion. “My aphid work is an all-consuming hobby,” he said. But it is also serious science. Some aphids are well- known to farmers and researchers for the role they play in spreading plant dis- eases, but many are a bene- fi cial part of the insect food chain. What’s remarkable is that so little is known about some of them. From the discovery of a new aphid species to publi- cation in a scientifi c journal can take seven to 10 years. Jensen has participated in scientifi cally describing 26 new species of aphids over the last two decades. None of the new aphids Jensen has described are agricultural pests. They tend to be found in natural habi- tats, not agricultural fi elds. His exuberance for the tiny insects shines through his reserved demeanor. He’ll enthusiastically describe the complexity of puz- zling through aphid species descriptions from the 1800s — and how many people can actually say they have a favorite aphid? “A lot of the species I’ve described, no one else has seen before until I’ve dis- covered them,” he said. Huge collection Jensen’s aphid collection consists of more than 12,400 slides and at least 35,000 specimens of 623 species. He pays for all of his aphid expeditions, according to his website, AphidTrek.org. Describing aphids is a specialized area of ento- mology. Other aphid spe- cialists around the region By any other name Gina Rone Andy Jensen collects aphids as a hobby and passion. are focused on molecu- lar biology and evolution- ary patterns. The research- ers describing new insects are mostly in eastern Europe and the Middle East. Other people might have known about some of the aphids Jensen has described, but perhaps didn’t have enough material beyond one sample in a museum. When a new aphid is dis- covered, researchers turn to him. “Certainly in our region, there’s nobody like Dr. Jen- sen,” said Sanford Eigen- brode, a University of Idaho entomology professor who oversees the aphid monitor- ing system for the Legume Virus Project. “He doesn’t do the work on aphids pro- fessionally, even though he’s a high-caliber scientist.” Farmers are unlikely to come across an undiscov- ered aphid in their fi elds. “You’ve got to do a lot of hiking to fi nd something that’s new,” Jensen said. Jensen is most intrigued by the aphids that migrate from one host plant or hab- itat to another. One species lives in the forest on a snow- berry bush during the win- ter, then moves to the high mountains on a knotweed plant among granite boul- ders during the summer. “Discovering that kind of thing is really, really fun,” he said. He’s particularly inter- ested in atypical aphids — those found only in small numbers. Many aphids completely cover the stems of plants — “you just can’t miss them,” THE BEST CREDIT UNION ESPRESSO IN WARRENTON, BAR NONE. At TLC, we put an emphasis on service. Looking for a great rate on an auto loan? You got it. Interested in a checking account that pays dividends? You came to the right place. Craving a non-fat double mocha with whip cream? Coming right up. Yes, you read that right. Our Warrenton financial service center also serves delicious Red Leaf Organic Coffee, right in the lobby or delivered curbside. Jensen said — but research- ers have to look pretty hard to see a lot of other aphids. For example, poverty weed, which tends to grow on roadsides and in aban- doned fi elds, appears to host two unique previously unde- scribed aphids. “Nobody in the world apparently is aware of these,” Jensen said. “There are hardly any specimens on these plants and you have to tap on the plants with a board or a sheet to fi nd them. But it’s a super-common weed across most of the western half of the continent.” Managing aphids Neither Jensen nor Eigen- brode have an estimate for the total cost of aphid-trans- mitted viruses to farm pro- duction, but “it would be a very large number,” Jensen said. Generally, Jensen advises farmers who fi nd aphids on the fi elds to wait several weeks and see if they go away on their own. Aphids often decline naturally in the heat of summer. But it’s a diff erent story for seed potato produc- ers, who must limit seed- borne pathogens, espe- cially viruses. As vectors of viruses, aphids should be “aggressively managed,” Jensen said. But he warned that con- trolling aphids can be vexing. “Trying to control aphids with a lot of diff erent pesti- cides will just lead to more aphids, because you’ve killed some of the aphids and you’ve killed almost all of everything else, and you just end up with more aphids than you had to begin with,” Jensen said. “Aphids are considered the corn fl akes of the insect world, or whatever your favorite food is,” Jensen said with a laugh. “If you picture your favorite food, aphids are that favorite food for the insect world.” Aphids support a huge diversity of benefi cial pred- ators and parasites, par- ticularly lady beetles, or ladybugs. Aphids transmit viruses, which is generally consid- ered a negative. But not all viruses are bad, Jensen said. They can introduce new genetic material into what- ever they’re infecting, which can sometimes be a positive. Aphids are a crucial part of an extremely complex ecosystem, in their interac- tions with plants, insects, microbes and predators up to birds and mammals, he said. “Ultimately, we’re all a part of the food chain, and we’re important because of that,” Jensen said. Much to discover Aphids are most diverse in northern temperate cli- mates, Jensen said. Only a couple hundred species are native to the Southern Hemi- sphere, and the other 5,000- plus species are in the North- ern Hemisphere. With most aphid taxon- HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ENTER OUR HOLIDAY COLORING CONTEST TO WIN COOL PRIZES! omy researchers based in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico, the Rockies were well-explored, but the Northwest was less studied until the early 1990s, Jensen said. “For most people who don’t spend a lot of time hik- ing and camping, almost all my aphids are in unusual places,” Jensen said. The aphid that lives in the most extreme habitat is probably Acyrthosiphon rockspirea, he said. It lives many places, but especially likes high-elevation rocky slopes and boulder fi elds. “The diversity is very great,” Jensen said. “There is so much to discover for the fi rst time.” Gary Reed, the superin- tendent of Oregon State Uni- versity’s Hermiston research station, handed Jensen aphid samples, traps, a book and a microscope on his fi rst day at his summer job as a col- lege student. Reed was studying potato leafroll virus and p otato virus Y and needed to know which aphids were in the traps and which were on the plants. It was a test, Jensen said. “‘If you can fi gure this out, you’ll be useful to me and if you can’t, you won’t be so useful to me and maybe you’ll do something else,’” he recalled. “And I just happened to be good at it.” Within a few years, Reed off ered to support Jensen through graduate school, Describing a newfound aphid also involves naming it. “You have to come up with a new name, it has to have never been used before, the genus and species com- bination, and be something sort of unique that proba- bly other people won’t be tempted to use in the future,” Jensen said. At fi rst, Jensen named aphids after the plant host they used, or after the habitat. More recently, he’s begun naming aphids after other things. “I name them after people, plants and places,” Jensen said. Jensen’s partner, Gina Rone, works for the U.S. Forest Service. She is a huge supporter of his hobby, serv- ing as navigator and scout for good sites, sharing cook- ing and campsite chores, and patiently waiting for Jensen on the trail when he stops to collect aphids. The Astoria City Council wishes everyone a SAFE AND JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON! Wear your mask and enjoy the lights and holiday festivities while social distance shopping in Downtown Astoria www.astoriadowntown.com Friday, November 26, 2021 to Saturday, January 1, 2022 Customers can park downtown longer than posted time limits (except in metered spaces) HEY KIDS! COLOR ME! Please Print Clearly Name Age Address City State Phone Parent’s Name MAIL IN YOUR ENTRY TO AREA Properties, Inc. 1490 Commercial Suite 100 Astoria • 503-325-6848 www.areaproperties.com OR YOU CAN SAFELY DROP IT OFF IN OUR MAIL SLOT ON THE PORCH Federally Insured By NCUA www.facebook.com/Area-Properties-145608552144483 RETURN ENTRIES BY DECEMBER 17 TH WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED ON DECEMBER 19 TH