SCRATCHPAD Th e new face behind Coast Weekend By NIKKI DAVIDSON COAST WEEKEND EDITOR What is more exhilarating than a sumer road trip to the coast? You never know what you might fi nd at the end of the trail. In my case, a cross-country adventure to the Pacifi c Ocean led me to this job opportunity as the new editor of Coast Weekend. It all started in the steamy Louisiana heat. I packed as much as I could into a small, trusty camper to hit the open road out of New Orleans. Wedged between the bug spray, lawn chairs and cooking sup- plies hung my husband’s U.S. Coast Guard uniform crisp and ready to make a good fi rst impression. We weren’t just traveling for a summer getaway, we were headed to a new home. My husband has served in the Coast Guard for 17 years, and was assigned to a new role at Cape Disappointment in Washing- ton state. As we drove 2,100 miles from the bayou to the rocky Pacifi c c oast, we didn’t let an adventure go to waste. We hiked in Appala- chia, cruised through the rolling cornfi elds of the Midwest and explored the vast can- yons of the Mountain states. Twelve states later, we fi nally rolled into Astoria. Typically, the end of an excit- ing vacation can be lackluster, but in this case the boredom never came. Instead, we found an endless amount of outdoor enter- tainment, a rich history, thriving local art- ist community and menus that refl ect a tal- ented and eclectic food and beverage scene. The start of the trip from Louisiana to the North Coast. want to share? Do you know of an amazing event coming up? Is there a local artist peo- ple need to know about? Please tell me the stories you want to read and let me know about events happening in your area. You can reach me at ndavidson@dailyastorian. com. I look forward to hearing from you! RS STAFF AND CONTRIBUTO ON THE COVER COAST WEEKEND EDITOR NIKKI DAVIDSON THURSDAY JULY 29 Dylan Eckland’s design will be painted on the old Clatskanie hospital. When I was off ered the role of Coast Weekend e ditor, I knew the real adven- ture had just begun. As a journalist who has worked around the country at local TV sta- tions as a reporter and anchor for 10 years, I understand the importance of quality local storytelling. There’s no better role than get- ting to share and celebrate the voices of the people who make a place so special. I can’t wait to help showcase all the North Coast has to off er with locals and vis- itors alike. Have you found a natural wonder you 2021 CALENDAR COORDINATOR SARAH SMITH NE W LOOK FOR CLATSK ANIE PA TAT TOO ART IST WINS MU RAL COMPET ITION GE 8 UNG EXCELS YO US CHEF IN CANN SO ON BEACH PAGE 4 NORTH TO AVOID COAST HIKES THE CROWD S CONTRIBUTORS ZOË BUCHLI M.J. CODY MALLORY GRUBEN LINDA K. HOARD BARBARA LLOYD McMICHAEL PAGE 6 BOOK REF LECTS ON OREGON CA NYON LIF E 249484-1; 07. 29 Front Cov er- ; SHOALW or; 4 x 1.5; XPo ATER BAY s: 0 YPos: 0, Width: 756 x CASINO; Col- 108 PAGE 10 To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2021 COAST WEEKEND Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Astorian and the Chinook Observer. TO SUBMIT AN ITEM Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Find it all online! features full calendar listings, keyword search and easy sharing on social media. YOUR #1 PREMIER CANNABIS RETAILER LARGEST SELECTION FRIENDLY & KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF ELITE PRODUCTS –– For Washington Residents –– Ilwaco Cathlamet (8am - 10pm) 360-261-7200 133 Howerton Ave (8am - 10pm) 360-849-4504 327 WA-4 Kelso Longview (8am - 12am) (8am - 12am) 360-636-0420 360-703-3229 820A West Side Hwy 971 14th Ave WARNING: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. There may be health risks associated with the consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and over. Keep out of reach of children. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 2021 // 3