B7 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2021 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Part-Time Employment The Warrenton Community Library is seeking a part- time, enthusiastic, Library Assistant with a strong public service commitment and a love of books, to join our team. 25 hour a week schedule (62.5FTE) includes three shifts until 6pm along with two Saturdays a month. Starting wage is $1,634.84- $1,892.52 per month, depending on experience. Applications are available on the City of Warrenton website or at the library, 160 S. Main Ave. Warrenton, OR. (503)861-8156 warrentoncl@gmail.com An EEOE employer. Full-Time Employment Bookkeeper wanted for CPA firm. Candidate must have accounting knowledge of QuickBooks, Payroll, Bank Reconciliations, Microsoft Office and general office equipment. Benefits include vacation, sick leave, retirement and competitive pay. Long Beach, WA. (360)875-6565 ngoodin@willapabay.org Full-Time Employment Northwest Regional ESD is hiring full time Instructional Assistant positions in Clatsop County. Work in Early Childhood Special Education classrooms with children age 3-5. Several open positions (inc.bilingual). Apply at NWRESD.org job 2213. Hillsboro, OR. (503)614-1428 lscharpf@nwresd.k12.or.us Pacific County Department of Community Development is accepting applications for a Full-time Building Inspector position. Marketing Advisor The position is based out of the Long Beach office. MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE Cannon Beach, Oregon Population 1,489 Salary: Negotiable. Position is responsible to provide Justice Court Services including the handling of traffic citations and all misdemeanor matters. Qualifications include a working knowledge of the Oregon Vehicle Code, Rules and Ordinances and appropriate Court procedures. For job description please visit ci.cannon-beach.or.us/ jobs The position is open until filled; the first review of applications will be October 29, 2021. Send application, cover letter and resume to Jennifer Barrett, recorder@ci.cannon-beach. or.us Equal Opportunity Employer. Typical responsibilities in- clude: inspecting the structur- al, mechanical, and plumbing aspects of structures; review of construction plans for com- pliance with local, state, and federal standards; issue per- mits for residential and com- mercial construction; assists the public and contractors with interpreting and under- standing code; and enforce- ment. For a complete job description, employment application, and application instructions, please visit http://co.pacific.wa.us/em- ployment/index.htm. Applications must be received by 3:00 p.m. on November 26th, 2021, to be considered for first review. The position is open until filled. Pacific County is an equal opportunity employer and provider. The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. www.eomediagroup.com Join our team as a Marketing Advisor! Are you fearless, sincere & confident? The Astorian is seeking someone to join our marketing team. The ideal candidate will be able to identify and help businesses thrive through the creation and implementation of successful marketing campaigns. We offer multiple ways to help clients, including digital, social media and print options. You will excel in this role if you are an individual who is prepared, driven and excited by customer success. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in person-to- person communication and customer service, work well with a small team, and be proficient with technology. Training available. This is a full-time position, working mainly 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, with some flexibility. Guaranteed monthly income plus incentives, commission and mileage reimbursement make this a great opportunity for someone seeking a fulfilling career. 101 Legal Notices AB8435 Public Auction KomPac Storage 34885 Hwy101B Noon October 30, 2021 10x20 Carlson Published: October 16 & 23, 2021. 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices AB8445 CITY OF SEASIDE NOTICE OF PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. at Seaside City Hall, 989 Broadway; the City of Seaside Planning Commission will be reviewing the following previously approved requests under ordi- nance administration: AB8434 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP In the Matter of the Estate of Lorene E. Rogers, Deceased. Case No. 20PB08218 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN that the undersigned has been appointed personal rep- resentative. All persons hav- ing claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal repre- sentative at PO Box 145, As- toria, OR 97103, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may  obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal rep- resentative, or the lawyers for the personal representative, Heather Reynolds. 21-019SUB: Review of the final subdivision plat by Indigo Dunes Investments, LLC. The subject property is located at 485 N Wa- hanna Rd. (T6, R10, S22BA, TL# 101) and the subject property is zoned High Density Residential (R3) and Freshwater Wetland (A3). The previously approved tentative plat would create four separate development lots that would each be accessed from N Wahanna Rd. and each lot is being developed with a detached single family dwelling. The fifth A3 zoned lot would be accessed via an easement from Shore Terrace. The review by the Commission is required under Section 11(3) of the City’s Subdivision & Land Partition Ordinance. 21-022HOZ- Review of the final landscaping and site plan for RDA Project Management’s conditionally approved request to develop a 28 unit motel at 2001 S Roosevelt (T6-R10-S28ABD-TL10300). The subject property is zoned General Commercial (C-3) and the revised site plan would modify the parking and provide a total of 24 detached motel units that would have one access onto S Roo- sevelt Drive (Hwy 101). The conditions of approval established under the original review allowed for further Planning Commission review of the final land- scaping and site plan. A copy of the documents and evidence related to these items are available for review at no charge. Any staff report will be available for inspection 7 days prior to the hearing. These materials can be reviewed at the Community Development Department, 1387 Ave- nue U in Seaside. Copies of these materials will be provided at a reasonable cost. For more information, contact Seaside Planning Director Kevin Cupples at 503-738-7100. Published: October 23, 2021. Dated and first published on October 16, 2021. Diane Tiedeman Personal Representative Customer Service Hotline PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Diane Tiedeman 39861 Burnside Loop Astoria, OR 97103 800-781-3214 8 AM - 5 PM or leave a message anytime or e-mail us: circulation@dailyastorian.com ATTORNEY FOR PERSON- AL REPRESENTATIVE: Heather Reynolds, OSB #813487 PO Box 145, Astoria, OR 97103 503.325.8449 Heather@ReynoldsAttorney. com Published: October 16, 23, 30, 2021. 814 Jewelry SHOP LOCAL! Buying Gold, Silver, Estate Jewelry, Coins, Diamonds, Old-Watches. Downtown Astoria Wed-Sun 332 12th St Jonathon’s, LTD. (503)325-7600 Check the Business Directory daily to utilize the local professionals advertising in The Astorian. To place an ad in our Business Directory, call 503-325-3211. • • • • • • Please call if: You would like to order a subscription Your don’t receive your paper Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Your paper is damaged You have a problem with a news rack You are going on vacation You have questions about your subscription We’re your newspaper 923 Farm Equipment John Deere CAT, 450C Six way blade, canopy and factory winch. Rush blade with clips for the blade. Good undercarraige, will need some repair. $12,950. (503) 556-4541, Rainier. www.DailyAstorian.com If you’re a print subscriber WINDERMERE REALTY TRUST SALE PENDING you get digital access FREE Private 5 Acres Close to Town Central Gearhart Location Close to the Gearhart Shore! 545 Bartel Rd., Cannon Beach 762 Creekside Ct, Gearhart 301 Windward Condo, Gearhart Karen Meili 503-440-5806 $2,199,000 Barbara Maltman 503-717-2154 $729,000 Melissa Eddy 503-440-3258 $585,000 Rare Ocean View Parcel! Great Opportunity-Home or Duplex! Rare Ocean Front Home Site! Spruce Ridge, Arch Cape 911 11th Ave., Seaside Lot 300 Sunset Blvd, Seaside Kate Merrell 503-739-2324 $2,995,000 Tim Regan 503-738-2419 $429,000 Pam Ackley 503-717-3796 $450,000 A Developer’s Dream Property! Views of Columbia & Lewis and Clark River! Your Home Built to Suit in Surf Pines VL NW Warrenton Drive, Warrenton 35208 Orchard Lane, Astoria TBD Manion Dr., Warrenton Jenny Frank 503-440-1973 $150,000 Lynn Brigham 503-440-5530 $515,000 Dana Weston 503-738-2839 $849,500 C-1 Commercial zone .50 acres Your Ocean Front Home Built to Suit Call 1.800.781.3214 and we can help you get access to all of The Astorian content on your computer, tablet or phone Corner of SE 10th Pl & S. Main, Warrenton 1400 N. Ocean Ave., Gearhart Lynn Brigham 503-440-5330 Pam Ackley 503-717-3796 $299,500 Craig Weston 503-738-2838 $2,500,000 Commercial Opportunity! 1015 Main St., Warrenton Lynn Brigham 503-440-5330 Pam Ackley 503-717-3796 $495,000 SERVING THE ENTIRE NORTH OREGON COAST Gearhart Office 588 Pacific Way, Gearhart 503-738-8522 Cannon Beach Office 255 N Hemlock, Cannon Beach 503-436-1027 www.WindermereOregonCoast.com