Exploring Bloom Lake and Fishhawk Falls BY LINDA K. HOARD A short trail off U.S. Highway 26 offers a peaceful spot to walk among nature. Bloom Lake Trailhead is directly off of U.S. Highway 26, near milepost 24.5, on the south side just before the east end of the Quartz Creek Bridge in the Coast Range. There is parking and a trailhead sign. As the trail starts, there is a bit of high- way noise, which quickly fades while climbing the dirt and pine needle path up through shadows and sunlight in the tall hemlock, fir and alder forest. Flute-like calls of Swainson’s thrush, hooting of great horned owls and tapping of woodpeckers soon replace the sounds of traffic. The trail is labeled as moderate, as there is a good uphill climb at the beginning toward the lake — but it levels off and dips down again slightly to the lake itself. Along the forested trail are elderberry bushes heavy with clusters of red berries, salmonberry with its orange berries, tall hemlocks draped in moss, trillium, oxalis, and occasional foxglove and buttercups See Page 7 Photos by Linda Hoard TOP: Entrance to Bloom Lake Trailhead. ABOVE LEFT: Foxgloves brighten up the trail. ABOVE RIGHT: Patrick O’Connelly enjoys the peacefulness of the Bloom Lake Trail. 6 // COASTWEEKEND.COM