A5 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021 OBITUARIES Irene Helen (Sutkowski) Hall Suzanne Margaret Louis Rancho Mirage, California June 29, 1926 — March 24, 2021 Seaside March 25, 1946 — May 3, 2021 Our beloved mother, Irene Helen Astoria, in the home Irene’s father, (Sutkowski) Hall, passed away Herman, and Bill built together; at her son’s home in Portland on adding on each time a new child March 24, 2021, at the age of 94. was born to the family. They ended Irene passed peacefully in her fam- up with a large house, built of love. ily’s arms before joining Bill in Their family was left with lov- heaven. ing memories of family gather- Many of Irene’s past birthdays ings and holidays, good friends, had been spent surrounded by fam- neighbors and many, many years ily and friends on the Nehalem of water skiing and camping trips. Irene Hall River, with camping, kayaking and Many of them were in the rain. watching her many family mem- Bill and Irene loved to dance at bers and friends enjoy the outdoors together. the Elks and, in the evenings, all around their Mom’s family was her passion. home. The couple traveled to many coun- She was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, tries; trips Bill earned as top salesman with on June 29, 1926, to Herman and Jennie Sut- State Farm. kowski. Irene was the third of their fi ve daugh- They logged many miles in their RV, trav- ters. The family moved to Astoria when she eling around the country. Many years were was 9, with a transfer of her father, a mill- spent together wintering in Palm Springs, wright, at Pillsbury Mills. California. As a young couple, they would Irene met and married Billy Hall during his love to sneak up to Clark’s Confectionery for military service in Astoria. They were married an occasional soda or a malt. Nov. 17, 1945. Much love and devotion went Irene’s contagious smile and wink of her into their 67-plus wonderful years together. eye will always be remembered by her chil- Irene worked in the home raising their children, dren, Sandee (Pat) Killion, Linda (Bill) Rice, while also fi lling the role of Bill’s secretary. Mike (Barb) Hall, Billy Hall Jr. and Lisa She was a devoted member of St. Mary, (Scott) Rygg. Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Astoria, St. Her 12 grandchildren, Chris, Jeff , Matt, Mary’s Cathedral in Portland and Sacred Heart Missy, Nick, Megan, Brooke, Ashley, Keeley, Catholic Church in Palm Desert, California. Tim, Andy and Kyle; 18 great-grandchildren, She volunteered with the PTA for many Sean, Kenny, Ryain, Bradey, Tanner, Madi- years, and was a den mother for Boy Scouts, son, Drew, Jackson, Natalie, Blake, Kason, along with being troop leader for the Brownies Tatum, Mikai, Ava, Ruby, Nora, Rainier and and Girl Scouts. McKinley; and two great-great-grandchil- Irene has lived with her son, Billy, in Ran- dren, Charlie and Macy. cho Mirage, California, and Portland since the Irene’s two sisters, Margaret Olsen and passing of Bill on Sept. 19, 2013. Billy gave Patsy Hudson; and several nieces, nephews her a beautiful life, and cared for her day in and and beloved friends. day out with such compassion and love. Irene was preceded in death by her hus- Irene’s neighbors in both homes looked for- band, Billy, and two older sisters, Lillian ward to seeing her out on her daily walks. They Hreha and Frannie Farris. were always rewarded by a smile and a wave. A rosary and memorial mass will be said for In the Pearl District of Portland, the shop own- Irene at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Portland at a later ers would come out their doors and give Irene a date. Irene was lovingly laid to rest beside Bill at high fi ve every lap she made around the block. Willamette National Cemetery in Portland. She was often seen pushing her walker We treasured and admired our mother for with a grandchild getting “a free ride.” Mom her love and kindness, granted to each and was known well in the many restaurants Billy every one of us. We were all blessed that God brought her to; her personality earned her VIP gave us the best mother and grandmother. care at each and every one of them. We will love you till the end of time: Bill and Irene raised their fi ve children in Mom and Dad — Grandma and Boompa. Suzanne Margaret Louis, 75, Suzanne had a green thumb of Seaside, was born March 25, and an eye for interior design. 1946, and passed away at home She loved cooking for her fam- on May 3, 2021, surrounded by ily and always had an extra seat at her loving family. her table for those who needed it. She married David Louis in Suzanne will be deeply missed by 1981, and they made their home everyone who had the privilege to know and love her. in Seaside, where they raised their Suzanne is preceded in death family. A true matriarch, she dedi- by her dear maternal grand- cated her life to her family, creating Suzanne Louis mother, Williah Smith, and sur- a home where people were loved vives through her beloved hus- and accepted unconditionally. She believed in complete authenticity, band, David; her four children, Scott, and always encouraged those around her to Todd, Christian and Meilyn; and her nine be their true selves. She off ered love and for- grandchildren, Brodie, Thea, Christian giveness easily, and was a guiding force to Jr., Ava, Odin, Alaric, Aram, Willo and Lilla. all who knew her. OBITUARY POLICY The Astorian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include a small photo and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no charge. The deadline for all obituaries is 9 a.m. the business day prior. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Death notices and upcoming services will be published at no charge. Notices must be submitted by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Obituaries and notices may be submitted online at DailyAstorian.com/forms/obits, by email at ewilson@dailyastorian.com, placed via the funeral home or in person at The Astorian offi ce, 949 Exchange St. in Astoria. For more information, call 503-325-3211, ext. 257. SEVENDAY FORECAST FOR ASTORIA TODAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY OREGON CAPITAL INSIDER We’re investing in Salem coverage when other news organizations are cutting back. Get the inside scoop on state government and politics! We’ve gone ABOVE & BEYOND to make sure you are COMFORTABLE & SAFE at your next dental visit. We have Infection Control Procedures in place for your safety & ours. ** In addition to a filtration system, external vacuum systems, air purifiers, and foggers, we have added negative pressure to all operatories. The safety and comfort of our patients has always been a priority at Klemp Family Dentistry. We are very proud of these innovations. Thank you for your continued confidence in all of us. Thank you Diamond Heating and JJ Electric Service LLC for completing our negative pressure system. Excellence in challenging conditions. Diane G. I saw the highest standard of health safety practices in effect during my hygienist appointment today—much higher precau- tions than I’d seen in a local hospital when having tests last month. The new sanitation equipment and attention to patient safety at Klemp Family Dentistry is in keeping with a dental practice I consider cutting edge with respect to all my dental needs. It’s wonderful having a world class dental practice here at the coast, one where I can have procedures performed for which I used to have to travel to a specialist in Portland. I have been a patient of several local dentists in the past, but none had the skill and, more importantly, the attention to patient comfort that Dr Klemp provides. KLEMP FAMILY DENTISTRY 1006 West Marine Drive, Astoria (503) 468-0116 www.klempfamilydentistry.com THURSDAY FRIDAY REGIONAL FORECAST Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Seattle 62 50 61 49 60 45 Sunny to partly Areas of low cloudy clouds 59 45 58 46 59 44 Mostly cloudy Showers aroundA chance of rainA chance of rain 60 47 Showers possible Aberdeen Olympia 63/48 75/52 Wenatchee Tacoma Moses Lake 75/47 ALMANAC UNDER THE SKY TODAY'S TIDES Astoria through Thursday Tonight’s Sky: The Milky Way ap- pears to be missing but is really along the surrounding horizon before midnight in May. Astoria / Port Docks Temperatures High/low ................................ 63/49 Normal high/low .................. 60/45 Record high .................. 89 in 1939 Record low .................... 33 in 1958 Precipitation Thursday ................................. 0.00” Month to date ........................ 0.39” Normal month to date ......... 1.53” Year to date .......................... 34.57” Normal year to date ........... 31.57” Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Source: Jim Todd, OMSI Sunrise today .................. 5:43 a.m. Sunset tonight ............... 8:42 p.m. Moonrise today .............. 8:13 a.m. Moonset today ...................... none Full Last High (ft.) Time Low (ft.) 3:14 a.m. 5:17 p.m. New 3:00 a.m. 4:49 p.m. 3:09 a.m. 5:03 p.m. Warrenton 3:09 a.m. 5:12 p.m. Knappa 3:51 a.m. 5:54 p.m. Depoe Bay May 19 May 26 June 2 June 10 8.1 10:36 a.m. -0.2 6.4 10:24 p.m. 3.5 Cape Disappointment Hammond SUN AND MOON First Time 2:10 a.m. 4:09 p.m. 7.9 9:48 a.m. -0.2 6.3 9:29 p.m. 4.0 8.2 10:06 a.m. -0.6 6.5 9:54 p.m. 3.6 8.6 10:20 a.m. -0.1 6.8 10:08 p.m. 3.6 8.4 11:37 a.m. -0.2 6.7 11:25 p.m. 3.0 7.9 9:19 a.m. -0.6 6.3 9:02 p.m. 3.8 City Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Honolulu Houston Los Angeles Miami New York City Phoenix San Francisco Wash., DC Sun. Hi/Lo/W 76/57/pc 73/58/pc 67/53/c 82/67/pc 65/50/t 84/72/sh 83/70/pc 70/59/pc 85/75/pc 74/55/pc 97/68/s 64/53/sh 75/55/pc 78/59/s 72/54/pc 73/54/pc 76/67/t 67/49/t 84/72/sh 81/71/t 63/60/sh 82/75/pc 72/54/pc 91/67/s 66/53/pc 72/57/pc Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. 84/53 Hermiston The Dalles 90/51 Enterprise Pendleton 73/43 84/51 89/54 La Grande 78/44 82/50 NATIONAL CITIES Today Hi/Lo/W 78/50 Kennewick Walla Walla 82/54 Lewiston 90/50 79/48 Salem Pullman 87/50 Longview 62/50 Portland 81/53 80/52 Yakima 90/50 77/48 Astoria Spokane 84/56 Corvallis 79/46 Albany 81/47 John Day Eugene Bend 80/47 78/47 77/44 Ontario 86/54 Caldwell Burns 78/41 84/49 Medford 85/51 Klamath Falls 77/41 City Baker City Brookings Ilwaco Newberg Newport Today Hi/Lo/W 78/39/s 66/51/s 60/51/s 82/48/s 57/45/s Sun. Hi/Lo/W 82/42/s 67/49/s 59/48/c 83/49/s 58/45/pc City North Bend Roseburg Seaside Springfi eld Vancouver Today Hi/Lo/W 59/48/s 82/51/s 61/50/s 83/46/s 82/51/s Sun. Hi/Lo/W 60/48/s 84/51/s 61/47/c 85/48/s 82/51/s