BOOKMONGER Beat the heat with escape into history turn, tells her young consort, Caelym. He valiantly pledges to rescue his lov- er’s sister, although it will mean a danger- ous journey not just into Saxon territory, but directly to the convent, where Druids are completely reviled as “the devil’s minions” and the only remedy is to burn them at the This week’s book stake. Courage, determination, and dumb luck ‘The Oath’ by A.M. Linden all come into play as Caelym heads out on She Writes Press — 316 pages — $17.95 his quest. When he fi nally locates Annwr, he has an arrow in his back. The tart-tongued By happy chance, Bellingham, Wash- nursemaid is dubious about Caelym’s pro- ington, writer A.M. Linden just published fessed mission and his ability to rescue her, her fi rst book in a projected fi ve-part series but she has healing skills and attends to his called “The Druid Chronicles.” wound. By the time Caelym has recovered enough “The Oath” is set in 8th century Britain. Readers may need to brush up on their medi- to travel again, suspicions have begun roil- ing through the convent and eval history as they navi- the surrounding community. gate the complex world Lin- “THE OATH” Annwr realizes she really den has reconstructed. It’s will have to fl ee with him. helpful to know that Dru- OFFERS A But another complica- ids, Celts and Britons are REFRESHING tion arises when her young one and the same. Likewise, ESCAPE. charge, Aleswina, insists on Linden uses “Saxon” inter- THE SCENE- leaving with them. changeably with “Chris- SETTING IS Speaking of complica- tian.” These two diff erent MARVELOUSLY tions, the author might have belief systems have little tol- erance for one another. DETAILED, THE done more to help readers are not well versed in At the opening of this PRESENTATION who the Early Middle Ages to tale, the once venerated Dru- OF DIFFERENT navigate the confusing alter- ids are struggling to sur- WORLD VIEWS native terms for the Dru- vive as Saxon rulers seek to IS INTERESTING ids. Also, while Linden impose Christian hegemony did anticipate that readers on the land. AND THE Fifteen years earlier, the PROTAGONISTS would need to refer to the of characters she pro- sister of a Druid high priest- ARE ENGAGING. list vides at the beginning of the ess, Princess Annwr, was book, the list doesn’t always violently kidnapped, sold deliver the wished-for clarity. into servitude and taken to a distant Saxon That said, “The Oath” off ers a refresh- stronghold to serve as nursemaid to the local ing escape. The scene-setting is marvelously king’s daughter, Princess Aleswina. detailed, the presentation of diff erent world But the king dies when Aleswina is still views is interesting and the protagonists are a young girl. Her older cousin, as the closest engaging. male relative, ascends the throne. He fi nds The Druid Chronicles series holds Aleswina’s presence to be inconvenient, so promise. he bundles her and her nursemaid off to a The Bookmonger is Barbara Lloyd McMi- convent. chael, who writes this weekly column focus- Back in the Druid shrine, it takes 15 long years, but the chief oracle fi nally has a vision ing on the books, authors and publishers of the Pacifi c Northwest. Contact her at bar- of Annwr in captivity. He shares the ambig- uous details with the high priestess who, in Sometimes the best way to take one’s mind off of an intolerably hot summer’s day is to sit in front of an oscillating fan and seek mental refuge in a book of historical fi ction. NEW GO KART TRACK NOW OPEN! GO KARTS MINI GOLF GYROXTREME ROCK WALL KIDDIE RIDES AND MORE! SEASIDE, OREGON HWY 101 (1/4 mi South of Seaside) • 2735 S. Roosevelt • 503-738-2076 OPEN DAILY 11 A M T O 6 P M 14 // COASTWEEKEND.COM