A3 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2021 SUPPLY CHAIN A cucumber’s journey to market By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press PORTLAND — Betsy Walton had an idea. It was 2008, and Wal- ton, then 57, decided to leave her decadeslong career in the apparel industry to create her own Oregon-based food company. It all started with pickles. Every Labor Day weekend, Walton canned a batch of pick- les using her grandma’s rec- ipe. Friends told her she should take the recipe to market — and fi nally, she decided to try. She signed up for a local class called “Getting Your Recipe to Market,” created a company called Our Favor- ite Foods LLC and named her pickle line Duker’s Dills. Walton quickly learned the grocery supply chain is a com- plex clockwork. The sheer size of the 2021 U.S. supermar- ket and grocery industry, mea- sured by revenue, is $658.1 billion, according to mar- ket research fi rm IBISWorld. That’s about $1.3 million gen- erated per minute. It’s easy, Walton learned, for farmers and new food com- panies to make mistakes and get hurt. But getting a prod- uct to market, if done right, can also be exciting. Getting started When Walton started, she had no experience in commer- cial foods. “It was a riot,” Walton said. “I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into.” To begin, she would need ingredients, processors, dis- tributors and retail buyers. Game on. In the “Getting Your Rec- ipe to Market” class, co-run by Portland Community Col- lege’s Small Business Devel- opment Center and Oregon State University’s Food Inno- vation Center, Walton learned about product development, food science, packaging, dis- tribution and marketing. “It was all new to me,” said Walton. Sometimes, a new product begins with a startup. Other times, a food company sim- ply adds a new product to its lineup. Occasionally, farm- ers take a product to market themselves. The best way to get started, according to experts, is to “test the waters.” “I think a great place to start out and learn is through farm- ers markets,” said Mike Seely, a Willamette Valley mint grower who sells value-added products such as mint patties and teas through thousands of national retail stores. “That’s where we got started. You learn what works and what doesn’t, what people like and don’t.” Erick Garman, trade devel- opment manager at the Oregon Department of Agriculture, said as farmers and food com- panies scale up, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls. Garman and his colleague, Lauren Gwin, associate direc- tor of Oregon State’s Center for Small Farms and Commu- nity Food Systems, advise pro- ducers to: • Do market research. • Know each retailer’s mission. • Get to the decision-maker as soon as possible. • Be able to explain their product in detail. • Understand their category and competition. • Make sure they’re in com- pliance with food safety and labeling requirements. • Have a clear sense of pro- duction costs and markups. • Have a well-organized invoicing system. • Be prepared to invest in new equipment and infrastructure. Gwin advises producers to keep some of their busi- ness in direct-to-consumer and foodservice. “It diversifi es your risk,” she said. Grocery distribution chain company invents product 1 Food 2 Farm 3 Harvest 5 4 Processor Manufacturer or co-packer & packaging 6 Forwarding warehouse 7 Broker 8 Distributor 9 Retailer Getty Images/Capital Press graphic Lynne Barra, owner of Paradigm Foodworks Inc., a food manufacturer, said she’s seen many farms and food businesses fail because they weren’t prepared. “If you go from the kiddie pool into the deep water, you gotta have deep pockets,” she said. In search of the perfect cucumber With the new business started, it was pickle time. First, Walton would need cucumbers — and a lot of them. But where to fi nd them? In her class, Walton asked Sarah Masoni, a leader in Oregon States’s Food Inno- vation Center, if she knew any growers. Masoni sug- gested Bob Egger, co-owner of Delta Farms, a division of Sauvie Island’s famous Pump- kin Patch, and Anthony Fazio, owner of Fazio Farms in Portland. Walton met the farmers and decided to buy cucumbers from both, along with dill and other produce for pickling such as green beans. “Word-of-mouth” recom- mendations are key, so indus- try experts recommend farm- ers introduce themselves to many processors, manufactur- ers, distributors and retailers. Working with farms proved to be a steep learning curve for Walton. “I learned to expect the unexpected,” she said. Her fi rst year, Walton ordered thousands of pounds of green beans. She was sur- prised to fi nd some were wonky shapes that couldn’t fi t inside pickling jars. “I didn’t even think about green beans not being straight,” she said. She learned in the future to order 10% extra. Working with the farms, Walton said, was also a joy. “The farmers have abso- lutely amazed me,” she said. “They work their buns off .” Egger said he sells about half his produce in the farm’s own market and half whole- sale. His No. 1 customer is Albertsons grocery stores. Egger said when Walton approached him looking for a supplier, he was grateful for the opportunity. But pickle pro- duction, he said, is challenging. A cucumber destined for the pickle market must be hand-picked at precisely the right size. Hand picking is hard labor, said Egger. He said he pays his employees $16 per hour “to hand harvest tiny little pickles.” “How long can hand har- vesting pickles go on?” said Egger. “People don’t realize how expensive and labor-in- tensive this crop is. Pickles are about the hardest thing to do wholesale.” kitchen couldn’t process thou- sands of pounds of cucumbers, nor was it licensed. She needed to fi nd a contract packer, also known as a co-packer — a food manufacturing company. Food startups and farmers often begin by working with co-packers, and if the startup grows into a major food brand, its owners may invest in build- ing processing and manufac- turing plants. Typically, one more step comes before the co-packer: the processor. A processor prepares raw ingredients for manufacturing by blending, grinding, freezing, roasting, pureeing or peeling. A co-packer then takes the processed ingredients and uses them in recipes to make products. Between each facility, a sequence occurs: load, ship, receive. This may happen under the umbrella of one company, or each hauler and contractor may be separate. Walton’s fi rst co-packer was Dundee Fruit Co. in McMinn- ville. After harvest, about 25 Dundee Fruit Co. employees would pack Walton’s pickles — up to 3,000 jars per day. “It was really cool,” said Walton. When ownership changed, Walton shifted to a smaller Portland co-packer called Three Little Figs. The company produces artisan jams, many using a fi g base, under its Three Little Figs brand name, and does co-pack- ing for other companies on the side, a common setup. Liz Cowan, the owner, worked as a fashion stylist for 15 years before opening the company to pursue her fi rst love — food. Oregon and Washington combined have more than 100 co-packing operations, accord- ing to the Oregon Department of Agriculture. “It’s a fascinating line of work,” said Lynne Barra, owner of Paradigm Foodworks Inc., a co-packer and manufac- turer in Lake Oswego. Barra, formerly a math teacher, got into the food world when dabbling with choco- late-making. She has this sign hanging in her offi ce: “For- get love! I’d rather fall in chocolate.” Today, about 25% of her production is proprietary and 75% is co-packing. She works directly with some farmers, but mostly buys ingredients through processing plants. According to Jill Bea- man, a Portland-based busi- ness adviser to food entre- preneurs, some co-packers source ingredients for a food company, while others expect the company to fi nd its own ingredients. How a co-packer gets paid also varies. Some co-packers buy a recipe or inventory out- right, while others charge for services. Stored away Most co-packers don’t have suffi cient warehouses or cool- ers. That means once a product is made, it’s out the door and on to a forwarding warehouse. “Farmers and food compa- nies need to have a forward- ing warehouse strategy set up,” said John Henry Wells, founding director of Oregon State’s Food Innovation Cen- ter. “When the co-packer calls and says your product is done, that’s it. When it’s ready, it’s ready.” The forwarding warehouse may be a third party or within a distribution center. This is where a broker, an optional role, is introduced. “The broker is the agent,” said Wells of the Food Inno- vation Center. “It’s a little like Hollywood, the concept of a movie agent getting gigs for an actor.” The broker’s role is to, as the name implies, broker a deal between the food company and retailer. On average, brokers take a 5% to 7% commission. “If you’re not great at sell- ing, you need somebody to pitch you,” said Seely, the mint grower. Beaman, the adviser, encourages startups and farm- ers early on to be their own bro- kers. It becomes worthwhile to secure a broker when expand- ing into broader markets. Seely said he thinks it’s wise to have product in at least 100 stores before securing a broker because brokers aren’t cheap. One, he said, asked him for a $4,000-per-month mini- mum fee. “I politely declined,” he said. Walton’s pickles were now ready for distribution. Wal- ton had set up a relationship in advance with KeHE, a whole- sale food distributor. Some major retailers run their own distribution centers, while others contract with a third party. According to Gar- man, of the state Department of Agriculture, small and inde- pendent retailers occasion- ally accept delivery directly from a producer. Across the industry, there isn’t agreement about whether a producer should fi rst approach a distributor or Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 Astoria’s Best Mac Antivirus? Less Malware has been directed against Macs than at Windows computers, but as Mac sales have Mac Mini increased, so has Mac Malware. PCs $299.99 have built in antivirus protection, We Match All On-line but Macs do not. For Free Mac prices and add $100s antivirus visit AVG.com, hover over of free services. “Mac” then click “AVG Antivirus Free Check us out! for Mac” then click “Free Download.” Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat/Sun Closed NEVER click a pop-up offering free 77 11th Street, Suite H Astoria, OR antivirus; it’s a common scam to 503-325-2300 AstoriasBest.com GIVE you a virus. Q: Do I need a referral to come see you? ASTORIA A: Typically no, but we CHIROPRACTIC Alicia M. 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One farmer who did not wish to be identifi ed said a small chain store once asked him for $10,000 in slotting fees. But slotting fees are disap- pearing in many markets. “Slotting fees are a little bit out of vogue right now,” said Wells. After the pickles’ long journey to market, Walton had to face the fi nal, and most important, test. Would anyone buy her pickles? Walton ran in-store demos, retailers shared market- ing responsibilities — and the product line was a hit. A decade later, Walton’s pickles have been featured in publica- tions and reviews statewide. “Who knew?” said Wal- ton. “It’s been quite an experience.” LEO FINZI Lisa Cadonau July 5 th - 25 th Duker’s Dills go to market PROFESSIONAL Textbooks can cost over $500 a term and exceed $1500 per year! Now that Walton had the ingredients, it was time to make pickles. The problem: Her she has moved toward retire- ment — Walton is now 70 — she has scaled back and now only supplies one chain, New Seasons Markets in Portland. Consult a Inside the warehouse Where the ingredients go WANTED retailer to pitch a product. “It’s a chicken and the egg thing,” said Seely. “Stores don’t want you unless you have a distributor, and a distributor doesn’t want you unless you have stores. It’s tough to get started. But once you do, the ball really gets rolling.” Beaman said she thinks the retailer is usually the best fi rst point of contact. “I think it helps if you have a retailer asking for you,” she said. However, Beaman said, producers often jump into major distribution chains before they’re ready. “You get fl attered by a dis- tributor or grocery store woo- ing you,” she said. Gwin, of the Center for Small Farms and Community Food Systems, encourages growers to focus on regional, independent grocery stores. Experts say some national distributors are notorious for hidden fees and confounding contracts. “You’ve got really good distributors and brokers out there that want you to succeed. And then you’ve got really bad ones,” said one farmer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Supply chains are becom- ing more consolidated. Some growers now work through cooperatives and food hubs. Others have taken vari- ous supply chain roles upon themselves. The Seely family, for example, created their own line of mint candies. They got licensed to do process- ing themselves, but they out- source for photography, graphic design and packaging. Walton, the pickle maker, said she avoided distribu- tion-related headaches by staying regional, in chains such as Market of Choice. As Scan Now with your phone’s camera to help CCC Foundation provide textbooks for CCC STUDENTS 503-325-3211 www.dailyastorian.com 949 Exchange St., Astoria, OR A: The combination of a print and online audience is recession proof. We have an excellent print and online special for this time of year. Give your sales representative a call today to hear more about it!