A3 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 ERA OF BEACH DRIVING COULD END Erika Bolstad/Stateline.org Beachgoers await the sunset on one of the remaining drivable beaches north of Pacifi c City. By ERIKA BOLSTAD Stateline.org PACIFIC CITY — To access the beach, Nicole Boulden eased her all-wheel drive Dodge Durango from the highway down a steep, rock-strewn access road toward the ocean. Behind her, Boulden’s friend, Kari Layman, drove a Dodge Caravan very care- fully down the same path. “We take it kind of slow,” Layman said. They parked in a wind-sheltered cove on the Oregon Coast where their children could play and their teenagers could sneak away. Then, they unfolded beach chairs and a sun shelter and leashed their dogs to the Durango. Only a handful of other vehicles were in view. To the south, they could see one of the iconic haystack rock formations of the Ore- gon Coast. All around was the roar of the Pacifi c Ocean. It was a bright, sunny Fri- day afternoon in early June, and the week- end beckoned. Layman, a native Kansan who embraced the beach when she moved to Oregon fi ve years ago, was at peace. “If I’m feeling really stressed, I think: ‘I need to go to the coast,’” Layman said. “The sound of the waves, it’s relaxing and also refreshing. I always feel better after a day at the beach.” But accessing this sort of scene by car is increasingly diffi cult in states with beaches, a trend sped up by the pandemic. In Califor- nia, the state’s Coastal Commission recently announced plans to phase out vehicular access at its remaining drive-on beach state park, Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recre- ation Area, along the central coast near San Luis Obispo. On Florida’s Atlantic coast, offi cials in Amelia Island decided in 2020 during the pandemic to restrict vehicular access to day- time driving and residents only — and then kept it that way. And just south of where Layman and Boulden parked for the day recently, the Oregon State Parks and Rec- reation Commission decided to close a pop- ular beach to driving, in part because of overcrowding. Environmental concerns States must balance the demands of short-term tourism that supports local econ- omies with the desires of permanent resi- dents, many of whom don’t want cars or par- tygoers to interfere with their view or their enjoyment of a quiet walk along the ocean. There are also the competing needs of work- ing fi shers and shellfi sh harvesters, as well as the environmental stress of cars on nest- ing turtles, birds and other marine life. And driving itself can damage dunes and other natural formations that protect coastal communities from storms. Many states, par- ticularly those on the East Coast with frag- ile sea turtle populations, have faced legal challenges from conservation groups over the environmental damage caused in part by beach driving. “Certainly driving on the beach has his- torically been a recreational opportunity for some communities, but it also infringes on other uses,” said Derek Brockbank, execu- tive director of the Coastal States Organi- zation, an advocacy organization that helps states with coastal management policy. “Managing public use on our coast is a real challenge. There’s a lot of diff erent dynam- ics at play.” A smattering of coastal states allow beach driving. In states such as New Jersey and Massachusetts, it’s allowed only by permit and restricted to a few locations, mostly for fi shing. Conditions vary, but many beaches — particularly on more remote coastlines — often require four-wheel-drive vehicles or advanced driving skills. Citing environmental concerns, the Cal- ifornia Coastal Commission this spring decided to phase out off -road vehicular access to Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. The beach, the only coastal state park open to cars, draws thousands of all-terrain vehicles a day and an estimated 1.5 million visitors each year. The commis- sion’s decision to ban off -road driving came after a 12-hour public meeting that drew more than 200 virtual public comments. Off - road enthusiasts have fi led a lawsuit chal- lenging the changes, which are expected to be phased in over the next three years. In Texas, the beaches along the Gulf Coast were historically used as public road- ways, according to the state’s General Land Offi ce, and even today the primary way to access many beaches there is by vehicle. The state’s Open Beaches Act of 1959 gives the public the free and unrestricted right to access Texas beaches. In fact, the Texas law makes it hard for municipalities to restrict vehicular access. In the Gulf Coast community of Crystal Beach, each May an unoffi cial gathering known as the Jeep Go Topless event draws hundreds of thousands of people in four-wheel-drive vehicles. In 2019, more than 21,000 people signed a petition calling for Jeep Go Topless to be discontinued. This spring, the annual event resulted in more than 230 arrests, according to a local television station. Some locals are unbothered by the Jeep invasion, saying the Go Topless event is no diff erent from any other busy holiday week- end on the Bolivar Peninsula. “You can camp on our beach,” said David Harris, who runs a visitor bureau for the region. “That’s what makes Bolivar. If we didn’t have beach access, we would have no tourism down here.” In Oregon, the public also is guaranteed the free and uninterrupted use of beaches, but not drive-on access. Nonetheless, an esti- mated 25% of the 363-mile Oregon coastline remains open to beach driving, said Chris Havel, associate director of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Beach driving in Oregon got its fi rst endorsement in 1913 when Gov. Oswald West, a Democrat, declared the tidelands along the coastline a state highway. His action paved the way for the 1967 Beach Bill, which maintains all of Oregon’s beaches for public access. The sands perhaps best known for unfet- tered beach driving, though, are the Outer Banks in North Carolina. There, off -road driving is both a way of life and a big part of marketing the barrier islands as a vaca- tion destination. The practice allows visi- tors to explore far-fl ung places within the Cape Hatteras National Seashore and other state-managed destinations on the barrier islands, said Aaron Tuell, the public rela- tions manager for the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau. “The ability to move about the islands and enjoy wonderfully wide-open natu- ral spaces is part of the Outer Banks’ brand image,” Tuell said in an email. Park rangers patrol the beach every morn- ing to stake out sea turtle nests, said David Hallac, superintendent of the National Parks of Eastern North Carolina. He described driving on the Cape Hatteras National Sea- shore of the Outer Banks as more akin to a beach “parking” program. In the high sea- son, four-wheel drive vehicles often line up side-by-side, tailgates aimed at the waves, fi shing lines pulling in the surf. “This is not a program where peo- ple are where there’s sand fl ying in the air and everybody driving on the dunes,” Hal- lac said. “Typically, they’re either anglers or surfers or just families that are spending their day at the beach.” Last year, the National Park Service sold 48,000 off -road vehicle permits, which cost $120 for an annual pass or $50 for a 10-day permit. To obtain a permit, drivers must say they watched a safety video. On Amelia Island in Florida, there were “literally no rules” before the pandemic, said Sabrina Robertson, a spokesperson for the board of county commissioners. Nassau County had been working before the pan- demic to restrict nighttime driving to protect nesting sea turtles. The closures during the pandemic allowed the community to address long-standing concerns about beach driv- ing. Now, they’ve restricted beach driving access to county residents only, those who own property on Amelia Island and peo- ple with military identifi cation. Most days, fewer than 200 people drive on the beach. Daytona Beach, a storied beach driving destination in Florida, until the late 1950s used to host car races on the hard-packed sand. The Daytona 500 moved, and the local government now charges most visitors $20 a day to drive and park on the beach. But the cost hasn’t deterred beachgoers. “It is very political in nature,” said Kate Sark, a spokesperson for Volusia County, which contains the city of Daytona Beach. “We get feedback from the public on both sides. We get some people who say, ‘This is what we’re famous for, we should have it.’ And then we get other people who say there shouldn’t be cars on the beach. It’s a big toss-up.” Closing beach access In Oregon, the state Parks and Recre- ation Commission recently closed public access to a popular drive-in beach in Pacifi c City, just south of where Boulden and Lay- man parked on their recent excursion. Two hours west of Portland, the tiny beach town has a photogenic rock formation, excellent surfi ng conditions and a popular brewpub with a view of the ocean. It’s also used by commercial dory boats, fl at-bottomed fi sh- ing vessels launched directly from land into the sea. See Beach driving, Page A6 , S E T A C I F I T R E C , S E E E R R O G E M D & , S E S S A L C MOHA CARL S A INSTRUCTOR S BUSINE Going to the Dogs! ST E T N O C PHOTO Welcome to ’s D G DAYS & Chip Juniper National Dog Day Photo Contest! Grab your collars and your cameras, National Dog Day is Aug. 26 and we are on the prowl for the bestest, cutest, snuggliest pups on the coast. Bookkeepers are in demand. CCC offers classes to get you ready for a successful career in bookkeeping. Take your Bookkeeping classes from me at CCC. According to www.nationaldogday.com, the day celebrates all dogs, mixed breed and purebred, and works to promote the many dogs that need to be rescued. Last year we had 144 shots of over 160 critters. Submit your photo(s) before midnight Wednesday, Aug. 18 here: dailyastorian.com/dogdays Then, come back and visit the pooches all that next week and vote on your favorite before midnight Sunday, Aug 22. Vote once a day. N E P O ION IS T A R T REGIS The top vote-getters will be featured in the annual Going to the Dogs section on Thursday, Aug. 26. Share with your friends and family: #Going2TheDogsNW Now, who’s a good boy? Who’s a good girl? For more information, call The Astorian at 971-704-1555 or email sales@dailyastorian.com www.clatsopcc .edu Clatsop Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. ADA accessible. For the complete Non-Discrimination and Accomodations statements, please visit www.clatsopcc.edu/ada. Clatsop Community College es una institución de igualdad de oportunidades y de discriminación positiva. Para las declaraciones completas de No-discriminacion y de Ayuda a las personas discapacitadas, por favor visite www.clatsopcc.edu/ada.