The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, December 09, 2021, Page 11, Image 11

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Pumpkin tarte with pate brisee
Sadly, the Turkey Day is gone for
another year. Then, maybe not! Lots of
folks freeze one, and after their craving
for the poultry has subsided into a mem-
ory , out comes the big frozen bird and we
feast again.
Here comes the alternative: no turkey
next Thanksgiving.
My brother married a Korean woman.
We spent the holiday with her fam-
ily in Seattle. We had the turkey and all
the trimmings lovingly prepared by my
brother. We also had Korean kimchi,
sushi, lean yellow fi n tuna (s ashimi) and
a barbecued New York roast, Asian-style,
courtesy of my brother-in-law. While
carving the bird, I nibbled on a few stray
ends but steadfastly avoided the big tra-
ditional meal and dived instead into the
Asian alternatives. I even made a mush-
room sauce from preserved porcini mush-
rooms for the meat.
My wife, Laurie, baked some divine
whole wheat rolls, an apple pie and a
pumpkin tarte with pate brisee.
Pate ingredients:
• 4 ½ oz. unsalted butter diced and
refrigerated (plus another tablespoon
for buttering the tarte pan)
• 9 oz. whole wheat pastry fl our
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 oz. sugar
• 1 ¾ oz. ice water
• One egg yolk
• Milk for brushing on pastry
• Latex gloves for mixing ingredients
Pate directions:
Butter the bottom and sides of the tarte pan
with about a tablespoon of butter.
Then, dust the pan with fl our and remove
excess, making sure the fl our coats both the bot-
tom and sides of the pan. Place the pan in the
freezer for a few minutes, then dust with fl our
again. Keep in freezer until needed.
Sift fl our by hand into a bowl and make a
well in the center, and add salt, sugar and ice
water. While wearing latex gloves, mix salt,
sugar and water in the well. Then add the egg
yolk and mix to combine. Working quickly,
place the chilled and diced butter into the well,
and mix it in, breaking it up into smaller bits
with your fi ngers while gradually pulling in the
Laurie Anderson
A fi nished pumpkin tarte with pate brisee,
hot out of the oven.
fl our with your fi ngers until the dough is crum-
bly and starts to cohere.
Compress the dough with your hands gen-
tly to create a ball. Press one more time to fl at-
ten the dough, do not knead. Loosely shape the
dough into a circle about an inch thick and wrap
in plastic, then refrigerate for 30 minutes or
Once the dough has chilled, dust your work
surface with all purpose fl our and allow the
dough to soften for a few minutes at room
Dust rolling pin with fl our, then roll dough
into a circle about 1/8 inch thick and a little
larger than your 9” tarte pan.
Wrap the dough around the rolling pin and
transfer it to the prepared pan, guiding it into
the depth of the pan and trimming the dough
evenly around the outside edge. Repair any
gaps or holes with extra dough, and press dough
against sides of pan so that it will adhere. Prick
the pastry bottom all over with a fork. Wrap in
plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or
Pumpkin tarte fi lling ingredients:
• 1 lb. pumpkin fi lling
• 1 cup cottage cheese
• ¼ cup heavy cream
• 2 eggs and 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten
• 2/3 cup brown sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 ½ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Pumpkin tarte fi lling directions:
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Brush pastry lightly with milk, then cut a
circle of parchment paper to fi t over the bottom
of the tarte and fi ll with beans or pie weights,
and place on a sheet pan and transfer to oven.
Bake for 30 minutes, until pastry has browned
. Remove from oven, cool and remove the pie
Puree the cottage cheese with the whip-
ping cream until smooth. Combine the rest of
the pumpkin tarte fi lling ingredients. Pour the
pumpkin fi lling into the pastry, and transfer
back into the oven to cook for about 35 min-
utes, until the fi lling has only a slight wobble
when shaken gently. Remember that the fi lling
will continue to cook after it is removed from
the oven.
Allow to cool and serve with whipped
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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2021 // 11