PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Ethan A. Long Rachel J. Long Sophia B. Long Kevin V. Loyola Alexander G. Marincovich Zaki C. McKay Michael A. Moore Krista K. Moss Erin N. Mullins Weston O. Murphy Abigayle R. Myers Gerry Newenhof Ci t y Lumber “We’re more than a lumber yard” Founded 1904 Your Project Headquarters Congrats to our very own Gerry Newenhof and the whole graduating class of 2021! 2142 Commercial, Astoria 325-4511 • 1-800-248-4511 ® 12 | CLASS OF 2021 ASTORIA HIGH SCHOOL FOLLOW US ON FOLLOW US ON Open Monday - Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm; Saturday 8 am to 5 pm; Sunday 9 am to 4 pm