A6 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 Risk: One of 21 counties that will be at lower risk Rentals: ‘We are going to Continued from Page A1 “But, for unvaccinated individuals, COVID-19 remains as large a threat as it ever was. With more con- tagious variants spreading, far too many Oregonians are still being hospitalized when they could be protected with a vaccine. If you have been waiting to get vaccinated, go get your shot today. It’s never been easier to get an appointment, and you may just win $1 million through the Take Your Shot, Oregon campaign.” Counties that have vacci- nated at least 65% of adults can move to lower risk — an option to move more coun- ties back to normal opera- tions quicker. About 61% of people 16 and older in Clatsop County have received at least one dose of a vaccine, accord- ing to the Oregon Health Authority. “We are pleased that case counts remain low and that we will remain in lower risk,” Mark Kujala, the chairman of the county Board of Com- missioners, said. “It is still very important for those 12 Hailey Hoff man/The Astorian Johnathan Kvale receives the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at the Astoria Armory in April. years and above to get vacci- nated so we can continue our economic recovery. “County health continues to do an outstanding job and thank you to the hundreds of volunteers that have helped staff phones and work clin- ics. We couldn’t get to this point without them.” Clatsop County is one of 21 counties that will be at lower risk through June 17 . Four counties will be at moderate risk and 11 will be at high risk. Counties with a popu- lation of 30,000 or more are evaluated for risk based on virus cases per 100,000 over two weeks and the test positivity rate for the same period. Counties at lower risk have a case rate under 50 per 100,000 people, and may have a test positivity of 5% or less. As of Saturday, Clatsop County had 25 cases per 100,000 over a two-week period. Test positivity was 1.9%. Capacity for indoor din- ing at restaurants and bars in counties at lower risk can increase to 50% with a mid- night closing time. Up to 300 people can dine outdoors. Tables must be limited to eight people. Gyms, indoor pools, museums, theaters and other entertainment venues can operate at 50% of capacity. Grocery stores, pharma- cies, retail shops and shop- ping malls can operate at 75% of capacity. Churches can increase capacity to 75% indoors and 300 people outdoors. Indoor social gatherings must be limited to 10 peo- ple from four households in counties at lower risk. Out- door gatherings can have 12 people. Indoor and outdoor visits are allowed at long-term care facilities. The county has recorded 1,022 virus cases since the pandemic began. According to the county, 25 were hos- pitalized and eight have died. The county has set a target of vaccinating 27,533 peo- ple — or 70% of the popula- tion — to try to achieve herd immunity against the virus, As of Friday, 17,270 people have been fully vaccinated. Mascot: ‘Not a decision that the high school will make’ Continued from Page A1 graduation, and that talking about changes to the mas- cot fi t well into her speech. When she fi nally stood at the podium, she only felt excitement. “As a state-qualifying var- sity athlete, captain and team- mate, I only wish I could have fought and competed under a mascot that repre- sented everyone on the team,” Rouda told the audience. She added: “Our mascot currently does not represent all students and is not inclu- sive. If fi remen and police- men felt the need to evolve to fi refi ghters and police offi - cers, then why can we not evolve from Fishermen? “A new, gender-neutral mascot that still honors Asto- ria’s history, or shortening to the ‘Fish,’ which we already use frequently, would solve this problem. We want to be represented. We want to be valued.” Rouda told her fellow seniors that she hoped “you become the change you want to see.” As she fi nished, the same ‘AS A STATE-QUALIFYING VARSITY ATHLETE, CAPTAIN AND TEAMMATE, I ONLY WISH I COULD HAVE FOUGHT AND COMPETED UNDER A MASCOT THAT REPRESENTED EVERYONE ON THE TEAM.’ Constance Rouda | Astoria High School graduate polite applause that followed the other student speakers ushered her from the podium. Rouda will meet with Jackson next week to talk about next steps for the mascot discussion. But it’s complicated. Since the mascot debate last year, both the girls soft- ball and basketball teams have chosen to use the Lady Fish moniker, putting it on their gear, Jackson said. Meanwhile, though aca- demics and some govern- ment agencies might use the more neutral term of “fi sher” to refer to anyone partici- pating in commercial fi sh- ing, within the industry itself, men and women alike refer to themselves as “fi shermen.” Jackson believes the split he saw in the leadership class likely refl ects opinions in the broader community, and there are certainly strong opinions on both sides. There is also still the ques- tion of how to properly air the discussion in the school community. While school is expected to resume more normal operations in the fall, Jackson doesn’t expect to see a full school assembly any- time soon. “So how do you address this issue with the student body?” he said. There are also people in the community interested in weighing in. Ultimately, the matter would need to be brought to the school board for debate and a fi nal deci- sion, Superintendent Craig Hoppes said. “It’s not a decision that the high school will make,” Hop- pes said. Rouda will attend the Uni- versity of Wisconsin-Madi- son in the fall, but she wants to remain available to the s chool d istrict if the mascot discussions continue. Even if nothing changes, she thinks it has been a valuable process. After graduation, Rouda, who swam and played golf on the school teams, heard from younger teammates. They hadn’t been aware of the mas- cot debate until they heard her speech. They wanted to share their own ideas for a new name. These types of discussions provide an opportunity for people to hear each other’s opinions, a chance to empa- thize with and support each other, she believes . “I think having a conversation can be really eye-opening and bene- fi cial, ” she said. Police: Astoria’s city budget comes to $49.5 Million Continued from Page A1 unrest over the past year and calls to defund police fol- lowing police killings of B lack men elsewhere in the country. In the survey, the police department asks respon- dents to rate how they feel police offi cers treat peo- ple in the community, what the interactions have been like, what they think are the greatest problems in the community, if the respon- dent feels safe in bars or on the Astoria Riverwalk, among other questions. There is space to provide additional comments. Police Chief Geoff Spal- ding hopes the survey will validate and confi rm things the department already knows. He hopes it will also lead to tangible actions the department can take to improve or enhance its rela- tionship with the commu- nity. The survey answers could determine where the department focuses the new community service offi cer, for example. “We expect that there will be some negative comments and some areas we can look at and hopefully improve upon,” Spalding said. But, he added, “we’re doing it for a reason — because we want to be responsive to the community.” The creation of the com- munity service offi cer posi- tion was done in the same spirit, he said. While the person who takes the job will be trained in the basics COMMUNITY SURVEY People are encouraged to take a community survey to help guide the Astoria Police Department. Access the survey at bit.ly/3g5LWDm of criminal law and how to take a report and talk on a police radio, it is not a posi- tion that requires police academy training. “I’m looking more for the positive community contacts and coordinating special events we’d like to do more of,” Spalding said. Events like coff ee with cops and the like. As far as enforcement goes, at most, the offi cer might write parking tickets or take police reports . The city’s 2021-22 spending plan, though cramped by the impacts of the coronavirus pan- demic, also added an asso- ciate planner position for the Community Develop- ment Department and a dep- uty fi re chief to take over fi re marshal and emergency management duties . Both positions will ease pressures on the depart- ments as demands for ser- vices remain high. C ommunity develop- ment has been busier than ever in recent years, but a multi year search for a new director and a small staff meant some long-term proj- ects like code development went on the back burner. At the start of the corona- virus pandemic, the depart- ment saw a slight reduc- tion in work for the fi rst few months, but then the vol- ume went right back up, said Megan Leatherman, the community develop- ment director. She hopes to post the associate planner position this week and have some- one selected for the job later in the summer. She also will need to fi nd a new city plan- ner. Barbara Fryer, hired in 2019, took a position with the city of Cornelius and worked her last day last week. While Leatherman is confi dent she will fi nd a ros- ter of candidates for the two planning jobs, the city con- tinues to look for a building offi cial, too . It has proved to be a particularly challeng- ing job to fi ll. Many people in these jobs are retiring and younger people are not moving into the industry to take their place, Leatherman said. But the city is also competing with the private sector for candidates. “We saw this before when we had the last hous- ing boom,” she said. Peo- ple were able to make more money in the private sec- tor and were not tempted by government jobs. “We’re kind of reaching that same point,” Leather- man said. Astoria has never had a dedicated emergency man- ager and Fire Chief Dan Crutchfi eld has tackled the various fi re marshal duties himself. The department already has another dep- uty chief whose primary focus is on training and shift supervision. The addition of a sec- ond deputy chief who can work more with develop- ers and homeowners to address fi re safety concerns at the beginning of projects will be an important addi- tion, Crutchfi eld said. He hopes to also implement a business inspection pro- gram when the new deputy chief is hired to get fi re per- sonnel into buildings in the city so they can familiarize themselves with the layout and look for potential fi re hazards. The city budget comes to $49.5 million, up from this year’s budget of $46.9 mil- lion. With the federal Amer- ican Rescue Plan Act, the city anticipates receiving $2 million in additional fund- ing over a two-year period for infrastructure needs, according to a budget mes- sage prepared by City Man- ager Brett Estes . “As a city,” Estes wrote, “we have developed budget- ing to provide resources for daily activities while pay- ing close attention to (City Council) goals and provid- ing fl exibility for the current pandemic status while plan- ning for future impacts and unforeseen events.” see more and more people coming to the coast’ Continued from Page A1 “What I saw was that the character of a neigh- borhood was changing and I wanted to do something about it,” she said. “We’ve all been working — I want to say, groping — toward a solution since then. I’ve seen some things that have given me hope. I’ve seen some things that have given me cause for con- cern. I think there is no doubt that county govern- ment in Astoria and the commissioners all around Clatsop County under- stand that there’s an issue with transient occupancy. That gives me hope. “What gives me enor- mous concern is that the character of the inter- actions that I see in my neighborhood are heart- breaking to me,” she said. “We live in a beautiful place. We are privileged to live part time, full time as owners, as renters in a beautiful place. But here’s the thing about Oregon law. Everybody can come and visit that place. They are public beaches. With the increase in population, we are going to see more and more people coming to the coast. “We’re going to see them coming to state parks. We’re going to see them coming all over the place. So they’re going to be coming to our neigh- borhood. To the idea that we can control other peo- ple’s access to our little piece of paradise and make whatever our opinion is into law just doesn’t work. And I’ve seen that become what I think is an increas- ing dynamic. What also gives me cause for concern is I would say the cruelty, the malice that has been involved, the idea that if someone is unkind enough to another human being they can work their will on them. That’s not positive.” Consult a PROFESSIONAL Is my hard drive OK? LEO FINZI Astoria’s Best New Gateway 16 GB 256GB HDD $599.99 Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat/Sun Closed 77 11th Street, Suite H Astoria, OR • 503-325-2300 AstoriasBest.com Click the Start button , then type CMD. Click on “Run as Administrator” Click “Yes” to run the program. Type wmic diskdrive get status then press enter on your keyboard. This will check the hard drive(s) in your computer. OK means they are fine. Otherwise, back up your data immediately and replace your hard drive before your data is lost. 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The truth is that if you don’t take proper care of your teeth, you could face far more serious consequences than a simple toothache or some unsightly stains. You could face cardiovascular disease, dementia, respiratory infection, diabetic complications and more. Q: What should I look for when choosing a therapist? A: Recommendations from Delores Sullivan MSW, LCSW 503-741-5923 564 Pacific Way (inside By The Way Coffee Shoppe) Gearhart OR 97138 www.deloressullivantherapy.com friends or a healthcare provider are a good place to start. Look for someone who is licensed, experienced, and who works on issues you need help with. Read their online info. to see if they seem like someone you would like to talk with. A good therapeutic fit can often be noted with the initial telephone contact or after the first session.