B1 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 2021 CONTACT US FOLLOW US Nikki Davidson ndavidson@dailyastorian.com facebook.com/ DailyAstorian THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, AUG. 7, 2021 • B1 INSPIRED BY THE LANDSCAPE ABOVE: The cover for Desolation Horse’s new album. BELOW: Cooper Trail is a musician whose roots trace back to Idaho. Local musician records album By MORGAN GRINDY For The Astorian W hen home was a tour van and his closet a small duffl e bag, Cooper Trail found the landscapes of the West inviting and inspir- ing . He liked the desolate ones. Traveling through the desert, he scribbled the design of a cartoon horse with a smiley face on its head on a piece of paper. He added the word “deso- lation,” scrawled across the body of the horse. The doodle later became a tattoo, and the inspiration for his band’s name, Desolation Horse. Desolation Horse started in 2019, when Trail took a break from the band he started in high school, Mise, and toured as a drummer for Matia, Bart Budwig and Erisy Watt across Oregon. “Before I knew it, I had an album. And pretty much on a whim I decided to release it under a new name, to kind of separate it from the older stuff ; it’s a pretty diff erent strain of music, to me, anyway,” Trail said . See Album, Page B4