B3 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2021 Hal Bernton/Seattle Times In this arid acreage north of Wenatchee, workers installed a massive grid of trellises. The trellises set the stage for more automation of the harvest. Trellises are transforming Washington’s apple orchards By HAL BERNTON Seattle Times UNION GAP, Yakima County — This irrigated slope used to be covered in big, stout apple trees with leafy canopies that could sup- port a heavy crop of Golden Delicious apples. More than a half-decade ago, excavators yanked them from the ground. In their place, grower Aaron Clark planted spin- dly, shallow-rooted stock that needs to be attached to trellises to keep the fruit trees from collapsing under the weight of the Pink Lady apples they bear each year. This dramatic makeover is part of a broader transfor- mation of Washington’s apple orchards driven by the quest to get bigger per-acre yields of high-quality fruit from trees that are easier to pick. This shift has been under- way for several decades, and intensifi ed in recent years as growers turned to new vari- eties of apples that, when splayed on trellises, can start to bear commercial crops of fruit in as little as three years time. And the long, neat rows of densely planted trees have helped spur industry change, including experimentation with machines able to pluck fruit without an assist from human hands. The cost of developing these orchards is steep, and can run $50,000 an acre or higher. This has raised fi nan- cial barriers for small growers seeking to expand and remain competitive, and increased the risks — and debt loads — for larger ones in a more unsettled climate, which included record heat this past summer that damaged some of the crop. But the big dollars required to bring these acres into pro- duction have not discouraged a new wave of orchard acqui- sitions by outside investors in an industry that produced $2.1 billion worth of fruit in 2020. One of the biggest sales came in February 2019 when the Ontario Teachers’ Pen- sion Plan of Canada pur- chased Broetje Orchards, which spreads across more than 6,000 acres around Ben- ton City, Benton County, and Wallula and Prescott, Walla Walla County, and ranked as one of the nation’s larg- est family-owned operations. While the total sale price was not disclosed, the real estate brought in $288 million, according to a tax affi davit cited by the Tri-City Herald. This year, a lot more orchard acreage is on the market and prices are some- times being driven up beyond what can be justifi ed by the annual harvest revenue from the trellised orchards, accord- ing to Clark, who is vice pres- ident of Yakima-based Price Cold Storage & Packing. “It’s perplexing to us. I think they are banking on the long-term appreciation of the land,” Clark said. “There’s a huge wave of that coming.” ‘A wall of fruit’ The 58-year-old Clark is a fourth-generation Yakima Valley fruit grower who grew up in a bygone era when Red and Golden Delicious apples grown on deep-rooted trees dominated the east-of-the Cascades apple industry. As a teenager, Clark initially wanted nothing to do with orchards, but after one year of junior college, he decided to return to agriculture. Today, he leads fi eld operations of Price Cold Storage & Pack- ing, which grows fruit on some 2,700 acres. Clark says that the older generation of big trees did have some advantages, such as greater resistance to dis- eases like fi re blight. But they often yielded fruit of uneven quality as apples grown deep within the shaded canopy lack sugar content. Developing trellised orchards — where most of the fruit receives ample sun- shine — has involved a lot of research and experimen- tation. Clark seeks to match an apple variety with a soil and slope elevation that will enable it to thrive. The cut- ting, known as a scion, must be grafted on compatible root stock. These plantings are care- fully pruned and their water closely rationed. The goal is to put these trees under a lit- tle stress so they put all their energy toward making fruit “If you just make a tree happy, all it wants to do is grow wood,” Clark said. Things can go wrong with this intensive orchard cultivation. Fire blight can decimate some varieties of apples in a trellised orchard if the root stock is planted in poorly drained soils, according to Clark. And a poor match of soil, root stock and variety can produce a lot of medio- cre fruit. So Clark does some small fi eld trials to see how things work out before opting for bigger plantings. On a crisp November day, Clark showed the payoff for all this work, an orchard fi lled with prime ripe Pink Ladies, a “wall of fruit” ready for harvest. An automated future? In the orchards Clark oversees, pickers still climb up and down ladders to pick the apples. But it’s a simpler task than in older orchards, where some workers would break with safety protocols by climbing off the ladder and onto the branches to try to reach all the ripe fruit in the far-fl ung canopy. “Our biggest problem was keeping the guys on the lad- THIS DRAMATIC MAKEOVER IS PART OF A BROADER TRANSFORMATION OF WASHINGTON’S APPLE ORCHARDS DRIVEN BY THE QUEST TO GET BIGGER PER-ACRE YIELDS OF HIGH-QUALITY FRUIT FROM TREES THAT ARE EASIER TO PICK. ders. They would want to jump up in the tree, and we’d have to get them down and say quit doing that. But it was just quicker and easier for them,” Clark said. In the trellised orchards, the trees are essentially two-dimensional. So the pickers can place a ladder on either side of the tree, and from that perch quickly reach most of the apples. “I like this better,” said Oscar Salgado, 37, a Yakima resident who has been pick- ing apples since he was 17. On a typical day in these orchards, Salgado picks up to six bins of apples, which can earn him $240. Salgado is part of an orchard workforce that swelled to 300 at the harvest peak and by early November had tapered down to about 100. Their wages are on aver- age slightly more than $20 an hour. The top pickers, how- ever, may make as much as $35 an hour, per hour, accord- ing to Clark. While many growers have turned to workers brought in from Mexico or other coun- tries under temporary H-2A visas, Clark has been able to attract enough local workers from the Yakima area to get the apples off the trees. He plants varieties timed to ripen in a progression stretching from August to November. But the cost of labor, and the chronic shortages of U.S. farmworkers, hase helped to drive harvest automa- tion, which can more readily be accomplished in the uni- form layouts of the trellised orchards. Already, some growers have invested in elevated plat- forms, which move slowly down the rows on self-driv- ing machines and enable HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ENTER OUR HOLIDAY COLORING CONTEST TO WIN COOL PRIZES! pickers to do away with lad- ders. In some models, the apples can be put directly into bins that sit on the platform. During the past fi ve years, there also has been a push to fi gure out a way to harvest the apples with mechanical pick- ers. This is a diffi cult task as, even with the aid of artifi cial intelligence, some machines have had problems, such as bruising. One high profi le startup launched in 2016, Califor- nia-based Abundant Robot- ics, used a mechanical arm to vacuum apples off trees and send them into bins. It was tested in New Zealand in 2019 but this summer shut down operations because it “was unable to develop mar- ket traction necessary to sup- port its business during the pandemic,” according to a July 1 liquidation memo that put assets up for sale. Other companies con- tinue to try to commercial- ize automated harvesters, including FFRobotics, an Israel-based company that tested its machine in Wash- ington orchards this past summer. This harvester uses “advanced image processing technology” to identify ripe apples that are picked by six arms that snip off the fruit. “They were in an orchard that was not known to the public so they could work the bugs out. At the end of the of the season, we had sev- eral fi eld trials,” said Ines Hanrahan, executive direc- tor of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, which has worked cooper- atively with that company as well as others to develop robotic pickers. “We have to start automat- ing if we are to sustain the businesses. We have learned from the failures and we feel confi dent we will be able to have a commercially via- ble solution within the next decade and probably earlier than that.” Clark is not eager for that day to come. “It would be good for business, I think, but it would be a sad day for me,” Clark said. There’s a lot of things about harvest I like, and all of them involve the people that we have coming here to work … I don’t have any inter- est in shaving every (exple- tive) nickel out of everything I can. These folks are my neighbors.” As he spoke, Mexi- can music blasting from a radio resonated through the orchard rows as pickers fi lled bag after bag with Pink Lady apples. HEY KIDS! COLOR ME! 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