Time to write Authors take up summer residencies In 2016, she moved here from the United Kingdom to work in communication for an Within a few hours of moving into the international nonprofit. What was supposed artist residency at Spotted Goat Cottage on to be a couple-month stayed was extended the Long Beach Peninsula, Sarah Buck- after she fell in love with the area. master said she was already looking at the Buckmaster went home to U.K. for a water and feeling the while to care for family inspiration. because of the corona- ‘THERE IS A COMFORT virus pandemic. While She is one of two IN AN IMAGINARY authors spending there, she took evalu- ated her priorities and a week each in the WORLD WHERE YOU what she wanted. She North Coast Writer’s CAN EXPLORE AND decided to slow down Residency, which JUST BE YOURSELF.’ a little on her work and was developed col- laboratively by the take time to write her Sarah Buckmaster Astoria Writer’s own personal projects. Guild and Astoria During her time at Visual Arts, this summer. The authors will the writer’s residency, she will be work- ing on her first novel, which tells the story use the isolation and inspiration of the resi- dency on their respective writing projects. of a dystopian future where depression is Buckmaster is first. Following her is believed to be contagious. In the novel, Deborah L. Williams, who will stay at the anyone who shows any signs of unhappi- residency in August. Williams will read her ness is sent to a government camp, Buck- master said. work in progress at 6 p.m. Aug. 18 at Asto- ria Visual Arts. Buckmaster is no stranger to the area. See Page 7 BY BRIANA ALZOLA Celebrate! July 4, 2021 Sarah Buckmaster 6 // COASTWEEKEND.COM