WEEKEND EDITION // SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 2021 148TH YEAR, NO. 149 $1.50 CORONAVIRUS Weber requests federal funds for local projects Library, resilience among her priorities By EMILY LINDBLOM The Astorian S tate Rep. Suzanne Weber has recommended several local projects, including two in Clatsop County, to be considered for funding through the Ameri- can Rescue Plan. State lawmakers divided up $240 million of the fed- eral pandemic relief money among their districts. While each senator got to suggest how they would want to spend $4 million, each rep- resentative got $2 million. The requests are under consideration in Salem as the Legislature moves toward the end of session. While not set in stone, they do speak to the lawmakers’ priorities. Weber requested four capital projects, meaning they had to do with building, repairing or renovating. She asked for $360,000 for Can- non Beach to use on resil- iency projects, $420,000 for Astoria to use on the Asto- ria Library renovation, $400,000 for the Ander- son Creek raw water trans- mission main for Nehalem and $820,000 for well and wastewater treatment resil- iency for Bay City. Weber said the projects align with her priorities of buoying water, sewer and earthquake and tsunami resilience . The Tillamook Republi- can said $2 million spread across House D istrict 32 is not a lot of money, but she worked with Sen. Betsy Johnson and Rep. Brad Witt to look through all the proj- ects submitted and to make sure most of the regions in their districts were covered. “Some smaller areas were chosen because they don’t have a lot of oppor- tunities to be able to lever- age any kind of dollars at the present time,” Weber said. “I asked all the munic- ipalities and diff erent orga- nizations in my area what was extremely important to them.” Hailey Hoff man/The Astorian Lisa Parks sits at a table in her new parklet outside of Brut Wine Bar in Astoria. In Astoria, parklets emerge as an option See Weber, Page A8 The pilot program could change post-pandemic Knappa health curriculum now under review Parents raised concerns about content By KATIE FRANKOWICZ The Astorian The Knappa School District has suspended the bulk of a state-created mid- dle school health curricu- lum that includes a basic sex education component after parents asked for a review of the course. Besides lessons about human reproduction, the “My Future-My Choice” curriculum, intended for sixth grade students, cov- ers information about puberty, bullying, mar- ginalized groups, healthy and unhealthy relation- ships and issues of general and sexual consent, among other topics. It has been used in Knappa for nearly a decade. But supplemental work- sheets provided by teach- ers that touched on ques- tions and discussion about biological gender and gen- Oregon Department of Education Knappa School District has suspended the use of a state middle school sexual health course after parents demanded a review. der identity raised con- cerns among parents. Other parents said they did not receive the opt- out forms the school sends home with students ahead of the course and were sur- prised when they found out their children were going through the curriculum. By KATIE FRANKOWICZ The Astorian The lenient parklet policies, as well as relaxed rules on sidewalk seating, were intended to help businesses weather an unprecedented, tough eco- nomic situation, said Megan Leatherman, Asto- ria’s community development director. Even as things open up and tourists fl ood the city on sunny days and weekends, “there’s still an economic hardship,” she said, “and I don’t see that going away this summer.” If Lisa Parks charted it out, it would immedi- ately be obvious when she installed the parklet out- side Brut Wine Bar on 10th Street. By-the-glass and bottle sales shot up and con- tinue to climb. Most days she’s open, old and new customers fl ock to the tables she’s arranged in the semi enclosed outdoor seating area. Others, drawn Details could change by the activity outside, seem more inclined to turn The details about what might be allowed in par- down the usually sleepy street and venture inside klets could change post-pandemic. Under program Parks’ shop to select a bottle for their home or guidelines, coverings are supposed to go away hotel room. when the city ends its emer- The chairs in the parklet gency declaration, Leather- might slant with the street ‘ WOULD I LIKE TO man noted. and sometimes there’s a light MAKE IT NICER? At that time, the entire drizzle falling — Astoria pilot program also goes back in the spring — but no one YOU BETCHA. to the City Council for eval- seems to mind. uation “and to determine if “It’s like being in Europe,” BUT I NEED SOME parklets should continue in customers tell her. CONFIDENCE THAT downtown Astoria,” accord- Astoria loosened require- ing to city documents. ments for parklets last year IT’S SOMETHING Both Parks and Michael as coronavirus pandemic Angiletta, the primary restrictions cut into the abil- WE’LL BE ABLE TO owner of Blaylock’s Whis- ity of downtown bars and CONTINUE TO DO key Bar, where another par- restaurants to serve custom- klet is located, are waiting ers and turn a profi t. IN A SUSTAINABLE for fi rmer guidelines before The parklet program they invest more heavily in has stayed a pilot program FASHION.’ their parklets. since the City Council fi rst Michael Angiletta | primary owner The components of the launched it in 2015. T he of Blaylock’s Whiskey Bar Blaylock’s parklet are inten- business owners who have tionally sparse for now. taken advantage of “parklets: “Would I like to make the pandemic edition” have it nicer? You betcha,” Angiletta said, “but I need invested sparingly —some barrels as tables here, some confi dence that it’s something we’ll be able basic seating there. They aren’t sure what will be to continue to do in a sustainable fashion.” allowed when the pandemic ends and city leader- In other words: That the city isn’t going to come ship reviews — and possibly reconsiders — the by later and say something isn’t allowed. program. But for the summer, at least, the looser rules and See Parklets, Page A8 the parklets are here to stay. See Review, Page A8 New magic shop opens in Astoria Magician off ers tricks of the trade By EMILY LINDBLOM The Astorian Emily Lindblom/The Astorian Seth Howard cuts the ribbon during the grand opening of The Magic Shop & More. With trick cards, gag gifts, wands and a professional magi- cian, The Magic Shop & More opened on Commercial Street in Astoria in time for Memorial Day weekend. Seth Howard, the owner, has been fascinated by magic tricks since the seventh grade, when his science teacher held a card to his forehead and read his mind. How- ard was so inspired that he watched David Copperfi eld and “T he Bozo Show,” and checked out all the books about magic from his school library. He begged his teacher to show him how the card trick worked, and when he was told it was a trick deck of cards, he bought his own. “The love of magic has stayed with me ever since,” Howard said. After moving to Oregon in 1999 from Kansas, Howard went on to work at the magic shop in Lloyd Center in Portland and began per- forming in his own magic shows. He moved to the North Coast and performed in the Festival of Dark Arts at Fort George Brew- ery in Astoria, among other local shows. “I always wanted to open my own magic shop,” Howard said. See Magic shop, Page A8