Willapa birdwatching canceled, but auction still set to proceed OCEAN PARK, Wash. — Organizers of Wings Over Willapa, the annual Long Beach Peninsula birdwatch- ing and wildlife educational program, have canceled all this year’s in-person activities because of the pandemic . However, an online auction fundraiser will go ahead as planned. Bids will be accepted from Saturday until Sept. 24. Money raised will benefi t the Willapa National Wildlife Ref- uge in s outh Pacifi c County. This food-safe decorative live-edge bowl by wood artist Joe Cade is one of the items available in the Wings Over Willapa online auction. Jericho Brown will perform a live poetry reading at the Liberty Theatre in Astoria Nov. 5. Continued from Page 5 There’s always a cost to write from such a personal place, and I admire his bravery.” developed a curriculum to give to teachers What the judges want interested in bringing his work into the class- While “tradition” is the theme of the room, and books will be available . “Any MFA student in the country would guild’s poetry contest, it can be taken in be thrilled to have the opportunity our stu- many directions, Monson said. “We’d like dents will have,” she added. “We’re really to see some pieces that aren’t necessarily in excited to be able to response, but in con- expose so many young versation with Jeri- writers here to such cho’s work. ” ‘ANY MFA STUDENT IN an inspiring fi gure and The poetry will be THE COUNTRY WOULD his work that’s so pro- judged by the Writ- BE THRILLED TO HAVE found and so relevant er’s Guild of Asto- THE OPPORTUNITY in so many ways.” ria board; several OUR STUDENTS WILL Much of Brown’s members are experi- HAVE. WE’RE REALLY work involves his enced poets. They will childhood and his look for artistry, word EXCITED TO BE ABLE relationship with his craftsmanship and rel- TO EXPOSE SO MANY father. In addition to to Brown’s YOUNG WRITERS HERE evance “The Tradition,” he work. Whether those TO SUCH AN INSPIRING attending Brown’s has written two other FIGURE AND HIS WORK reading have entered books, won numer- ous fellowships and THAT’S SO PROFOUND the contest or not, they awards, including the should have a mem- AND SO RELEVANT IN National Book Award. orable night, Monson SO MANY WAYS.’ Monson appreci- said. ates Brown’s vulner- Marianne Monson, “ I think people will author and organizer of the event ability in his poetry. get a lot of inspiration, When she interviews I think they will learn him onstage Nov. a lot about writing, 5, she plans to ask if it becomes a burden to about the artistry and self-expression that goes always write from such a vulnerable space. into it, the risks we all take when we embark “One of the things I like about his work on creative work,” Monson said. “I think it is the contrast,” she said. “He really places will be a night people will remember for a beauty next to all the brutalities and just lets very long time.” them be in conversation with each other, lets Proceeds from the evening will help pay them hold space within the same poem. I for the Writer’s Guild of Astoria events, fi nd that juxtaposition to be really poignant. including its artist-in-residence program. CrosswordAnswers A C T A H A I T S P E L A J O H N C L A T R I V A E V E W E N T W A S S I L A W S L I E T O D D T H E A S I N G E H O G W O R E O S C A R E A R N S I L E N T L E S U O H S T R A G N A R M O N E C A S T E R R I C Y C A S H E R O R I E S E X H A A R E A R S S G S T S R E I T U N A U G E T T P S H E S B O E L R U P T I O S H S C A I M T O N A M E D D L I N E L Y R A R E S T A N L E C B H A E R M I I C O Y N E N A G S S A D D L E D H U S H E D S T E T H O T R I O D E N I C H O L A S A R O A R R I P E N A S C I U N E R L N E R I S O M S N A G U E R N G I S E C T E A T R E L K S Y T N E S N A E R L A T E G R E A T A C T R E S S A S L E W O F D E D A E R R S S A S H I R A E I S S S E I E T H N G O I R A E L B C O O W L O N G E R E M E N D S S I L L S Y E E S H O W N E E D THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 // 15