CONTACT US FOLLOW US Alyssa Evans DailyAstorian THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, JULY 17, 2021 • B1 Amy Magnussen stands with some of her creations. Astoria maker finds joy in sewing handmade items Magnussen’s business began with masks By BRIANA ALZOLA For The Astorian OSO MADE Oso Made products are available online at OsoMadeOregon and in Astoria at Forsythea, 1124 Commercial St. D Some of Magnussen’s bags. uring the coronavirus pandemic, many people picked up a new hobby. Astoria resident Amy Mag- nussen started expanding hers, and ended up creating a new business. Magnussen’s business, Oso Made, is present on Etsy. com and inside Forsythea in Astoria. Oso Made, which fea- tures purses and other hand- crafted items, started with face masks. See Oso Made, Page B5 Amy Magnussen