B4 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2021 Gary Chapman Backpackers traverse the Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail, a roughly 60-mile trail that runs from downtown Corvallis to the Oregon Coast south of Newport. Trail from Corvallis to central coast to open A nearly 50 year eff ort By JAMIE HALE The Oregonian Backpackers who have aspired to hike from the Willamette Valley to the Oregon Coast fi nally have a dedicated trail to do it. The Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail has been little more than a pipe dream for nearly 50 years, but on Aug. 21 it will offi cially open with a ribbon cutting ceremony, off ering yet another outdoor adventure in Oregon. Running about 60 miles from downtown Corvallis to Ona Beach south of Newport, the long-distance hiking and mountain bik- ing trail crosses through a dense Coast Range forest, using old logging roads and newly cut trails. Like the neighboring Oregon Coast Trail, some sections of the hike also require walking along the shoulders of open roads. The new trail is certainly challenging, but that may be a small price to pay for dedicated adventurers who seek the thrill of trekking from the valley to the ocean. Gary Chapman, president of the C2C Trail Partnership that made the trail a reality, said people have already been exploring the Cor- vallis-to-the-Sea Trail, which has technically been open (though unsigned) for more than a year. Now that signs are in place and maps are being printed, it’s fi nally time for a proper celebration. “I feel like we’re doing something that would make the people who started the idea back in the ‘70s and ‘80s, to make them proud, if they could be here, to see what’s happened,” Chapman said. “Mainly it’s a camaraderie and a thank you to what soci- ety has been able to create, despite all the tur- moil we’ve seen over the last years. It’s really gratifying.” The fi rst real attempt at blazing the trail appears to have come from Oregon State Uni- versity student Marty Wong, who scoped out a route in 1974 during an internship with the Siuslaw National Forest. The idea bounced around bureaucratic channels and made it into local newspapers before dying on the vine in the 1980s. Oregon State students revived the idea in the 1990s, but it once again failed due to a lack of federal resources. In 2003, the C2C Trail Partnership came together to give it another shot, patiently gaining permission from the U.S. Forest Ser- vice, Bureau of Land Management and pri- vate landowners, building the trail with help from a variety of local organizations, private donations and scores of volunteers. Hikers who complete the 60-mile trail will cross through a patchwork of public and private lands, and while it’s free to hike, all through-hikers need to obtain a special per- mit to hike one section of the trail. Chapman said the C2C Trail Partnership already has plans for future projects. Eventu- ally they would like to add loop trails for day hikers and backpackers looking for quicker adventures. The partnership would also like to get hikers off the shoulders of roads, if possible. And then there’s the question of how popular the Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail will become. If hikers fl ock to the trail, there will be a greater impact to the land that may need to be addressed, Chapman said. Right now, there are no established backcountry camp- sites, and offi cials remain optimistic that backpackers will leave no trace as they go. “Will success spoil C2C?” Chapman asked. “That’s always a potential problem.” Unlike some of the most popular back- packing trails in Oregon, there are no vol- cano views or alpine lakes to entice hikers. And while Chapman said he doesn’t consider the trail to be particularly diffi cult, not every- body agrees. Al LePage, executive director of the National Coast Trail Association, which has aided in the eff ort to complete the Corval- lis-to-the-Sea Trail, said he fi rst visited the wild, unfi nished trail with Chapman about 15 years ago, “to see what it was really like,” and returned last year to hike the completed trail end to end. “It’s not just a cakewalk, it’s not just a walk in the woods,” LePage said. “I thought it was challenging, very challenging.” Like most other backpacking trails in the Pacifi c Northwest, the Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail requires some special preparation and precautions. All drinking water taken from streams must be boiled or treated. All food should be either hung from high branches or stored in bear canisters away from camp. And hikers are asked to bury human waste and pack out used toilet paper. Campfi res are banned year-round on the trail, except at the developed Big Elk Camp- ground about 30 miles in. Hikers and bikers might also run into black bears and cougars on the trail, Chap- man said (in fact, some already have) and should make sure to know how to fend off potential attacks — though the best advice is just to leave all wildlife alone, he said. LePage said he hiked a total of 62 miles in fi ve days on his most recent trip down the Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail, sleeping in rough backcountry campsites, drinking purifi ed water and battling mosquitos the whole way, but he said the struggles were worth it in the end when he stepped out onto Ona Beach. A seasoned Oregon adventurer, LePage said he’d like to see the new trail become part of what he calls the Grand Oregon Adventure Loop, or GOAL. In his vision, hikers could paddle the 187-mile Willamette Water Trail from Corvallis to Portland, then continue paddling down the Lower Columbia River Water Trail to Astoria. From there, they can hike the Oregon Coast Trail south to New- port and hike the Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail back to Corvallis. For the most part, though, the Corvallis- to-the-Sea Trail will appeal to the slightly more casual adventurers, those who light up at the prospect of a week in the woods and 60 miles under their feet. Chapman said the trail is already attracting about three parties a week, roughly split between hikers and bikers. Adventure aside, one of the biggest draws might just be the opportunity to immerse yourself into a natural setting that is bet- ter known for logging roads and highways. Although the trail has logging nearby and some busy roads, Chapman said there’s plenty of opportunity to escape into the quiet of the Coast Range forest. “What do you hear out there?” he said, thinking back to his most recent trip. “Once you get away from the civilization and every- thing, what you hear is silence.” Going to the Dogs! ST E T N O C PHOTO Welcome to ’s D G DAYS Juniper & Chip National Dog Day Photo Contest! Grab your collars and your cameras, National Dog Day is Aug. 26 and we are on the prowl for the bestest, cutest, snuggliest pups on the coast. According to www.nationaldogday.com, the day celebrates all dogs, mixed breed and purebred, and works to promote the many dogs that need to be rescued. Last year we had 144 shots of over 160 critters. Submit your photo(s) before midnight Wednesday, Aug. 18 here: dailyastorian.com/dogdays Then, come back and visit the pooches all that next week and vote on your favorite before midnight Sunday, Aug 22. Vote once a day. The top vote-getters will be featured in the annual Going to the Dogs section on Thursday, Aug. 26. Share with your friends and family: #Going2TheDogsNW Now, who’s a good boy? Who’s a good girl? 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