A hopping history Documentary reflects on Cannon Beach bunnies BY ALYSSA EVANS Visit Tolovana Park and you’re bound to see them. Bunnies line the entry along Tolovana Beach State Recreation Site, toward Mo’s, and around W. Siuslaw Street. The bunnies, which have garnered debate among local residents in recent years, are the focus of a recent documentary. Where to watch the video Visit Cannon Beach Art Association to view Brianna Ortega’s documentary Brianna Ortega, the documentary’s cre- ator, created a short film about the bun- nies, titled “To Exist.” Ortega is a student in Portland State University’s Master in Fine Arts in Contemporary Art Practices: Art and Social Practice program. A variety of people’s opinions about the bunnies are shared throughout the video as the video features images of the bunnies. In addition to the documentary, Ortega also hosted an opening of “Bunny Hill” in April. “I was interested in hearing about peo- ple’s relationships to the bunnies, whether the bunnies lived on their block and how they felt about it … I thought it would be interesting to have a grand opening of Bunny Hill as a public historical site and invite people of different opinions to come together in one singular place and explore their emotions around the bunnies,” Ortega said. The bunny population has increased since a bunny owner left their bunnies in the area several years ago. Since then, the bunnies have repopulated and gained some Photos by Alyssa Evans See Page 9 ABOVE: A group of bunnies rest near some bushes. TOP LEFT: A bunny peers off a small curb. TOP RIGHT: A bunny’s ears stick out above grass. OPENING JUNE 1, 2021 3D Theater Lightship Tour NEW TO THE 3D THEATER Gift Store FREE FOR MEMBERS C R M M OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 5:00 • 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria • 503.325.2323 • www.crmm.org 8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM