B4 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2021 A biking trail years in the making in Tillamook got the green light. And I broke down. Like, I lost it.” Peterson said his agency partnered with McLane and his crew of volunteers rather than bringing in a consultant to manage the trail project. “For a trail like this, they’re truly the experts,” Peterson said. “We have a lot of design and trail planning skills within the Department of Forestry, but we don’t ride like these guys ride.” By CASSANDRA PROFITA Oregon Public Broadcasting On a chilly spring morning, Ryan McLane called out to a group of about 30 volunteer trail-builders and their dogs on a gravel road in the Tillamook State Forest. They gathered in a circle fl anked by pickup trucks with mountain bikes hanging off the tailgates. “Thanks for coming out,” McLane said. “Welcome to Fear and Loaming, if you hav- en’t been here. It’s been a long time coming.” McLane has spent the last two years orga- nizing trail-building days like this with a core group of volunteers cutting through brush, removing logs and trees, and digging out a 4-mile path that drops 2,500 feet through dense Douglas fi r forest, clear cuts and alders. But that’s just the fi nal push in his 16-year struggle to build a downhill mountain biking trail close to home. He guided the trail-building crew toward one of the last unfi nished sections of trail and off ered digging tools and advice as he carried a chainsaw to a large downed log that needed to be cut and removed from the trail bed. “This is all hand built,” he said, walking past volunteers whacking roots with hoes. “It’s not like we got a million-dollar grant and there’s professionals coming out here with excavators building all this. It’s a lot of work.” The completed black diamond trail opened to the public earlier this year. Its name is in homage to both Hunter S. Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing” books and essay collections and to the fertile soil trail-builders spent countless hours digging through. The route winds its way down Larch Mountain with exhilarating 20- to 35-foot jumps and optional bypasses that McLane compares to a roller coaster with choices. “Do I want to do the huge loops or do I just kind of want to get around this?” he said. Two years of volunteer trail-building by hand is a lot, but it’s nothing compared to the time McLane spent just getting to the point where he and his friends could start digging. ‘No dig, no ride’ Katherine Donnelly The Fear and Loaming mountain biking trail descends 2,500 feet on Larch Mountain in the Tillamook State Forest. going up there?’” They did some homework and found an Oregon Department of Forestry recreation plan for the Tillamook State Forest from 2000 that identifi ed a need for more advanced mountain biking opportunities and allocated 10 square miles to future trails. So, McLane and his friends went to the for- est and found a spot where they could drive up 3,300 feet on existing roads and build a trail with about 2,500 feet of vertical drop over about 4 miles of terrain. “Almost quite literally we show up with shovels and say, ‘Alright! We’re ready. We want to build,’” McLane said. “We’re in our mid-twenties. We’re thinking this should be easy. Just go build a trail, right?” But it wasn’t that easy. The Oregon Depart- ment of Forestry had a whole process for plan- ning and approving new trails that the group had to follow. “They’re like, ‘Whoa, wait. We got to think about this. We got to plan it,’” McLane said. ‘Why aren’t we going up there?’ When McLane was 25 years old, he and his friends were spending a lot of time and money just getting to the mountain biking trails they wanted to ride. “We were driving two hours one way and two hours back and sometimes only riding for an hour,” he said. “It was hugely ineffi cient and expensive.” It was 2005 when he started thinking about whether they could build a trail closer to where they lived in the Portland metro area — in the Coast Range mountains about 20 miles away. “At that time, there was nothing in Port- land. Nothing challenging,” McLane said. “We’d look behind us at the hills as we were driving away and be like, ‘Why aren’t we A huge crash Randy Peterson, recreation program man- ager with the Department of Forestry, said there are numerous factors his agency has to consider before approving a new trail. The agency tries to minimize stream crossings and environmental impacts, stay off major roads and avoid confl icts with other forest uses like logging or mining, both of which are visible along the Fear and Loaming trail path. “We went through a pretty detailed pro- cess, and created a fairly comprehensive plan,” Peterson said. McLane said he spent years touring exist- ing trails with Department of Forestry manag- ers and talking about risk mitigation, forming a nonprofi t with his friends to help organize the project and writing a 30-page planning docu- ment that he hand-delivered to the agency in 2009. “And if you guys remember what hap- pened in 2009, we had a huge crash,” he said. “The market crashed, and people stopped building houses. Lumber and logging, Oregon Department of Forestry gets a huge chunk of the revenue from that.” Peterson said the recession hit right as they were wrapping up the original trail plan. “That really changed priorities for the program and for the agency,” he said. “We downsized. We laid off staff . We signifi cantly reduced our funding, our expenditures.” That meant the agency didn’t have the staff to support a new mountain biking trail. “We’re chomping at the bit to get a trail in,” McLane said. “ And they say, ‘Sorry, we’re under orders. No new trails.’ It was a heartbreaker.” McLane said after that, a lot of his original group of friends gave up on the project and moved onto other trails. Eventually, they dis- solved the nonprofi t they had formed to help fund the eff ort. “We put fi ve years of our lives into this,” he said. “It’s kind of like why keep getting our hearts broken?” But McLane kept checking in with the Department of Forestry as the years went by. “I kept knocking on the door because, I don’t know, I hate being told no,” he said. Peterson hadn’t abandoned the idea either. About a decade after the project was set aside, he managed to get it back into the agency’s operations plan. “Two years ago, I got a call on my cell,” McLane said. “It’s Randy, and he’s saying we Toward the end of the trail-building eff ort, Liz Lachmar sat on the ground clawing at a tangle of roots in the dirt with gloved fi ngers. “My hands are working better for this one ‘cuz all these roots are getting stuck on the shovel,” she said. Lachmar said the tedious work will be worth the eff ort later when she gets to ride the trail. “There’s a phrase mountain bikers have,” she said. “They say no dig, no ride. It means nobody would be mountain biking if we weren’t building the trails. It’s a great service, and it also pays us back because we get to ride it after, and we can build it how we want.” While everyone on the volunteer crew takes some credit for the fi nished trail, they all recognize that their investments pale in com- parison to all the years McLane spent making the whole thing happen. “Ryan’s the one who stuck with it and kept the vision alive and eventually made it a real- ity,” said volunteer Ian Donnelly. “He’s defi - nitely been the man with the vision.” McLane said all the volunteers are like his brothers and sisters now. “Without them, we wouldn’t be any- where,” he said. McLane said there’s nothing like watching the whole crew ride the trail they just fi nished building. “You’ve got all these people that are just railing through the forest and they come out to the bottom and everybody’s got this ear-to- ear grin and they’re all slapping high fi ves,” he said. “That’s amazing.” Volunteer Eric Soetanto said trail-build- ing has off ered a much-needed sense of com- munity and outdoor activity during the pan- demic and the chaos of the last two years. And now he has an awesome place to ride close to Portland. “I just still have this feeling of unbelief that this type of trail does exist literally less than an hour from where I live,” he said. McLane said it is hard to believe what it took to build a trail close to home. “When I started with this project I was 25 years old, and now I’m 41 years old,” he said. “So here we are 16 years later, and we’re just about ready to open the trail. It’s pretty excit- ing. It’s one of the biggest things that’s hap- pened to me.” Classifieds SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! GARAGE SALE If it Drives or Floats... SEASON IS HERE! ONLY $ 49.95 ADVERTISE TODAY 800.781.3214 classifieds@dailyastorian.com If it doesn’t sell in two weeks We will give you two weeks for FREE! Searching for Employees? PLACE YOUR JOB POSTING HERE $ 25 Special Includes: • 2 Weeks in Print & Online • Logo Included • Facebook Boost • Featured Advertising ys for 3 da Call 800.781.3214 to advertise today! Call at 503-325-3211 or email: classifieds@dailyastorian.com classifieds@dailyastorian.com 204 Automobiles 504 Homes for Sale 651 Help Wanted Cannon Beach Police Department Position: Code Enforcement Officer Hyundai Santa Fe GLS 2007, 157800 miles, excellent condition. $6250.00 Text 909-747-7638 for information. Go. 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