B1 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2021 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2021 • B1 WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE COMPILED BY BOB DUKE From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers 10 years ago this week — 2011 S EASIDE — Low-income families will have an opportunity to build their own homes beginning this summer. Community Action Team Inc., based in St. Helens, plans to purchase seven lots between Seaside and War- renton, as well as begin a building project on nine addi- tional lots on W ahanna Road in Seaside. The lots will be sold to low-income working fami- lies whose down payment will be the sweat equity they put into building their new homes. The Community Action Team is a private, non profi t corporation, serving Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties. The team’s focus is to address the needs of the economically disadvantaged. Could you lift up a coff ee can from 5-feet away, using only rope and a rubber band? Could you fi nd your way out of a prisoner of war camp blind-folded? Could you convince a mayor to abandon his town in the anticipation of a natural disaster? You could if you were one of 114 high school students from Washington state and Ore- gon who participated in Cadet Days at Camp Rilea. The 2011 Field Leadership Assessment Course hosted 100 boys and 14 girls for 24 team-building exercises. Students, in groups of three to fi ve, were asked to complete the 24 tasks, each in 20 minutes or less, that may seem impossible, like standing on a tarp and folding it up completely while the team remains on the tarp. The exercise looked a little bit like a game of Twister but the students, group by group, com- pleted the task. Other tasks included navigat- ing blindfolded teammates through a “mine fi eld,” an area decorated with several orange traffi c cones; and carrying a 25-gallon drum of water — simulating fuel — with nothing other than two metal stakes and four ropes. The key to all of it is communication. 50 years ago — 1971 Participants at the Camp Rilea Cadet Days event in 2011. Participants in Camp Rilea’s Cadet Days in 2011. Morgan Coe, publisher of The Daily Astorian since 1960, will retire on June 30 and be succeeded by Michael Forrester as publisher and editor. Donald J. Budde, who has been advertising manager and business manager, will become general manager. Forrester has been with the newspaper for three years, coming from the Associated Press in Los Ange- les. As publisher, he will have responsibility for the newspaper’s operations. 75 years ago — 1946 The cruiser Astoria, long and gray, slid past the city whose name she bears this morning, but only early risers had a chance to see the battle-tested war- ship pass. The Astoria was bound for the Portland Rose Fes- tival. It is scheduled to return for a brief visit in Asto- ria. The Portland Rose Festival will be the city’s fi rst postwar festival. The world’s heavyweight wrestling cham- pion, Dory Funk Jr., will grapple with chal- lenger Lonnie Mayne at the Astoria Armory, according to Eugene matchmaker, Elton Owen, and Billy Welch, chairman of the Asto- ria Boxing and Wrestling Commission. A salmon is caught in the Pacifi c Ocean in 1971. BOISE — Idaho Gov. Cecil D. Andrus said Gov. Tom McCall won’t go home empty-handed from their salmon fi shing trip out of Astoria June 13. “I’m taking along a case of tuna for him — just in case,” Andrus said at a new conference. He said the fi shing trip grew out of complaints from Idaho sportsmen that steelhead and salmon runs from the mouth of the Columbia River to their upstream spawning grounds weren’t adequate this year. “So he invited me down to check the fi shing and the coast,” Andrus said. University and graduate students will be coming to the Tongue Point Job Corps Center this summer, as they have the past two sum- mers, for work and study programs. Dr. Dor- othy Burns made the announcement on Tues- day night at the community relations council meeting. A private fi rm has off ered to make a comprehensive study of the best land uses of the coastal and Columbia River sections of Clatsop County, the American Metal Climax Citizens’ Advisory Committee was told. The fi rm — not American Metal Climax — has reportedly off ered to make a land use study utilizing a Clatsop Community College students Erick Schneider and John Edwards stand with instructor Pat Keefe. The students hope to travel to NASA in Houston to participate with their remotely operated vehicle Seamonster in the 2011 Marine Advanced Technology Education Center’s international ROV competition. Acres of dead and dying rockfi sh were reported by a crew of a drag boat. The fi sher- men said that the fi sh were left by drag boats which had exceeded their 5,000 pound limit. Buyers refused to accept more that 5,000 pounds of rockfi sh per boat since operators lose money on rockfi sh fi llets. Once caught in a drag net, the rockfi sh is either killed or dies on the surface if released alive. It cannot sound to the bottom again because the bladder bursts or puff s out, mak- ing the fi sh buoyant. An appeal has been issued through the City Coun- cil to turn in all unused milk bottles to distributors in order to relieve the bottle shortage prevailing due to glass strikes. Manufacture of the bottles has been curtailed for some time and the local dealers are experiencing the shortage more each day. People play volleyball on the beach over Memorial Day weekend in 1971 near the Peter Iredale shipwreck. team of specialists. The person in charge of the American Metal Climax project in Warrenton said it will take four to six months to get the site ready for construction. H e would like the site work to start next April. Operation of the planned plant is scheduled for 1974. After 30 years of running to fi res, the Dodge truck which Astoria bought second- hand in 1916 and converted into a fi re truck, broke down for good on Memorial Day. It was a sad ending of the old fi re wagon. The fi refi ghters expected that some day the old truck would go to her last fi re but every fi refi ghter wanted her to die in action. Fire Chief Wayne Osterby said that the truck never went dead going to a fi re, even in old age. All her breakdowns occurred on the way home. The most deadly poison ever employed in exter- mination of rats at city dumps is being placed today in boxes at both the Astoria dump and the Warrenton dump by expert rat exterminator L.M. Cheney of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Buckley Vaughn, Astoria and Clatsop County sani- tarian, today warned that children might come in con- tact with the poison if they play around the dumps. The poison, known as formula 10-80, is placed in boxes which have a hole large enough for a rat to enter. The poison, while deadly, does not kill imme- diately. Vaughn said that particles of the poison could be carried out of the boxes by the rats. A mother, part of the American Gold Star Mothers for women who have lost sons in the military, lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the Ocean View Cemetery Memorial Day service in 1971. The public is too hasty in adopting fawns found this time of year in woods as pets, said Albert Gassner, local game offi cer of the Ore- gon State Police. Gassner explained there is a strict legal procedure for adopting these wild found- lings. It is unlawful to possess such pets with- out permits issued by the game commission. Delightful pets when they are young, the fawns become “problem children” and even- tually, nuisances about the home, Gassner said.