B1 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2021 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2021 • B1 WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE COMPILED BY BOB DUKE From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers 10 years ago this week — 2011 hat exactly constitutes or qualifi es as a sports dynasty? Because with their 4-1 victory over North Valley in the 4A state championship baseball game, the Astoria Fishermen can now rightfully claim — or should be able to make a strong case for — the dynasty label. One defi nition: “A sports dynasty is a team that domi- nates their sport or league for multiple seasons or years. Such dominance is often only realized in retrospect.” Yep, that pretty much describes Fishermen baseball. When Astoria won a state title in 2006, no one knew it at the time, but the Fishermen weren’t just a “one year wonder.” They had signed up for the deluxe dynasty package. Five years later, the numbers back it up: Three state championships, fi ve appearances in the title game and six straight Final Four appearances, with a league record (88-2) that may never be equaled over a six-year span. The fact is, no team in the history of Oregon high school baseball has put together a six-year span like that of the Astoria Fishermen. W “Goonies never say die.” One of the most popular lines from the 1985 fi lm classic; one line that lives on in Astoria on the 26th anniversary. “The Goonies” celebrated the milestone on Tuesday — the day the movie made its debut in theaters — and marked the launch of the Oregon Film Museum’s second phase, which includes long-term, interactive exhibits. That second phase would not be complete without new Goonies movie memorabilia, including a replica of the Fratelli’s Jeep. The museum includes a “hot set,” with interactive movie sets to fi lm a scene. Fans got a sneak peak of the second phase Tuesday. Around 20 people came for the preview. “It’s kind of unreal. I can’t believe this day has fi nally come,” said Astoria senior Bronson Gardner fol- lowing the senior awards and scholarships event at the Liberty Theatre. Ninety-four graduates received more than $1.6 mil- lion in scholarships — the largest amount in the history of Astoria High School. “It is a very special evening for Astoria,” said Larry Lockett, Astoria High School principal. “We brought our most prized possession, our graduates, into the jewel of Astoria, the Liberty Theatre. It is the perfect setting for the perfect event. All these graduates have excelled academically, artistically and athletically. They are so intelligent. I am very proud of the Class of 2011.” 50 years ago — 1971 More than 230 Astoria High School seniors received diplomas Friday night at ceremonies held in the high school gym before a packed audience. Lestor Spoff ord, school board chairman, handed seniors their diplomas. Dan Cliff ord, the senior class president, read the list of graduates. The 2011 4A state baseball champion Astoria Fishermen show off their hardware after slaying the Knights of North Valley 4-1. ‘Here’s Johnny!’ announces David Rule, of Seattle, while re-enacting the famous scene from ‘The Shining’ and being recorded by Noah Beasley, of Seattle, inside the new hot set exhibit at the Oregon Film Museum in 2011. The landing attack cargo ship, USS Mobile, arrived at Astoria in 1971 for an overnight stay while en route to the Portland Rose Festival. Legion Department of Oregon. The cruiser Astoria set sail for Puget Sound after a 46-hour visit in Astoria. T he ship’s 75 offi cers and 770 men were ready before they left to sing the praises of the entertainment provide by Astoria citizens. Eight diplomas and 80 associate degrees will be awarded at Clatsop Community Col- lege commencement ceremonies on Friday in the college auditorium. Clatsop County graduates number 33 from Astoria, fi ve from Seaside, seven from Knappa, six from Warrenton and two from Hammond. Twenty-four graduates are from elsewhere in Oregon, fi ve from Washington, six from other states and one from Nigeria. One of the largest raft of peeler fi r logs, the qual- ity product of Oregon forests, is now waiting scaling in the Wallooskee River. It is estimated to contain about 750,000 feet. This raft is one of seven peel er rafts and 40 other miscellaneous rafts taken out of the scattered stands of timber near Jewell by the Larson Logging Co., which is operated by Carl Larson and Fred Hart- strom. Just at the end of the year, the company took out a peeler raft containing 502,000 feet. At the price for peeler logs, the latest raft is valued at almost $30,000. The butt logs range in diameter from 54 to 80 inches. Previous peeler rafts have been pur- chased by the Harbor Plywood company of Aberdeen, Washington. Other rafts of non-peeler type have gone to the Longview Fibre Co. The Green Beret soldiers following the Lewis and Clark Expedition’s route to the Pacifi c Ocean are report- edly in the Dakotas. The Associated Press reported that the 25-member group had left Omaha. The men are on a route that is to take them along the Missouri River through the central Dakotas, to Mon- tana in Three Forks then overland to Fort Missoula, on to the Snake River and then into the Columbia. They are set to arrive in Astoria around Sept. 5. Work leading to renovation and improve- ments of the Astoria Yacht Club area boat ramp began recently through Clatsop County funds acquired from the state marine agency on a matching basis. The county road depart- ment has been doing some of the preliminary work. Some of the biggest fi sh stories ever to come out of Astoria are likely to develop as the governors of two states and the Lions Clubs of two cities participate in the fi rst annual Fish-In, sponsored by the Astoria Lions Club. In the two-way salmon fi shing derby, Gov. Tom McCall of Oregon will vie against Gov. Cecil Andrus of Idaho. T he massed forces of the Lions Club of Boise and the Astoria Lions Club will compete for angling supremacy. All persons aboard a disabled charter fi sh- ing boat were reported safe after the vessel struck a submerged object and grounded on the northwest corner of Clatsop Spit, accord- ing to the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Astoria. 75 years ago — 1946 The fi rst commercial canning of rockfi sh on the Pacifi c coast will begin at the Sebastian-Stewart Fish Co. c annery as soon as the fi sh come in. Announcement of canning the fi sh was made by H.C. Making a gutsy decision to tag up from third base on a ball hit to shallow right fi eld, Astoria’s Jacob Davis slides into home ahead of the tag by North Valley’s Joe Schmoll in the state championship game in 2011. The 82-foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter Point Bennett held open house in Astoria in 1971 while en route from her home port of Port Townsend to the Portland Rose Festival. Timmerman, local manager of the fi rm which recently completed building a new modern cannery at the foot of Ninth Street. Volume of the pack will be determined by the demand of the product on the market. Timmer- man said he was proceeding with plans for substantial production. Timmerman said he would pay 5 ½ cents a pound for rockfi sh. Astorians are much interested in the war- ship that bears the city’s name, judging from the crowds of them who swarmed aboard Sun- day evening at Pier 2 of the Port of Astoria ter- minals after the vessel docked. The Astoria arrived from the Portland Rose Festival. Immediately, she was boarded by an offi - cial welcoming party including Mayor Orval Eaton; P eter Cosovich, president of the cham- ber of commerce; Frank Berg, chamber of commerce naval aff airs committee chairman; and Neil Morfi tt, captain of the American Raising of the 800-ton sunken minesweeper AM 360 in the Tongue Point ship anchor- age will begin on Friday, according to sal- vage plans of Marine Contractors Co., which is engaged in salvaging the 180-foot partially completed war vessel. The steel hull will be buoyed by pumping air into her compartments. A maximum lift of more than 400 tons can be furnished by the der- rick barge Cairo, the largest craft of its kind in the world. This barge was recently acquired by Marine Contractors Co. and remains in com- mand of its wartime skipper, Bill Karvonen, formerly of Clatskanie. Salvage of the mine- sweeper is the fi rst civilian job undertaken by the Cairo. The U.S. Maritime Commission has authorized the establishment in Youngs Bay of a permanent mooring site for 500 vessels of its reserve merchant fl eet. The maritime commission is understood to have taken fi nal action on approval of the Youngs Bay site at a meeting in Washington, D.C., earlier this week. Establishment of the mooring site in Youngs Bay will bring to Astoria a payroll estimated at around 750 men for the next two years and around 500 men there- after on a permanent basis to care for and maintain the ships; and annual payroll of around $2 million. The ships will be kept in “live storage” status and will not constitute a boneyard, for the ships must be kept in condition to be put into service at once. The pro- gram of maintenance for the ships will be comparable to the U.S. Navy’s program for keeping its 19th fl eet ships at Tongue Point in condition for immediate ser- vice if required.