Still fabulous at 50 White Bird Gallery fl ew into Cannon Beach and never left BY NANCY McCARTHY White Bird Gallery, the grandmother of Cannon Beach art galleries, turns 50 this year. During the village’s early days as an artists colony, many created their own “pop up” galleries to sell their works and closed almost as quickly. The White Bird was the fi rst to establish itself as a gal- lery, a fi xture in the community display- ing a variety of artists’ paintings as well as crafts since 1971. As the milestone birthday grew close, gallery owner Allyn Cantor rummaged through the archives and discovered post- ers from past anniversaries. A few posters include the iconic white birds, that commemorate the gallery. Orig- inal owner Evelyn Georges named the space after the 1969 song, “White Bird,” by the band It’s a Beautiful Day. “White bird In a golden cage Alone White bird must fl y Or she will die.” “(Evelyn) was a potter back then, and I think she thought this would be a good summer project,” Cantor said. But it became more than just a proj- ect. Several of the artists who fi rst showed there went on to be known nationally; they included painter Henk Pander, illus- trator Petra Mathers and multimedia artist Royal Nebeker. “Evelyn gave a lot of emerging artists a good shot,” Cantor said. “She had a group of friends wealthy enough to buy art. She would bring them out here and have par- ties at her house and get them to come into the gallery.” In a 2010 interview with T he Daily Astorian, Georges said she had a “knack for picking artists who connect with peo- ple visiting Cannon Beach.” She tried to mix aff ordable pieces from emerging artists with more expensive works from known artists. “I like the way art captures what is hap- pening in the world,” Georges said. “I like all kinds of art, from abstract to fi gurative, See Page 14 Ceramicists John and Robin Gumaelius created the 50th anniversary poster for the White Bird Gallery in Cannon Beach. 6 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Opened in 1971, the White Bird Gallery was among the fi rst galleries in Oregon to combine fi ne art with arts and crafts.